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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2003

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of May 14, 2003 was called to order at 7:08 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Helen Smith, Malcolm Taggart, Pat Shaw and Mike Larsen.
Absent was Pam Blackburn. Approximately 9 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Chair Taggart adopted agenda as posted.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Helen Smith read minutes of the April 2003 meeting.

Motion # 1.
Motion by Helen Smith to accept minutes with spelling corrections.
Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 1 Carried.

4. Discussions of LARC Lot extension application for Wallace, Lot 118A Judas creek Drive.

This is the second lot extension application for this lot and owner.

Motion # 2.
by Helen Smith to reply to LARC stating that Council is opposed to granting this application. There is opposition by residents of the area, and in the first application Council stated that this area has a power line cutting through it, with an access to the cross-country ski trails beneath the power line. The owner of Lot 118A has already received one lot extension, which doubled the size of her lot, making it as large as other permanent residential lots in the area. Council and neighbouring residents do not feel this is an appropriate area for development, as it has value to the community as greenbelt and access trail.

Second by Pat Shaw.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

Motion # 3.
by Helen Smith to write a letter to LARC requesting clarification of lot extension regulations. Ask specifically if a residential lot increase can more than double the size of an existing lot, if an owner can apply for more than one successful lot extension, or if regulations are limited to per lot and not per owner.
Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

5.Treasurer’s Report.

The 2003 Operating Budget was presented by Treasurer Helen Smith.
Revenue: (YTG Operating Grant)- $11,000. Expenditures: Office & Services - $4,950. Honoraria - 3,000. Meeting Exp. - 400. Misc: Prof fees - 650. Elections 500. Newsletter- 500. AYC membership /travel- 1,000. Motion # 4.
Motion by Mike Larsen to accept Budget for 2003.
Second by Pat Shaw.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

Motion # 5.
by Pat Shaw that the Treasurer will put together the bookkeeping numbers for 2002 to be taken to the accountant for the required review.
Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 5 carried.

6. Report From Chair and Correspondence.

An announcement from Mr. Perry Savoie that the next motorized boat course will be June 7, 2003. For info contact Mr. Savoie.

Correspondence: Sent:
1. A reply to LARC for the Pettifor commercial application in Army Beach, stating that the Council is taking the same position as with the previous application for the same area.
2. A letter went to George Stetkiewicz of Community Planning stating minimum concerns for Land Use Planning.
3. A letter of support to the Marsh Lake Community Society for a feasibility study for a community centre.
1. From LARC, a copy of the decision on the Menzel commercial application in Judas Creek which was denied.
2. From Mike McArthur at Transportation Maintenance, a copy of the new Highway Signs Act.
3. From LARC, a copy of the decisions on the Vreim application for a lot extension in Army beach, and a copy of the decision on the Larsen lot extension application in New Constabulary. Both were “Approved in Principal”.
4. A copy of the Marsh Lake LAC Boundaries Map from YTG.
5. Received a copy of a lot extension application for Ekdahl, Sawmill Road, Yukon River Bridge.

Motion # 6.
by Helen Smith to respond to Lands Administration saying despite the Post Office address of residents living along the Sawmill Road being Marsh Lake, the residents are within the Golden Horn Local Advisory area. Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion #6 Carried.

6. Received a copy of LARC application for a water lot/ boat dock for Metcalfe, Lot 28, Army Beach. This application is to be added to the June agenda for discussion.
7. Received an acknowledgement from Larry Bagnell after receiving Council’s letter concerning the lack of High Speed Internet access in Old Constabulary.
8. From Yukon Energy Mines and Resources, a copy of NWTel’s application to install fibre optic cable from Doehle Drive, Judas Creek to Teslin and Ten Mile Creek Campground.

Motion # 7.
by Helen Smith to reply to Marg White at Energy Mines and Resources, stating that the deadline for comments on this application was May 6th, which didn’t allow Council time to discuss the application at the monthly meeting. In general Council has no problems with NWTel’s application to lay cable in Marsh Lake, but would have liked to be able to respond before the stated deadline.
Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 7 Carried.

Report from Chair:

Chair Taggart reported that he met with Paul Flaherty and John Mercier of NWTel to discuss the issues of High Speed Internet in Old Constabulary and Extended Local Calling area for Marsh Lake.
HSI is not part of the basic service funded by Connect Yukon, and therefore is not subsidized to do so. A remote switch would be required at a cost of $75,000. to connect Old Constabulary and NWTel is not prepared to make this investment. YTG is reviewing its options to provide HSI funding.

Motion # 8.
by Mike Larsen to write to Dennis Fentie urging him to seek funding to fill the HSI gap in Old Constabulary. Second by Pat Shaw.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 8 Carried.

With the CRTC's approval, NWTel will apply for Extended Local Area Service for Marsh Lake, but the revenue they are giving up must be made up elsewhere.
Currently NWTel estimates there are 370,000 minutes per year from Marsh Lake to Whitehorse, and 340,000 min per year Whitehorse to Marsh Lake.
Options are: 1. equal sharing of lost revenue between Marsh Lake and Whitehorse subscribers at 66c per phone line per month.
2. Marsh Lake alone covers lost revenue at $33.65 per line per month.
3.Marsh Lake pays only its share, at $15/ month and Whitehorse pays it’s share at 42¢ per month.
Other areas that can be included in Extended Local Area Service are Carcross and Tagish, but it would be more expensive if all communities were done at once.
CRTC may issue a public notice, and the process will probably take 2 to 4 months.

Motion # 9.
by Helen Smith to invite NWTel to send a representative to the next LAC meeting in June. Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 9 Carried.

7. New Business and Question Period.

An election is pending for the LAC in October 2003. Marg Dunn has volunteered to make a Voter’s List in preparation for the election.

Motion # 10.
by Mike Larsen to accept Marg Dunn’s offer and request her to create the Voter’s List. Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 10 Carried.

Mr. Ken Rombough and Florian Kessler of Carcross presented a petition and expressed their concerns over the future of the Carcross airport. The threat of closure will affect their businesses and plans to further general aviation at the Carcross airport.

9. Adjournment.

Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 9:27 pm.

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