1. Call Meeting To Order. The Regular Meeting of May 11, 2005 was called to order at 7:09 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Helen Smith, Malcolm Taggart and Perry Savoie. Absent were Mike Larsen and Pat Shaw. Approximately 7 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion THAT the agenda be adopted as posted. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the April 13 meeting were read. Motion # 2. Motion THAT the minutes be accepted as read. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 4. Report From the Chair & Correspondence. Correspondence: Sent an invitation via email to Todd Pilgrim at Energy Mines & Resources inviting him to attend the next meeting and discuss a policy for firewood permits within Recreational Leases at Marsh Lake. No reply had been received. Sent a thank you to Community Services for their donation of land and continued support of the Marsh Lake Recycling depot. Received: LARC agendas for June 8 & 9. Received an invitation from Jim Kenyon, Minister of Economic Development, to attend the “Unleashing the Economic Potential of Rural Yukon” symposium on May 17. Chair Taggart agreed to phone and arrange to send one person, himself, to the symposium. Received a copy of the Special Marsh Lake Newsletter on wildfire. Received a mailer on the Yukon Substance Abuse Summit taking place June 6. Perry Savoie tentatively agreed to try to attend. Motion # 3. Motion THAT Perry Savoie be appointed Council's representative to attend the Substance Abuse Summit. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Malcolm Taggart. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. Received a mailer from Yukon Workers Comp on “Working Together on Prevention”. Received a copy of the Yukon Ag Branch Infarmation newsletter. Chair Taggart reminded everyone present that the Dept of Forestry had already set the fire warnings at extreme. 5. Committee Reports. Marsh Lake Solid Waste Management Society: Gloria Johnson reported that construction of the Recycling Depot at the garbage dump was beginning on the next weekend and requested that any volunteers who wished to spend a few hours helping with construction of the sheds was welcome. Association of Yukon Communities: Perry Savoie reported that Council was unable to send a representative to the AGM in Faro, which would be taking place in May. 6. Old Business. Judas Creek Wetlands signage project: Helen Smith reported that the permanent sign had been completed and would be put up the next weekend. Drinking water well for North Marsh Lake: Perry Savoie reported that Gartner Lee had completed their study and submitted it to the Yukon Government. Although Government is being directed to apply to the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, there are a number of other avenues for funding to be looked at. Also being looked at is the existing well in Army Beach and the possibility of finding a way of lowering the arsenic levels and making the water potable. Any housing for a new well is also to include space for the parking of a pumper truck. This is not meant to be an entire new Firehall as some rumours have suggested. Rural Roads Upgrade Program: Resident Keith Kendall reported that the application forms for improvements to the intersection at Relic Road and Judas Creek Drive have been sent to the Yukon Government. 7. New Business and Question Period. New Horizons for Seniors Programs: Perry Savoie brought information on this program to the meeting. Since Marsh Lake's population has a fair percentage of seniors the community could benefit from this program. Marg Dunn stated that she had attended a meeting for the program and found the funding was meant for single, one time funding projects: i.e.: steps into a public swimming pool. Any projects must be maintained by the community. Garbage Dump: Don Ford brought the rough draft of a flyer he is creating for the garbage dump. “Sorting, Segregating & Separating” Ford spoke about ongoing problems with dump users who do not separate their garbage, and especially those who continue to throw hazardous waste such as propane tanks into the burn pit and continue to use firearms at the garbage dump, shooting into public areas. These are serious safety issues for dump workers and users alike. Everyone is at risk. A serious fire or explosion could happen at any time. Chair Taggart stated that the Council's position is to move toward a no-burn dump. Ford agreed that if garbage were separated properly more of it could be recycled. Ford also suggested that he would be keeping a logbook of offenders. He would like to take pictures of dump users unloading garbage into the wrong areas of the dump. He believes that 40% of current users comply with separating their garbage but the others will dump domestic garbage in the metals or the brush pile or place hazardous waste in the burn pit. Perry Savoie stated that the Yukon Government and the Marsh Lake Council would have a responsibility to get involved, but that he felt there should be a procedure for creating this information flyer. Ford replied that he is creating this flyer as a private resident and not as a Yukon Government project. He wanted feedback on the draft of his flyer from individuals but not from the Council. Drainage of Wetlands at Army Beach: Perry Savoie reported that a number of residents of Army Beach have become concerned about how the marsh at the end of Army Beach has, because of development, become corralled and redirected. The water level is getting higher and creeping up onto the road. Mosquitoes are an increasing problem. It may need engineers to look at ways of redirecting the spring drainage. Savoie agreed to consult with residents for general thinking and give ideas of a direction for Council to take on the issue. Extended Local Calling Area for Marsh Lake: A resident extended a thank you for the Council's assistance in obtaining local telephone calling to Whitehorse. Marg Dunn announced that High Speed Internet is now available to the residents of Old Constabulary Marg Dunn also announce the Firehall is requesting volunteers for the upcoming Highway Cleanup Saturday from 9:30 am to 12 Noon. 8. Adjournment. Motion # 4. Motion THAT the meeting be adjourned. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm. |