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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

November 15, 2000

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm

Councilors present: Malcolm Taggart, Pat Rouble, Pam Blackburn, AndyTownsend, Helen Smith

Motion #1

Helen Smith made a motion to nominate Malcolm Taggart as Chair
2nd by Pat Rouble
Carried by all

Motion #2

Pam Blackburn made a motion to nominate Helen Smith as Secretary/Treasure
2nd by Andy Townsend
Carried by all

Adopt Terms of Reference

Andy Townsend asked about last paragraph of the Terms of Reference, asked for clarification on the Carcross Tagish First Nations protocol.
Malcolm Taggart explained the protocol process in place with the Carcross Tagish First Nations.

Motion #3

Pat Rouble made a motion to adopt the Terms of Reference
2nd by Pam Blackburn
Carried by all

Adopt Operating Policy

What day should we hold regular meetings?
It was agreed that meetings would be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Firehall.
Discussion continued on the operating policy regarding Public input. Questions were asked by Helen Smith, Pat Rouble and Andy Townsend regarding the procedure on Agenda Matters. Shelia O'Hanlon suggested that motions would not be made during question period.

Motion #4

Motion was made by Andy Townsend to adopt the Operating Policy
2nd by Pat Rouble
Carried by all

Council Contact

Motion #5

Helen Smith made a motion to procure a mail box at the Carcross cut-off.
2nd by Pam Blackburn
Carried by all

Helen Smith will contact Malcolm Taggart tomorrow to sign box card.
This address will be forwarded to Sheila O'Hanlon's Department.
Mike Larsen offered to look into an e-mail address for the LAC.
Mike Larsen suggested a voice mail box for the LAC.
Helen Smith will look into the cost.
Mike Larsen also suggested that he could add the minutes to the Marsh Lake Web Site.
Shelia O'Hanlon suggested that when and if we were to post minutes that they are noted as a draft since they will not be adopted till the next meeting.
Discussion continued on whether or not to post the minutes on the web page or post on signboards.
Andy Townsend suggested posting signs at the Yukon River Bridge to inform the residents in his ward.
Marg Dunn suggested minutes be available on the web page.
Malcolm Taggart felt we are committed to posting the Agenda on sign boards but not the minutes, unless the community requests it.

Malcolm Taggart asked Sheila O'Hanlon to speak on Funding

YTG has a budget for the fiscal year ending on March 31st 2001. This budget is pro-rated for the year 2000/2001 for a total of $4,350.00 Prior to the release of funds a budget is required. The LAC must indicate where the monies will go by a financial statement. Funds are released fairly rapidly as soon as the bank account is opened.
$9,000.00 per year is normally what a LAC would be allotted. A budget is required before the funds will be released for the following year 2001/2002. Monies may be used for election purposes, rental of building for meetings, training opportunities for councilors. No assets may be bought i.e. a computer.
Monies may be carried from year to year.
Sheila O'Hanlon will bring us sample copies of budgets for the council to view.
Sheila O'Hanlon would be more then willing to work on the budgeting plan with the councilors.
Malcolm Taggart suggested setting up a bank account at the Bank of Montreal.
Who will the signatories be on the cheques and how many are required? This was asked by the councilors.
A suggestion was made by Marg Dunn that 3 people will have signing authority, 2 signatures would be required for each cheque.
Helen Smith and Malcolm Taggart will look into setting up the bank account tomorrow.

Sheila O'Hanlon informed the Councilors about the funds available to the LAC from the Sports and Recreation Branch of YTG.

Motion #6

Helen Smith made a motion to send a letter to Community and Transportation asking if the Marsh Lake LAC would be the Local Authority for funding for Sports and Recreation, and request a meeting with the director of Sports and Recreation to address any questions from the council.
2nd by Andy Townsend
Discussion followed as to other local authorities, possibility of the community club working together with the LAC. Concerns were brought forward by Pat Rouble to get more information about the funding available from the Sport and Recreation Department and the process involved.
Carried by all

Motion #7

Pat Rouble made a motion to send a letter to introduce us to the Carcross Tagish First Nations in order to establish a protocol.
2nd by Pam
Discussion followed with a question by Pat Rouble asking if we should send a letter to Kwanlin Dun First Nations as well. Malcolm Taggart suggested only a letter of introduction would be necessary.

Carried by all

Motion #8

Pat Rouble made a motion to send a letter of introduction to the Kwanlin Dun First Nations.
2nd by Pam Blackburn
Carried by all

New Business

Donna Larsen asked with all the break-ins if we could ask the RCMP to come out to a meeting and discuss our concerns.
C&TS would like to speak to the LAC about the McClintock Bridge upgrade.
Canada Post has contacted the LAC to speak about the closure of Wood Street Delivery and the future plans.
The Marsh Lake Community Club would like to be a delegate at the next meeting.
Malcolm Taggart suggested these items might be put on the next agenda.
Malcolm Taggart moved to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm

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