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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

November 13, 2002

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of November 13, 2002 was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Malcolm Taggart, and Patrick Rouble. Absent was Pat Shaw.
Approximately 16 observers.

2. Amendments To Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion by Helen Smith to drop the discussion of the Campion lot extension from the agenda.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: Unanimous.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the October 9, 2002 meeting were read by Gloria Johnson.

Motion # 2.
Motion by Helen Smith to accept the minutes with the following amendments. Change wording in motion #3 from “not dispose of” to “defer these decisions”. Change wording in motion #5 from “no opposition” to “one unsure”. Change wording from “Certified Auditor” to “professional accountant”.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

4.Army Beach Lot Enlargements – Discussion of LARC recommendation that applicants be responsible for signs & riprap rock.

Applicants for lot enlargements at Army Beach have been informed by LARC that they will be responsible for the cost of public signage to mark the public accesses to the beach on the public land between lots and the new lot extensions. They will also be responsible for rock used to shore up the land at the high water mark in front of properties and accesses, and may be responsible for stairs to the beach.

Motion # 3.
Motion by Helen Smith to write a letter to LARC asking for clarification on the request. Does YTG mean rip rap rock or large boulders. Since these accesses are for the public from Whitehorse as well as Marsh Lake, should YTG not be responsible for signage, or public stairs? Council does not see adjoining lots as being responsible for public services when Marsh Lake residents contribute tax dollars for such services. Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

A copy of this letter will be forwarded to the new MLA for Southern Lakes.

5. Discussion of Lot Enlargement Application for Scheu and Willms, Lot 68, New Constabulary.

This application includes an extension of land between the property and existing road plus a small section of land which has the septic field overlapping. Councillor for Ward 2 found 1 neighbour in support and 1 neighbour in opposition to this application.

Motion # 4.

Motion by Helen Smith to write an email letter to LARC stating that council has no opposition to this application. Council finds that this is a straight forward and reasonable request, but acknowledges that there is opposition by one neighbour.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

6. Discussion of Bridgehead Reserve Application, Km 12, M'Clintock Valley Road.

The bridgehead reserve application is for an area where the Mitchie Creek crosses the M'Clintock Valley Road. Here the road is undeveloped and only a trail. Although this application is outside the Marsh Lake Local Advisory Council's area, any development will effect the residents oalong the M'Clintock Valley Road. Residents have strong reservations about extending the developed road past trail's end, and are concerned about the impact development could have on the M'Clintock Valley community. Is there an intended development in the area and if so is it long term or immediate? Environmental concerns need to be addressed, such as water quality and the creek being a salmon spawning area.

Motion # 5.

Motion by Helen Smith to write a letter to Noreen Osbourne of Land Branch, Indian and Northern Development Canada, requesting more information. Council would like to have a definition for a bridgehead reserve. Is this reserve a part of land claims? Should this application proceed before the Marsh Lake Land Use Plan is completed?
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote:.4 in favour.
Motion # 5 carried.

A copy of this letter will be forwarded to Kwanlin Dun First Nation and to MLA Southern Lakes.

5. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence.

Correspondence: Received-
-The LAC received a package of readdressed mail from LARC, containing old business. Also received an official request to update the LARC address labels.
-received a copy of the Devolution Transition Implementation for Joint FeTLAC/LARC Meetings, and their Terms Of Reference.
-received a copy of a DIAND application for a micro Hydro Project on the Sawmill Road. This area is outside the Marsh Lake LAC area, and the application was not on the agenda for discussion.
-received a copy of the LARC minutes from September 12, which dealt with the deferred Army Beach lot extension applications and copies of the recommendations sent to each applicant. Includes: Tuton lot 65, Taylor lot 15, Savoie lot 19-2, Loutchan & Morgan lot 20, Pettifor lot 32, Gorrell lot 17, Watson lot 16, Anton lot 26, Schiffkorn-Kuehman lot 25, and Blonde lot 14.
-also received from LARC minutes and recommendations for Firth lot 1012 South M'Clintock, Watt lots 52, 53 & 54 M'Clintock Place and Vreim lot 48 Army Beach.
Sent: Email letters to LARC concerning last month's discussions on lot extension applications for Vreim, Andre/Adams and the commercial application for Pettifor.

6. New Business.

NorthwesTel had an open house at Inn on the Lake on November 12 to offer High Speed Internet access to Judas Creek and New Constabulary.

Km sign posts have been replaced along the Highway, giving new numbers that are approximately 50 km less than the previous signs. The old sign posts were seen in the Marsh Lake dump.

Patrick Rouble, who will be departing the Marsh Lake LAC as a Councillor for Ward 2 and Treasurer, gave an update on his progress with the LAC's financial review. The lowest quote for this review was between $500 & $600. with the next quote double that amount. Rouble will arrange to have the review done before his resignation from Council on November 29th.

Motion # 6.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to make an official Thank You in the minutes to Patrick Rouble for serving the past 2 years as Councillor for Ward 2 and Treasurer of the LAC. He will be sworn in as the MLA for Southern Lakes on November 30th.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 3 in favour with 1 abstaining.
Motion #6 Carried.

After a short discussion it was decided that Helen Smith would step in as acting Treasurer after Rouble's resignation on November 29th.

Motion # 7.
Motion by Helen Smith to hire Ms. Marg Dunn as returning officer on November 30th for the by-election to be held in Ward 2.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 7 Carried.

Chair Taggart made the announcement that there will be a second Marsh Lake Land Use Planning Public Meeting on Saturday November 16 from Noon to 4PM. This is for the purpose of mapping and information gathering. The steering committee will be meeting the week after this to go on to the next stage.

7. Adjournment.

Motion # 8.
Motion by Malcolm Taggart to adjourn the meeting.
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Vote: All in favour.
Motion # 8 Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

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