1. Call Meeting To Order. The Regular Meeting of November 10, 2004 was called to order at 7:02 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Malcolm Taggart, Mike Larsen and Helen Smith. Absent were Pat Shaw and Perry Savoie. Approximately 4 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion THAT the agenda be adopted as posted. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the September 8 and October 10 meetings were presented. Motion # 2. Motion THAT the minutes for the September 8, 2004 meeting be accepted as presented. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. Motion # 3. Motion THAT the minutes for the October 10, 2004 meeting be accepted as presented. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. 4. Guest Speakers from Association of Yukon Communities. AYC President Doug Graham introduced the AYC's new Executive Director Tom Paterson. They spoke on AYC's priorities, including the big issue of infrastructure funding distribution and the question of the amount of funding the LAC's and unincorporated communities are to receive. Input from all communities is requested and AYC is looking for a member from an LAC to sit on a panel. President Graham reminded Council of the importance of attending the December AYC meeting in Whitehorse and announced the AGM will be in Faro in spring 2005. Graham reminded Council that AYC is a resource for all communities in Yukon. Chair Taggart stated that Council appreciates AYC's support of LAC's and their issues and thanked Graham and Paterson for attending the meeting. 5. Discussion of LARC applications: a. McKinnon, Lot #1103-1 Old Constabulary, Water Lot. Discussion of this application would be deferred until a future meeting in order to clarify what a water lot legally gives to a property owner. b. Land Use Permit Application for Yukon Electrical for power line to Lot 1099, Judas Creek & Alaska Highway. Chair Taggart passed on responding to this application since the Council had already responded to the Snider's application for the same with no objection, and the deadline for the Yukon Electrical application responses had already passed. 6. Report From the Chair & Correspondence. Correspondence: Correspondence was sent as per last month's motions. Received LARC agendas for November and December. Received a copy of the meeting minutes from the Fischer application for a lot extension in Judas Creek. Received a LARC application for Middlebrook/Yuelet on Bayview Road to be added to a future agenda. Received a new rural / residential application for an area across the highway from Grayling Place. It was decided to write a letter to Bryony McIntyre at LARC asking why new applications are being accepted before the Marsh Lake Land Use Plan is completed. Residents have made it clear to Council that they would prefer any new developments to go to lottery after a LUP is in place. Residents are being patient waiting for the Land Use Plan committee to include the KDFN and the CTFN, and sporadic staking of new lots is unacceptable to residents and Council alike. Motion # 4. Motion THAT a letter be written to Bryony McIntyre with the above points on sporadic spot applications for new developments. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. 7. Committee Reports. Marsh Lake Solid Waste Management Society reported on an application Raven Recycling has sent to EcoAction, for funding for an education campaign to inform Yukoners of the health and environmental hazards of burning solid waste. They have requested a letter of support for their application. Motion # 5. Motion THAT a letter of support be sent to Raven Recycling for EcoAction funding. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 5 carried. 8. Old Business. House Numbering Update: A few items were remaining for clarification. Yukon Government was requesting the name for a small road off Solitude Drive in New Constabulary. They confirmed that there would be no lot numbers assigned to Armstrong Drive, despite the number of houses with driveways through the greenbelt and accesses from that road. Concerns about confusion on how to access these properties by emergency response services continued. For Judas Creek the Planning Office has agreed to number the houses beginning at the intersection with Doehle Drive, which is the accepted direction for house numbering in the neighbourhood. They will not rename the Old Sawmill Road, and will leave it as an extension of Judas Creek Drive. Community Well for North Marsh Lake: Perry Savoie sent a report that YTG has contracted Gartner Lee Limited to look at site feasibility for a well somewhere in the north end of the Council area. Old Constabulary Road Upgrade: Marg Dunn reported that the construction for the road upgrade was nearing completion with any remaining work to be finished in the spring. 9. New Business and Question Period. Some concern was raised about the recent frequency and length of power failures caused by windstorms and trees on power lines. Mike Larsen explained that Yukon Electrical has minimum standards set, which dictate the distance the clearance will be. However, trees on private property have different standards, and are often the cause of neighbourhoods being blacked out. 10. Adjournment. Motion # 6. Motion THAT the meeting be adjourned. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion #6 Carried. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:47 pm. |