1. Call To Order. The Regular Meeting of November 12, 2008 was called to order at 7:06 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Perry Savoie, Michael Vernon and Malcolm Taggart. Absent were Helen Smith and Peter Heebink. Approximately 3 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion THAT the agenda is adopted with the amendment to change item 4.a. to a Discussion. Moved by Michael Vernon, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: Unanimous. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the October 8, 2008 meeting were read. Motion # 2. Motion THAT the minutes be accepted with one amendment to item 8. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Michael Vernon. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 4.a. Discussion Concerning Possible proposal for Senior’s Housing in Marsh Lake. Chair Taggart was approached by Mike Craigen to discuss starting the long process of a senior’s housing development at Marsh Lake. Marg Dunn has already done a great deal of research and it would be suggested that Craigen contact her for more information. Council discussed the proposal and agreed to respond to Craigen’s letter stating that there is broad support in principal for such a project and that the following points would have to be researched. 1. That a committee may also find support within the community for an assisted living program, which would allow seniors to remain in their own homes. 2. Many Marsh Lake seniors could be shut out of a subsidised program since they would not qualify for the subsidised housing after selling their Marsh Lake homes. Motion # 3. Motion THAT a response is sent to Mike Craigen stating Council’s support along with the above points. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Michael Vernon. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. 4.b. Discussion of Lot Extension Applications for Lot 1 & 17, Solitude Drive. These are side-by-side lots. Both applications are to extend into the green belt behind their properties. Motion # 4. Motion THAT Council reply to Lands Branch stating that Council has no opposition as long as consideration is kept for the easement between the properties. Moved by Michael Vernon, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 3 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. 5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence. Correspondence: Marg Dunn received a reply from Lands Branch, which has returned the spot land application to Lutz & Isaac stating that no spot applications will be accepted until the Land Use Plan for the area is completed. Received a copy of letter of approval for Dekuysscher lot extension. Chair Taggart received a call from MLA Rouble passing on information that Latitude Wireless would be putting in a cell phone tower to cover reception in the Army Beach area. However, the impending removal of the dish at Tagish by a different service provider could possibly effect reception in Judas Creek and New Constabulary. 6. Committee Reports. AYC: Perry Savoie reported that he would be attending the December AYC meeting in Whitehorse. He has also attended the meeting of the Municipal Governance Committee. The issues of policy versus regulation were of interest to the Council and the information that municipalities were able to deal directly with ministers, whereas Advisory Councils deal with directors within the department. A stronger position for Councils with Community Services would give LAC’s more of a voice when dealing with issues like land applications. FireSmart: Residents in Judas Creek were questioning whether any fuelwood from the area in south Judas Creek that is being FireSmarted would be available to residents. Savoie suggested that the group contracted to do the FireSmart might have the fuelwood built into their contract, which would leave none for residents. Savoie agreed to check into the issue. Community Society: Greg Newman reported on recent activities. The rink is being flooded and Tyler Wynnyk has been given the contract to clear snow from the rink. Jordan Howse has been hired as the new Youth Coordinator. Plans are going ahead for the Snow Ball on December 13th and the Children’s party on December 20th. Solid Waste Management Society: Gloria Lommerse reported that Clay Peacock and Caitlin Moorcroft had resigned and the society has hired two new employees, Blair Hart will work full time and Darren Thompson will work part time and relief. They would be attending a Recycling Depot conference on November 28 & 29. A shelter had been constructed for cardboard to keep it out of the wet rain and snow and the free store extension was helping to keep the yard tidier than previous seasons. Concerns about signage to help users find areas to place items were still being brought up and it was requested the society look into the issue. EMO Committee: Nil report. 7. Old Business. No old business. 8. New Business and Question Period. No new business. 9. Adjournment. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m. |