1. Call Meeting To Order. The Regular Meeting of October 10, 2001 was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Secretary Helen Smith, Chair Malcolm Taggart, Treasurer Patrick Rouble and Andy Townsend. Absent was Pam Blackburn. Approximately 12 observers. 2. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the September 12 meeting were read by Secretary Helen Smith. Motion # 1 Motion by Andy Townsend to accept the minutes with the following amendments. Correct date at head of minutes. Rephrase to "we cannot offer response" and rephrase motion 5 to "will be in the process" and "would rather not support". Correct spelling of Talmark. Second by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 1 Carried. 1B. Amendments To Agenda. Motion # 2. Motion by Helen Smith to amend the agenda to include Report from the Treasurer. Second by Andy Townsend. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 3A. Report From the Treasurer. Treasurer Patrick Rouble reported that the LAC is on budget. There is still a surplus for the Judas Creek Wetlands signage, which is yet to be made. 3B. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence. Correspondence: Sent- -The LAC sent a letter to Paul Heynen of Universal Ent. Whitehorse about receiving info on a dog control program. -Also sent a letter to Ken Hodgins of C&TS requesting to receive info on Community Dog Control Programs. -The LAC sent a letter to Pam Buckway of C&TS to follow up on our letter about house numbers throughout Marsh Lake that was sent in May, and no reply has been received. -Also sent another letter to Pam Buckway in reply to her Highway Rest Stops letter, urging her department to reconsider not putting garbage cans and outhouses at the boat ramps. -The LAC sent a letter to Randy Lamb of ALARC in response to Agricultural Application #733, stating the LAC would rather not support any ag leases until a land use plan is in place for Marsh Lake. -A letter was sent to Judge Harry Maddison of the Electoral Boundaries Commission, to reiterate suggestions made in our original letter, plus asking that the LAC not be split between two ridings. -The LAC sent a letter to Phil Wintemute of Connect Yukon about internet high speed access to Marsh Lake and when to expect it to be hooked up. -A letter was sent to Marjorie Fraser of Land Resources DIAND asking for information about land leases within the LAC boundaries. It was noted by Helen Smith that the structure going up across from the south entrance to Judas Creek is part of a trap line and not a land lease. John Baufeld also presented a letter to ALARC opposing agricultural lease #733 because of it's proximity to his trap line. Received: -received a mailer from John Cormie of YTG Renewal project. -received a mailer from Paul Bubelis of the Sustainability Network about a workshop. -received a letter from LARC with a copy of minutes from the meeting in which they discussed the lot enlargement application for Wallace at #118 Judas Creek. Chair Taggart announced that Canada Post has keys ready for pick up to the new Marsh Lake boxes. Mail should begin to be delivered on October 15. Chair Taggart reported on the October 2nd public meeting with Constable Shawn LeMay of the RCMP, urging reactivation of Neighbourhood Watch in the Marsh Lake area. 4. Discussion Of Completed Highway Roadwork. Since no one from Highways was able to attend this meeting, comments were taken from residents attending. Substandard road work resulting in rough surface and pot holes are already appearing. We cannot expect to get 5 to 7 years life originally planned for this section of highway, so we should ask Highways to budget to replace it with pavement as soon as possible. Motion # 3. Motion by Patrick Rouble, to write a letter to Transportation Maintenance expressing dissatisfaction with the quality of chip seal in the 9 km section of highway. Also, we should ask what plans they have to repair and or resurface the highway. A request will be made that they budget to replace it with pavement. Cc's will be sent to Pam Buckway and Cynthia Tucker. Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. 5. Lot Enlargement Application: Collon, Lot 21, Judas Creek Subdivision. Councillor for Judas Creek, Helen Smith, still has to contact more of the neighbours around Lot #21 for comments. Discussion should therefore be deferred until next meeting. Deadline for comment on this application is in December. Motion # 4. Motion by Andy Townsend to defer discussion of above lot enlargement until next meeting. Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. 6. Discussion: Should the LAC begin the process of a Land Use Plan covering the Marsh Lake area? Chair Taggart began the discussion by stating that the LAC was formed because of random agricultural leases and lot extensions being granted throughout the Marsh Lake area, with minimal public consultation. He also pointed out that a land use plan for an area like Marsh Lake will be a long process, up to 5 years. Comments were taken from the Councillors present. Ward 5 Councillor Andy Townsend: Worries about homogenization of areas, when each subdivision has it's own identity. Must all wards participate or only those interested? Plans made now for a subdivision may be obsolete in a few years. There should be a mechanism for review. Ward 2 Councillor Patrick Rouble: In favour of land use planning. Will give certainty & comfort to residents, by keeping things the way they like them. Can address commercial, industrial and residential needs. Bring levels of opportunity not present now. Ward 1 Councillor Helen Smith: In favour of community planning by the residents. The original residents moved here because they wanted freedom. We need to be careful that recommendations made now are allowed to change in the future. Ward 3 Councillor Malcolm Taggart: Agrees with making a land use plan. Benefits are that A: Zoning made now can be changed in the future, B: Residents will know when changes are applied for, and C: A motion can be made that a review period can occur every 5 to 7 years to alter status if residents choose. Comments from residents present at the meeting were: That residents have applied for commercial areas in the past, only to be turned down. It was also noted that residents opposed to planning can choose a plan that marks an area as a "free zone". Motion # 5. Motion by Patrick Rouble to write a letter to YTG to begin the process of a land use plan for the entire LAC area. Also to request C&TS budget for this process. Second by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 5 carried. 7. New Business. It was brought to the attention of the LAC that when residents of M'Clintock River Road approached Lands Branch for information about the 19 hectare development on the River Road, they were told the LAC had all the information about it. However, the only info the LAC has received is notification that a conceptual map was being created. Motion # 6. Motion by Andy Townsend to write a letter to Brian Ritchie asking for the status of the development and info on how it will effect the agricultural lease holders in the area. Second by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion #6 Carried. Donna Larsen of the MLCC summarized their project, the planning of a playground in New Constabulary. An application for funding is being given to Lotteries Yukon and the MLCC would like the LAC to write a letter of support for the project. Motion # 7. Motion by Patrick Rouble to write a letter to Lotteries Yukon stating that the LAC gives general support for development of a plan for construction of a playground in New Constabulary, Marsh Lake. Second by Andy Townsend. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 7 Carried. A discussion about problems with the bridge work on the Yukon River Bridge with the following comments: -Flashing lights erratic and unreliable, possible low batteries, resulting in driver confusion. -New guardrails mean no room for pedestrian traffic or cyclists. -Suggestion of a footbridge on the outside of the bridge to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians. Motion # 8. Motion by Patrick Rouble to write a letter to Transportation Maintenance about drivers' problems with the bridgework being done. Also to ask if they will plan for a footbridge on the outside of the bridge to accommodate for the safe crossing of cyclists and pedestrians. Second by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 8 Carried. 8. Adjournment. Motion # 9. Motion by Helen Smith to adjourn meeting. Second by Patrick Rouble. Vote: All in favour. Motion # 9 Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. |