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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

October 9, 2002

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of October 9, 2002 was called to order at 7:09 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Helen Smith, Pam Blackburn, Malcolm Taggart, Patrick Rouble and Pat Shaw.
Approximately 14 observers.

2. Amendments To Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion by Helen Smith to adopt the agenda as posted.
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the September 11, 2002 meeting were read.

Motion # 2.
Motion by Patrick Rouble to accept the minutes with the following amendments. Correct typos and add the phrase “did not require a Certified Auditor” to item 4.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

4. Discussion of Application by Pettifor to buy parcel of land at west end of Army Beach for commercial development.

This application is for a 1200’x400’ parcel of land from the end of Army Beach subdivision to Pearson’s on the point. YTG has no prior claims on the area, which is designated recreational. After the initial application was made some time ago, the applicant has changed the plan to reflect the following points: applicant wants a retirement business and plans to finance the project themselves. Applicant will need to develop parking, a day use area, and landscape. This will be a low impact commercial (no power boats) business using kayaks and paddle boats, with possible summer cottage rentals. There has been some concern over birds in the area. Mr. Pettifor has walked through the area looking for birds, but not in the spring. He would be willing to walk the property again next spring with neighbours and a YTG representative. He would also be willing to keep boats out of the water until after the swans have left Swan Haven each spring.

Motion # 3.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to respond to LARC stating in general that YTG defer decision on this application and any large properties until the Community LUP is completed. At the LAC public meeting a number of residents expressed their opinions, and Councillor for the ward, Pam Blackburn, spoke to other residents. Various concerns were raised including: impact on wildlife and birds, erosion to lake shore, drainage of subsurface creek, access by road, and general suitability of location. It was suggested applicant finish a business plan before proceeding.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

5. Discussion of Lot Enlargement Applications: A). Andre and Adams, Lot 782 Lone Moose Lane.

This lot extension application is for an area approximately 100’x20’to30’ in a trapezoid triangle shape. Lot is on a steep slope and owners would like a garage between the lot and the access road to the lot next door.
Councillor for the ward, Malcolm Taggart, spoke with neighbours and found there is no opposition to this application. One neighbour was away for the winter. It was recommended that the Council remind YTG to send letters to adjacent neighbours informing them of the application, for the benefit of those currently outside.
Notice of this application to the Council was very short and sending the reply by email would assure LARC receives it before deadline.

Motion # 4.
Motion by Helen Smith to send by email a letter stating that there is no opposition to this lot extension application.
Second by Pat Shaw.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

B). Lot Extension Application for Vreim, Lot 48, Army Beach.

This application would double the size of Lot 48. The area covers an old lease lot, with an outhouse. The lot could not be extended away from the lake toward the road like the neighbours, because of the road turn around in front of the property. Councillor for the ward, Pam Blackburn, spoke to neighbours and found all were in favour except 1 who was neutral. There were no objections and there is a history of prior use by the applicant.

Motion # 5.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to send an email letter to LARC stating that Councillor Blackburn has spoken to neighbours and there is strong support and one that is unsure concerning this lot extension application.
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 5 carried.

6. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence.

An announcement was made that on October 26, a Power Boating Course will be offered at the Firehall. All operators of powered boats 4 meters or less must be certified in the future.

-a copy of a letter from Scott Kent, Minister of Infrastructure, to Dave Keenan, MLA Southern Lakes/Ross River, explaining the change in Highway Rest Stops.
-received a copy of a letter from Noreen Osbourne, Head Land Dispositions, Indian & Northern Affairs Canada, to the Marsh Lake Community Society, acknowledging receipt of their request to amend the society’s name on the lease at km 1421, Alaska Hwy. The lease for the boat ramp at M’Clintock Place must be reviewed again by FetLac. Taggart will ask the Community Society to let the LAC know what changes are made.
-a letter was received from Travis Ritchie of Access Consulting Group, which has been retained by YTG to do a solid waste management plan for Yukon Communities, including Marsh Lake. Chair Taggart spoke to Ritchie by phone with a list of issues that have been brought up at LAC meetings. They have also consulted the Fire Society and Don Ford, the contractor at the Marsh Lake dump.

Motion # 6.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to invite a representative of Access Consulting Group to attend a future LAC meeting to discuss resident’s concerns.
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion #6 Carried.

-the LAC received a letter from Georgi Pearson at YTG informing the LAC of YTG’s intention to install electric fences at the Marsh Lake dump.
-in a letter to the editor in local newspapers, there was an open letter to the LAC from J. Groenewegen of Whitehorse concerning the Marsh Lake Community Society’s budget and how it is being distributed. No formal letter would be sent in response.
Sent: a letter to the Minister of Community Services, Pam Buckway, requesting a larger than normal increase in the LAC’s 2003/4 fiscal budget.
A Special Meeting was held October 2, to review the Greetham commercial purchase of leased property at Km 1438, Alaska Hwy.

Report from the Treasurer.
Treasurer Rouble received a call from Shirley Clark at YTG who informed him the audit of the LAC’s books must be by a professional accountant, not as a review engagement as previously informed.
A mistake by Community Services, shorted the LAC’s budget by $600. Funds will be forthcoming.
Rouble was also informed that the Ward #5 by-election expenses of $250. were to be covered by the LAC.

A copy of a letter was received that was to YTG Sport and Recreation from Daryl and Donna Johnston of New Constabulary stating concerns about the playground. Whereas they were previously neutral, they now would like to see the parking lot for the playground removed. There is also an issue over whether the playground will be allowed to have buildings, outhouses or garbage cans.

Patrick Rouble announced he will be seeking the Yukon Party nomination for Southern Lakes, and if elected on November 4th, will resign from the Marsh Lake LAC.

5. New Business.

No new business.

6. Adjournment.

Motion # 7.
Motion by Pat Shaw to adjourn meeting.
Second by Helen Smith.
Vote: All in favour.
Motion # 7 Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:09 PM.

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