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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2004

1. Call To Order.

The Regular Meeting of October 13 was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Helen Smith, Perry Savoie & Pat Shaw. Mike Larsen arrived after the meeting began.
Absent was Malcolm Taggart.
Approximately 8 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion THAT because of the power failure, and since the sun would set shortly and Council only had flashlights to see business by, the meeting would be shortened to include necessary items 5a, 5b, and 4, in that order.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Pat Shaw.
Vote: Unanimous.
Motion # 1 Carried.

5. Discussion of LARC applications:
a. Licence to occupy land, Hartnoll, Johnston Road.

This application is to legalize a deck and stairs that have been built overlapping onto to 30 meter reserved between the property and the lake's high water mark.

Motion # 2.
Motion THAT a letter be written to LARC stating that Council has no objection to applicant receiving a licence to occupy for the area occupied by the deck and stairs.
Moved by Pat Shaw, Seconded by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

b. Lot enlargement for Dugas, Lot 38, Bayview Road, South M'Clintock.

The applicants are aware that the Yukon Government will be upgrading the Bayview Road. It is believed that other lot owners will be applying for lot extensions and that an access road can be built to accommodate one neighbour who may not be interested in a lot extension.
Perry Savoie, Councillor for Ward 4, stated that no one he spoke with is really opposed to the applied for extension, but feels that Yukon Government has the responsibility to finalize the road before the lot extensions are granted.
Council agreed that they would like to see any applications deferred until the road is finalized. The applicants agreed that a deferral would be OK, so long as they knew the end result would be the same.

Motion # 3.
Motion THAT a letter be written to LARC stating that Council does not oppose applicant receiving the applied for lot extension, however, there is concern that YTG has not completed their consultation with residents over the finalized route of the new road for Bayview Rd. Council would like to strongly recommend that YTG deal with the finalization of the road, deferring all lot extension applications until that time.
Moved by Pat Shaw, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

4. Guest Speakers from YTG Community Services to speak on LAC procedures and YTG resources for LAC's.

Jeff O'Farrell, Manager Community Services and Susan Roothman, Community Advisor, gave a brief presentation, by flashlight, explaining the resources for LAC's through the Community Affairs Unit, including advice and support to communities on funding and infrastructure.
Their AIM is to increase support to LAC's. They brought along for the Council a “How to – Reference Guide” which is tailor made for each LAC. O'Farrell pointed out that this guide is by no means a criticism of the way in which the LAC is currently being administrated, that many of the current procedures and forms are based on what is currently being done by Council. The reference guide is to be handed on to any new Councillors to provide continuity of the procedures being done.

Chair Smith thanked O'Farrell and Roothman for attending the meeting despite the unusual circumstances. O'Farrell and Roothman then left the meeting.

Motion # 4.
Motion THAT a thank you letter be written to O'Farrell and Roothman, thanking them for their presentation at the meeting.
Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Pat Shaw.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

8. Old Business.

Mike Larsen gave a brief summary of the meeting of the Alaska Highway Forum he attended on September 26th. He explained that the Forum would now be seeking funding from the Community Development Fund for projects to promote the Alaska Highway to tourism markets.

Motion # 5.
Motion THAT Council write a letter of support for the Forum's funding application to Community Development fund. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 5 carried.

Mike Larsen reported on the icy road conditions along the Alaska Highway the same morning as the meeting, which caused a serious accident at the Yukon River Bridge. Early morning sanding of the highway is always a concern to commuters and school bus drivers.

Motion # 6.
Motion THAT a letter be written to Department of Highways, with a reminder of Highways previous commitment to keep the Alaska Highway sanded in the early mornings, ahead of the School Bus schedule.
Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion #6 Carried.

8. Adjournment.

Chair Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:02 pm.

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