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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2001

1. Call Meeting To Order

The Regular Meeting of September 12, 2001 was called to order at 7:03 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Chair Malcolm Taggart, Pam Blackburn, Treasurer Patrick Rouble and Andy Townsend. Late was Helen Smith.
Approximately 17 observers.

2. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the August meeting were read by Chair Malcolm Taggart.

Motion # 1
Motion by Pam Blackburn to accept the minutes with the following amendments.
Change reference to LARC to YTG. Change public building to Community Centre. Rephrase to 'mail begin to be redirected' and change former owner to long time local resident.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: 4 in favour.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Report From the Chair/ Correspondence.

-Received a courtesy letter from MLA Cynthia Tucker's Office confirming receipt of cc's of last month's outgoing correspondence.
-Exchanged emails with Rob Hopkins of CFET Radio concerning the highway billboard by South M'Clintock. The billboard was removed on the labour day weekend.
-Exchanged emails with H.A. Dell at C&TS in response to his letter about Groundwater Monitoring at the Marsh Lake Dump. Results from August's tests will be forwarded to the LAC when they are ready.
-Received a cc of a letter from Peter Milner to LARC, about the Marsh Lake Community Club reserving a piece of land in New Constabulary for a playground.
-Received a reply from Pam Buckway's office at C&TS about Mosquito Control Procedures. It was suggested the LAC flag this topic for discussion in January, in order to make plans for 2002.
-Received a reply from Pam Buckway's office at C&TS about the LAC letter requesting garbage cans and outhouses at Highway Rest Stops and Boat Ramps. The Highway Rest Stops at Km 1426.5 will be supplied with outhouses and garbage cans and the Marsh Lake historical information sign will eventually be replaced by the Heritage Branch Interpretation and Signage Program. However, the boat ramps at M'Clintock Place and M'Clintock River are not official rest stops and will not be provided with outhouses or garbage cans.

Motion # 2
Motion by Pam Blackburn to write a letter urging C&TS to reconsider placing garbage cans and outhouses at the boat ramps for hygienic reasons.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: 5 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

-Received a letter and map from Mr. Rickie at Engineering & Development Branch of C&TS about the Federal Land Transfer of a 19 hectare parcel of land on M'Clintock River Road. Councillor for Ward 5, Andy Townsend explained where the area is located. It will include a possible 10 lots, but until the LAC receives a concept on paper, we cannot offer a response.
-Received a copy of the Yukon Dept. of Education, 2001 Yukon Literacy Strategy.
-Received a letter from Paul Heynen of Universal Enterprises/Livestock Control Program about a Yukon wide dog control program. He suggested the LAC submit a letter stating concerns of dog control in our area.

Motion # 3
Motion by Helen Smith to write two letters. One as a reply to Mr. Heynen asking for a copy of his proposal to YTG, which after examination the LAC can follow up on. The 2nd will be to Ken Hodgins of C&TS asking about the status of YTG's arrangements with Mr. Heynen and other dog control programs in the Yukon.
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Vote 5 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

-The LAC sent a letter to Marjorie Fraser at DIAND, asking for information about any land use permits by the south entrance to Judas Creek.
-The LAC sent a letter to Robert Magnuson of Transportation Maintenance Branch requesting stop signs at various Marsh Lake intersections. It was noted that the signs through Judas Creek had already been put up.
-Chair Taggart spoke by phone to Jim Arnup, of Canada Post. The LAC has been assigned a postal box at M'Clintock Place. The deadline of September 17th for delivery to begin has been moved to September 27th. Talmark is the contractor for installing the post boxes, and there has been some delay with permits from YTG for some of the post box locations. It was also noted that Tom's Store is now the contractor for parcels in the Marsh Lake area.
-Chair Taggart announced that RCMP Community Liaison Officer Shawn LeMay has agreed to come to a public meeting on Tuesday, October 2nd at 7:00 pm. The LAC will book the firehall for that night and posters and announcements will be made at least 1 week in advance.

-Electoral Boundaries
Chair Taggart gave a summary of the letter written by the LAC to the Electoral Boundaries Commission. Then he gave a summary of the draft proposal by the commission. This proposal has the majority of the Marsh Lake area changed to the Southern Lakes Electoral District. It also has Ward 5 of the LAC split along the M'Clintock River, placing the north half in the Mount Lorne Electoral District. It was pointed out that this is a draft proposal, and that any resident is welcome to write a letter or make a presentation to the Electoral boundaries Commission. The public meeting for Marsh Lake will be at Inn On the Lake on October 23rd at 7:30 pm.

Motion # 4
Motion by Patrick Rouble to write to the Electoral Boundaries Commission, reiterating that our first choice was in our previous letter to the Commission. Also to insist that the Local Advisory Council boundaries remain intact , since the LAC does not wish to deal with more than 1 MLA. Included should be a map showing the LAC boundaries.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 4 Carried.

4. Discussion about Agricultural Application #733 - Jurgen Ploetner.
Chair Taggart presented the application and map. It is a nonsoil/ greenhouse organic operation on 6 hectares of land across the highway from New Constabulary. Access would be via the old gravel pit. The Baufeld trapline runs through this area, as well as a quad trail and a hiking area. The point was made that the old gravel pit was being used as an illegal dump and the Marsh Lake Volunteer Fire Department was called upon to put out a number of fires in the pit. Reopening this road would again give vehicle access to the pit.
The councillor for New Constabulary, Patrick Rouble, pointed out that since this is a well used recreational area for quads and hiking, a commercial operation would be resented.
It was asked if YTG has a copy of the business plan for this application and if the LAC could obtain a copy of it. It was also pointed out that with bad soil and a long distance to town for trucking produce, along with the cost of water delivery and well known excessive depths for wells along this area, this particular application makes no sense in it's choice of location.
The LAC would like to make a land use plan in the area before allowing any more agricultural leases.

Motion # 5
Motion by Helen Smith to reply to ALARC stating the LAC will be in the process of creating a land use plan for the area and would rather not support any agricultural leases until such time.
Second by Pam Blackburn.
Vote: 3 in favor, 1 abstention, 1 absent.
Motion # 5 carried.

5. New Business.

Discussion on Federal Land Leases in the Marsh Lake area.
The Marsh Lake LAC along with the MLCC is on a consultation list for any new land leases in the Marsh Lake area. We should at least be receiving names and confirmation of leases, but aren't. It was suggested the LAC write a letter in general terms to Marjorie Fraser of DIAND to confirm that we are to be informed of leases being applied for and to tell us what info there is on existing leases within the LAC boundaries. The LAC wishes to know what info is public or not. Since the LAC is trying to put together a land use plan, we need this info. The community does have interest in these areas for commercial uses.
Furthermore, we should ask what their policy has been when considering a lease, on consultation of community or neighbours. Ask them to define neighbours. Are we not automatically consulted when leases go to title? If not how can there be accountability for leases.

Motion # 6
Motion by Helen Smith to write a letter to Marjorie Fraser of DIAND with the above points.
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion #6 Carried.

Pam Blackburn reported on a meeting of the South M'Clintock Association with Al Beaver of Firesmart. Residents are still inquiring about the renumbering of houses. Although a letter was written to C&TS in May about house numbering through Marsh Lake, no reply has been received. It was suggested the LAC follow up on that letter with another letter.
There have been inquiries about the Connect Yukon and high speed internet, where the fibre optic cable has been buried and when Marsh Lake subdivisions will get connected. Are some subdivisions to be hooked up and others not?

Motion # 7.
Motion by Pam Blackburn to write a letter to Connect Yukon & YTG with cc to NWTel asking when Marsh Lake will be hooked up with high speed internet?
Second by Patrick Rouble.
Vote: 5 in favor.
Motion # 7 Carried.

Helen Smith reported on the street light at the South entrance to Judas Creek, which although installed last year still has no power to it. Yukon Electric would make a power outage on the South Highway on September 26th, at which time the light would be hooked up.

6. Adjournment.

Motion # 8.
Motion by Helen Smith to adjourn meeting.
Second by Andy Townsend.
Vote: All in favor.
Motion # 8 Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:29 PM.

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