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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2003

1. Call Meeting To Order.

The Regular Meeting of September 10, 2003 was called to order at 7:10 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Helen Smith, Pat Shaw & Mike Larsen.
Absent Pam Blackburn and Malcolm Taggart. Helen Smith would sit as Chair for this meeting.
Approximately 12 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Motion # 1.
Motion by Mike Larsen to add the Blonde subdivision application to the agenda.
Second by Pat Shaw.
Vote: unanimous.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the July meeting were read.

Motion # 2.
Motion by Pat Shaw to accept the minutes as read.
Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

4. a. Discussion of Application For Subdivision by Blonde, Lot 14 Army Beach.

In the past Council has not supported subdivision of any lots. The trend in all areas of Marsh Lake including Army Beach, is for lot extensions to accommodate permanent residences. Concern over this application was expressed asking if - once the lot was subdivided, would each lot be large enough to accommodate a septic field?

Motion # 3.
Motion by Pat Shaw to reply to LARC with concerns over this application for subdivision. If the lot is subdivided into 2, will each still be large enough to support a septic field? Access to the beach must remain open in accordance with the Army Beach Neighbourhood Plan. Council does not recommend subdivision of lots that have received lot extensions.
Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

4. b. Discussion of Bridgehead Reserve Application for YTG at Km 12, M'Clintock Valley Road.

Councillor Shaw researched this application and found it is standard procedure for YTG to set aside an area of land where roads intersect creeks or rivers for future bridge construction. In this case, there are no residents that far out and the road is little more than a trail.

Motion # 4.
Motion by Mike Larsen to reply to LARC stating that Council has no opposition to this application and that no residents have come forward with any concerns.
Second by Pat Shaw.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

5. Discussion of LARC Agriculture Application for Nyland, Lot 1035, Km 5, M'Clintock Valley Road.

This application is for a small portion of land between the applicants' agricultural lease and the M'Clintock Valley Road.

Motion # 5.
Motion by Pat Shaw to reply to LARC stating that it is consistent with the agricultural usage of the area and that Council has no opposition to this application.
Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 5 carried.

5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence.

Correspondence: Sent as per motions made at the July meeting:
Letter to LARC in reply to application for licence of occupation for Atkinson, Lot 29 Army Beach.
Letter to AYC requesting to formally join the association.
Letter to Dennis Shewfelt requesting update on house numbering project.

Reply from Paul Flaherty at NorthwesTel summarizing their plan of action after speaking to Whitehorse City Council. A note was made to remind Malcolm Taggart to write a letter requesting a new time frame for Local Area Calling in Marsh Lake.

From LARC: agendas for Sept 11, Oct 9 & Oct 16 meetings
Copies of decisions on applications by Campion, Ford.

Motion # 6.
Motion by Pat Shaw to reply to LARC's request for a reply on the Ford application for commercial lot extension, stating that the area of the application is outside the Marsh Lake LAC area.
Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 6 Carried.

Received a full copy of the Ploetner Ag lease application with cover letters from Edward Lee and David Beckman, stating the application was going forward because the Marsh Lake Land Use Planning was delayed.

Motion # 7.
Motion by Mike Larsen to write a letter to LARC with a copy to Ploetner, stating that Marsh Lake's Land Use Planning is not delayed, but is proceeding in due course. Council would like to see all new land applications deferred until the land use plan is in place. The applicant has never met with Council to present his plan. Councillor for the ward in which Mr. Ploetner's application is located, Mike Larsen, is willing to meet with him and discuss his proposal. A copy of the letter and an invitation would be sent to Mr. Ploetner.
Second by Pat Shaw.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion #7 Carried.

Received another copy of an application located north of the Yukon River Bridge.

Motion # 8.
Motion by Pat Shaw to reply to LARC stating that the land applications north of the Yukon River Bridge are outside of the LAC area.
Second by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 8 Carried.

Received from Dennis Fentie a reply concerning funding for HSI service in Old Constabulary.

Received from Marg White at Energy, Mines & Resources: A reply to Council's letter concerning deadlines of applications from her department and a suggestion of how to work around Council's meeting dates.
Received from her department a Fire Buffer Maintenance application for Yukon Landfill sites including Marsh Lake Dump.

Received Correspondence from MLA Rouble,
-Letters concerning Fire Society's defibrillator and designated area for future census. -A request that council list community concerns for the future. -Copy of the Community Development Fund Programme outline and application form.

Received an Email letter from D. Knopp at M'Clintock Place concerning high cost of water delivery to Marsh Lake. (Also copy of letter from MLA Rouble to Premier Fentie acknowledging this concern.)

Motion # 9.
Motion by Mike Larsen to reply to Diana Knopp's letter to Council stating that Council is seeking solutions. Solutions could include upgrades to the Firehall and a local supplier seeking licensing who could offer local rates. A caution about unlicensed suppliers should be added. Also a letter should be written to Premier Fentie, re-iterating what MLA Rouble has said in his letter about safe drinking water, should be copied to Ms. Knopp.
Second by Pat Shaw.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 9 Carried.

From YTG – copy of the Solid Waste Management Plan for Marsh Lake A copy of the Agriculture Policy Review

6. New Business.

A discussion was held about Old Constabulary Road Maintenance, which has always been maintained by private residents.
Residents were asked to decide if they want a YTG approved, upgraded & maintained road, or to continue with private maintenance during the winter. Residents present at the meeting agreed to work out a solution amongst themselves for this winter, and if they wish YTG to take over in the future, they will bring the issue back to Council in time to inform YTG so that they can put it in their future budget.

A Whitehorse water delivery service is looking for a possible refilling station at the Firehall to reduce costs. Councillor Mike Larsen agreed to meet with a representative to see what his requirements are. The Firehall may not have a large enough tanks or proper hoses for water truck refilling. The Firehall hose is too low for most large water tankers and only has 1000 gallons on hand and refill is slow. Upgrading would be needed to accommodate commercial tankers.

October 16, 2003 Election.

Motion # 10.
Motion by Mike Larsen to retain Ms. Marg Dunn as returning officer for the LAC election on October 16.
Second by Pat Shaw.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 10 Carried.

Ms. Dunn will distribute posters and regulations for LAC elections. She noted that unlike Yukon municipalities, to run for LAC a candidate requires only 5 signatures. Acclamations will be announced on September 25th at noon.
She will book the Firehall for a polling station if needed and Nominations can be delivered to her house in Old Constabulary.

Marsh Lake Dump.

Complaints have been received about the newly placed gates at the Marsh Lake Dump. Don Ford announced that Marsh Lake, Carcross and Tagish all received gates, and soon will have signs stating that they will not be closed until May 21, 2004, when limited hours begin. An attendant will be on hand for 90 days before that date to hand out forms and answer questions.

7. Adjournment.

Chair Smith adjourned the meeting at 9:21 pm.

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