1. Call To Order. The Regular Meeting of September 13, 2006 was called to order at 7:11 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Helen Smith, Mike Larsen, Perry Savoie and Malcolm Taggart. Absent was Peter Heebink. Approximately 10 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion THAT the agenda be amended to add under 4.c. Woodcutting Issues, commercial & firewood. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: unanimous. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the August 9, 2006 meeting were read. Motion # 2. Motion THAT the minutes be accepted with amendments. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 4. a. Report on Yukon Energy public meeting. Mike Larsen summarized the public meeting held at the community centre and stated that indications were that the residents would oppose any change in the YEC licence for increasing lake water level. Larsen reported that the Council has obtained official intervener status. Any questions should be given to Larsen who will direct inquiries to the proper expert. Chair Taggart thanked Mike and Donna Larsen for taking the time and expense of calling all Marsh Lake phone numbers to remind them of the public meeting. 4. b. Subdivision Lot 65, Nolan Drive, M'Clintock Place. Council has reviewed this application before and has no objections. Motion # 3. Motion THAT Council reply to Judy Linton at Energy, Mines & Resources, stating no objections. This is a large lot compared to others in the immediate area. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. 4.c. Woodcutting Issues, commercial & firewood. Local woodcutter Roland Desjardin brought to Council concerns about the need to renew his current licence area until February 2007 in order to fill orders for firewood for the winter season. After 12 years having a commercial licence in this permit area, he has been asked to move due to caribou habitat concerns. He is willing to apply for a new area, but needs to finish this season first. Motion # 4, Motion THAT Council write a letter of support for Desjardin's application to renew his current licence until February 2007. The letter should also touch on the subject of other firewood issues in the lake area. The letter should be copied to the MLA, and the Deputy Ministers for Environment and Energy, Mines & Resources. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 4 Carried. Motion # 5. Motion THAT a letter be written by Council to Forestry listing concerns over the closure of areas formerly used by commercial and private woodcutters and the need for a process before closing these areas. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 5 carried. Motion # 6. Motion THAT a letter be written to Myles Thorp laying out a pilot project for selective logging in the pipeline right of way, as was previously discussed with him. Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Perry Savoie. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion #6 Carried. 5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence. Correspondence: Received a letter from Acting Minister for Community Services Archie Lang, in support of Marsh Lake beginning a limited Land Use Planning exercise or zoning. Motion # 7. Motion THAT Council reply to Minister Lang to set a meeting to begin the planning exercise. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 7 Carried. Community Trail Planning Update: Community Development Fund has asked that Council have the funds for the project administered by the Marsh Lake Community Society. President Corley will need to acknowledge with a letter to CDF. Peter Heebink reported that he has worked on the GPS data from North M'Clintock to New Constabulary, and will complete the rest of the work soon. Chair Taggart has not met with the agriculture branch or YESSA yet but has a meeting scheduled for later in the month. 6. Committee Reports. AYC: Perry Savoie reported on upcoming meetings for AYC. Motion # 8. Motion THAT Council will provide travel expenses for Savoie to attend the September 23 AYC meeting in Teslin. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 8 Carried. Motion # 9. Motion THAT Council will provide travel expenses for someone to attend the December 9 AYC meeting in Whitehorse. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion # 9 Carried. ML Community Society: A dance sponsored along with the Fire Society to celebrate departing volunteers will be on Saturday September 16th. The playground has been salvaged & dismantled with only the fence and outhouse hole remaining. Volunteers are requested to form a library group. FireSmart: Future work will begin on a section of Old Constabulary and New Constabulary plus a left over section along Doehle Drive. ML Solid Waste Management Society: A Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the Transfer Station on Saturday September 30th. Broken electric fencing is still contributing to the bear problem and residents are asked to be careful when dropping off their garbage. EMO Committee: nil report. 7. Old Business. Army Beach Well: No more funding will be spent on the existing well development. Next year, Community Services will be looking at using surface water supplied via a pipeline out to the lake with the water filtered and treated. House Numbering: Helen Smith reported that they are finalizing name spellings of roads. Project should go before Cabinet before the last meeting. 8. New Business and Question Period. Speeding through subdivisions: Helen Smith had received phone calls about vehicles exceeding the speed limit through Judas Creek subdivision. Posted signs are 30 km through the residential area and 50 km on the access roads to the subdivision. 9. Adjournment. Motion #10. Motion THAT the meeting be adjourned. Moved by Helen Smith, Seconded by Mike Larsen. Vote: 4 in favour. Motion #10 Carried. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 9:22 pm. |