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Marsh Lake
Local Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2007

1. Call To Order.

The Regular Meeting of September 12, 2007 was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

1A. Roll Call.

Present were Peter Heebink, Mike Larsen, Helen Smith. Absent were Perry Savoie and Malcolm Taggart. Approximately 12 observers.

2. Adoption Of Agenda.

Motion #1.
Motion THAT Item 4.d. be added to the agenda.
Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Peter Heebink.
Vote: Unanimous.
Motion # 1 Carried.

3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the August 8, 2007 meeting were read.

Motion # 2.
Motion THAT the minutes be accepted as read.
Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Peter Heebink.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 2 Carried.

4.a. Guest Speaker from Association of Yukon Communities.

Councillor Savoie was absent and this agenda item was rescheduled for a later date.

4.b. Discussion of lands application for Alford and Watt, Lot 2, Block L, Army Beach.

Motion # 3.
Motion THAT pending further research, a letter be written to Lands stating that Council has no objection to the application as long as the applied for area does not interfere with access to trails or exceed other similar applications in the area.
Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Peter Heebink.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 3 Carried.

4.c. Discussion of Land application, Licence to Occupy, Thomas, Lot 7, Grayling Place.

Motion # 4.
Motion THAT pending further research, to write a reply to YESSA stating that Council has no objection to this application to prevent shoreline erosion. Owners of Lot 4, Grayling Place, must be in agreement with the application since access to the shoreline will be through their property.
Moved by Peter Heebink, Seconded by Mike Larsen.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 4 Carried.

4.d. Discussion of Land application for lot enlargement, Lohn and Webb, Lot 38, New Constabulary.

Motion # 5.
Motion THAT a letter be written to Lands Branch stating that Council is opposed to this lot extension for the following reasons
a. that the commonly used access to two other lots will be blocked,
b. that it would create a precedent of acquiring greenbelt along Armstrong Avenue, which is unacceptable to other residents,
c. the current path of Armstrong Avenue crosses through the applied for area
d. a family pet is an unacceptable reason for applying for a lot extension
e. Council has received letters of objection from nearby lot owners.
Moved by Mike Larsen, Seconded by Peter Heebink.
Vote: 3 in favour.
Motion # 5 carried.

5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence.

Contribution Agreement with Yukon Government:
Acting Chair Smith reported that Chair Taggart had expressed some reservations about the new Contribution Agreement for Council funding from Community Services.
1. Would like to see a clause to include emergency funding that could be applied for to cover unexpected expenses such as by-elections.
2. Disagreement with accrued surpluses given back to Community Services plus a guarantee that accrued surpluses would not result in a reduction to the Council's funding level.

House Numbering: Chair Taggart had been requested to draft a letter to accompany information to property owners about House Numbering.
Army Beach Well: A request had been made to put Laura Prentice from Community Services on the October agenda to give an update on the progress of the project.
Correspondence: Council had received a letter from Dept. of Highways informing them of the upcoming 2008 work to be done on the Lewes Bridge deck replacement.
Anti-smoking Legislation public meeting would be held at the community centre September 19th.
Received a reply from Acting Minister Archie Lang concerning the lack of interest in Area Zoning for Marsh Lake.
Received a letter from Minister Glenn Hart informing the Council of the increase in Comprehensive Municipal Grant Funding.

6. Committee Reports.

nil report.
Community Society: John Streicker reported on the September 1 Volunteer Thank you dance. Upcoming events/meetings at the community centre will be Anti-Smoking Legislation public meeting September 19, Flood Reparations public meeting September 27 and the Premier's Tour meeting October 3.
Fire Smart: Nil report.
Transfer Station: Gloria Lommerse reported on the clean condition of the site, the cutback in hours due to lack of base funding and the repeated requests to Community Services to replace the gate that was damaged in June.
EMO Committee: It was reported that the lake level had peaked and that presently one Forestry employee was still pumping water over the dyke. There were many new concerns about shoreline erosion. Highways would be working on the Army Beach Road over the next two weeks. All residents with flood damage were requested to contact Yukon Housing for an assessment as soon as possible. Grants and low interest loans would be available to assist with damage repair. Public meeting to discuss flood reparations would be September 27 at the community centre.

7. Old Business.

Firewood Permits:
Residents had complained that again this year Forestry has been giving out personal firewood permits for the area within the recreational lease and ski trails located in Judas Creek. Councilloi Helen Smith agreed to speak with the department about working out a controlled access for fuelwood to the area.
Newsletter: Gloria Lommerse informed Council that the fall issue of the Marsh Lake newsletter was being worked on and made a request for a contribution from each Councillor about their ward.

8. New Business and Question Period.

Land Use Planning:
John Streicker reported that the Kwanlin Dun First Nation had recently held a meeting at the centre and Land Use Planning was one item they discussed. Their interest is in a comprehensive plan for the area. Streicker suggested that Council continue exploring options to forward this issue.

9. Adjournment.

Acting-Chair Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:19 p.m.

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