1. Call To Order. The Regular Meeting of September 10, 2008 was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 1A. Roll Call. Present were Perry Savoie, Helen Smith, Peter Heebink, Michael Vernon and Malcolm Taggart. Approximately 3 observers. 2. Adoption Of Agenda. Motion # 1. Motion THAT the agenda be adopted as posted. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Michael Vernon. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 1 Carried. 3. Adoption Of Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes of the August 13, 2008 meeting were read. Motion # 2. Motion THAT the minutes be accepted with one amendment to Item 4.a. Moved by Perry Savoie, Seconded by Peter Heebink. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 2 Carried. 4.a. Discussion of application for Licence to Occupy for Shoreline Reparation & Water lot Lease for Removable Dock for Tuton, Lot 65A, Army Beach. Motion # 3. Motion THAT Council reply by email to Lands Branch stating no objection to this application as it stands. Moved by Michael Vernon, Seconded by Helen Smith. Vote: 5 in favour. Motion # 3 Carried. 4.b. House Numbering Project Update. Councillor for New Constabulary, Michael Vernon, stated it had been brought to his attention by a concerned parent that the school bus contractor, Takhini Bus Ltd, is still using the old Lot numbers for their school bus schedule, creating confusion as to where the bus stops really are. Chair Taggart requested each ward Councillor to encourage residents in their area to post their new street addresses and to remind residents along Armstrong Road that there is no Armstrong Road addresses and their new street number should be posted on the proper side road. 5. Report From the Chair & Correspondence. The Yukon Premier’s community tour would be in Marsh Lake September 11th. Council was invited to meet with the Premier and his Ministers at 6 pm, before the public meeting. The topic Council would be presenting the Premier with this year will be the need for a Land Use Plan for the Marsh Lake area. Army Beach Well Project: Taggart spoke with the director of Community Services about the status of the Army Beach Well and found out the project had made no progress. The directional drilling well had been abandoned due to excessive costs. The Yukon Government estimated they would need to explore other options and would need to spend an additional estimated 2.4 million on the project. Logging Pipeline ROW: Chair Taggart was unsuccessful at contacting Foothills Pipelines at their Whitehorse office. He will get a contact number for Calgary and would continue to pursue permission for local logging operators to log the pipeline right-of-way. 6. Committee Reports. AYC: Perry Savoie announced he would be missing the September AYC regular board meeting but would attend the December meeting in Whitehorse. Community Society: Greg Newton reported on the Volunteer Potluck on September 30th, the community hall usage survey, & climbing day for kids. Upcoming is a meeting with Yukon Libraries & Archives to discuss a donation of library shelving, Saturday Flea Markets begin September 20th, Human Rights public hearing on October 2nd, and many other events. FireSmart: nil report. Solid Waste Management Society: Gloria Lommerse reported that funding from April to July had finally been received from Community Services, a WRRI grant of $5000 had been received from Environment for improvements to the Recycle Depot and Free Store. There had been a break-in on August 17th and someone had shot holes in the office Plexiglas window and the wall of the depot, with some recycling bottles being shot up, and thrown items around in the office The axes, bow saw and first aid kit were stolen from the office. The Yukon Government’s Solid Waste Management Strategy team had visited the Marsh Lake Depot and was expected to continue collecting information from society members. Emergency Measures Committee: nil report. 7. Old Business. Firewood Permits: A Marsh Lake resident reported that once again this year they had been give a permit to take firewood from the recreational ski trails in Judas Creek. Councillor Helen Smith agreed to visit the Forestry Office and talk to them about the issue. Dog Control Issue: Reports of uncontrolled dogs harassing or biting walkers on public roads and lanes continue. Helen Smith agreed to investigate and pass on any contact info for a dog control officer to the other Councillors. Poster can be made up to inform all residents of who to contact. 8. New Business and Question Period. Newsletter: Gloria Lommerse reported that the fall issue of the newsletter would be late due to other commitments of the volunteers. She suggested that the newsletter would be better timed if published 3 times a year instead of the 4 times a year it has now. The fall issue is always squeezed in since the summer issue never comes out until after July 1st and the Christmas issue needed to be out by the first week in December. Three issues a year, April, July and December would be better timed. Council expressed no opposition to going to 3 issues per year, so Lommerse agreed to bring the proposal up with the newsletter committee and the other participating societies. 9. Adjournment. Chair Taggart adjourned the meeting at 8:44pm. |