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Halfling Vampires

Halfling vampires can be a very touchy subject with some. Mostly people question how they are created and argue that they cannot exist. Halfling vampires can and do exist. They are a very confusing lot that do not have to follow all the "rules" of being a vampire, if you will.

Ok, first of all, how were they created? There are actually a few ways that these vampires can be created. One involves your "soulmate" if you believe in that type of thing. The person being turned into a vampire would have to have found this soulmate before they become changed. When they become a vampire their soul tries to leave this plain. Their soul is, however, attached to their soulmate's soul and tries to drag their's with it. So you have one soul that believes it must leave and another that believes it must follow. In reality the second person is not dead and when the two souls reach the plain of the dead one is turned back. The soul of the living person may not return to the plain of the living so it is strattled between the two planes. The other soul must move on to the plain of the dead even though their body continues to walk the earth. The second soul becomes a halfling because it is not in the plain of the living, therefore the person is not alive. It is also not in the plain of the dead, therefore it is not dead either. This creates the halfling vampire.

I myself know of only one other way to create a halfling vampire. This only occures when the vampire who is turning the person is careless. This almost never happens. To become a vampire, first you must have a vampire and a victum-duh. The vampire will take the victum's blood and let it run through their dead veins. Then the vampire returns some of the blood to the victum. Within at least a day the person is a vampire. Halflings are created when not all the victum's blood is taken before it is returned, so to speak. In this way the person not only has the blood of the living inside them but the blood of the dead as well. As with the other way, the soul becomes confused, believing the person is dead when they really are not. When it tries to enter the plain of the dead it is turned back and is thus stuck in the middle, as with the other.

This is all I know of halfling vampires so far but I will be updating this section soon.