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To post something, write to us!

1.its me Setaya I really love ur site I think its totally sweeeeeet!!!!!!!! Wel dat all me hav time 4 rite now


2.Your site sux. I've never seen anything worse than this. dude, you really need to do something. And who said I don't have time to visit your site? You never update it, so I got bord of checking every week. You should talk about more creatures. Later ya'll.


REPLY: Okay, first, darling...(heh) you need to learn how to spell. It's b-o-r-e-d. Not b-o-r-d. And sweetheart..(heh) why don't you write to us when someone wants to hear you? And honey...(heh) I know you don't have much time to check up on our site because you only have one phone line, and no DSL!!! HAH!! beat that!!!!!

Hey, Y'all!. I think your site is really cool.



"A chicken with its neck wrung is different from a chicken with its head chopped off, but does it matter to the chicken?" ~Palin Majere as said by Tasslehoff Burrfoot

"'Smile for me, beloved. When you don't smile, the whole world is dark.'" ~Rohan to Sioned

Now we are going to begin adding the dateon which the posts were actually put on the site. Just a note that I thought might please you to know.


Your site is really cool!! I can't wait until you update it!


REPLY: Thank you. I have been updating it almost regularly, but Silvagonesti here has a problem with updating. Obviously she is too busy to put her work into this site. I am currently working on finding new info, and we cannot pester Silvagonesti too bad, for she is undergoing a crisis at this point.


hiyas ya'll. You finally did something new!!! I'm real proud of you people. Have a great life.


REPLY: Do not be proud of Silvagonesti.... Be proud of me, Urolechin. I am the updater these days... Silvagonesti is much too busy spewing her guts to worry about this site. All is well, but thanks.


This is one spiffy site! I especially like the dragon section (I am a dragon freak :) ) Anywho...umm...I don't know what else to say! Oh except everyone read Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince, Dragon Star, and Exiles series cuz she rocks!!!!!

" How dare you command me as if you owned me! If you ever send words like that to me again, I'll make sure you're unable to be a husband to ANY woman, let alone me!" - Sioned to Rohan (she sure told him :))


REPLY: Well thnk ya. I feel special now! (Do we even have that much in the dragon section???) Yea! Melanie Rawn DOES rock!!!! Starlight.... Have you even read exiles yet???? I have so Ha!!!! and I can talk all about Collan and Sarra and Cailet and alla them and rrun circles aroung you with Glenin!lol

MMM-hmm, Sioned sure does get pissed easy. Heh. Rohan had it coming, anyway. I'd be the same way Or worse.