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How Hoodlum got Started?

Hoodlum all got started in the mid summer of 2000 by Ricky and Tim Jones, Tim thought of the name and Ricky came up with a web site then started making products and so forth.

So far we sell:

  • King Pins
  • Stickers
  • T-shirts
  • Hats
  • Wax
  • Decks

Our Team Riders:

  • Ricky
  • Jim Brooks
  • Bryan Brown
  • Robbie Gregson
  • Brandon Leake
  • Johan Ohman
  • Lonell Rodgers
  • Billy Roper
  • Johnny Tyrell

Our staff

  • Web Designers:
    • Ricky

  • Artwork:
    • Ricky

  • Web Poll       Promotional       Mailing list