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Chapter 1

A/N: Okay, well this story is in Kay's POV and whenever something is in italics, it's Kay's thoughts. Oh yeah, and these characters don't belong to me, they belong to *tries to remember his name* James Reilly? Is that it? LoL, oh well.

I sat silently on the back porch, watching Miguel push Charity in the tire swing.
Most people would have bothered to ask me why I was staring at them, but I guess Miguel isn't most people. Miguel probably didn't even realize I was there... when Charity's within 5 feet of him, he pretty much zones out.


I turned around when I heard my name to see Simone standing there, "Hey Simone."

"Kay, why are you sitting there staring at Charity and Miguel?"

Well, I guess Simone is most people.

"Uh, nothing, I just thought I'd come out and get some fresh air."

"Right Kay, I'm sure. Couldn't you have gotten some fresh air on the front porch?"

I sighed and stood up, "Okay Simone, I get your point, let's go."

We walked into the house and sat down at the kitchen table.

"So, is Chad back from the Bahamas yet?" I asked her as I picked up an orange and started to peel it.

She shook her head sadly, "Not yet. I can't even figure out why he went, I mean, what does anything in the Bahamas have to do with him?"

Sometimes, I wish I could be as blunt with Simone as she was with me. It was obvious to everyone but her that Chad was in love with Whitney, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. Being her best friend and all.

"Well, you know how close him and Ethan are, maybe he went along to keep him company."

Or maybe he went to be with Whitney...

Simone shrugged, "Yeah."

Just then Miguel and Charity came in, "Hey you guys!" said Charity with a sickeningly happy smile.

I just kept peeling my orange.

They both sat down with us at the table.

"So, what're you guys planning on doing today?" Simone asked them.

Act like two love sick morons most likely...

My brain officially left the conversation when Charity started babbling an answer, but I was zapped back to reality when I felt Miguel take the orange out of my hand.

"Gee Kay, you'll be here all day trying to peel this thing at your rate, didn't they teach you to peel oranges in pre-school?"

I smiled and gave him a playful punch, "Shut up!"

He laughed and through the orange at my head, "There, peeled."

I grabbed it before it hit me in the forehead, but squeezed too hard and the juices dripped down my arm and all over me.

"Oh! That's it!" I squealed and rubbed the orange juice all over his shirt.

Miguel grabbed Charity's yoghurt and threw it at me, and soon we were consumed in an all out food fight.

It lasted until Charity started screeching.

"Oh my gosh! You got it all over my new shirt you guys!"

Everything came to a halt and Miguel dropped the food in his hands to run over to Charity.

"I'm so sorry Charity! We didn't mean it, come on, we'll go get a new shirt for you."

After they left, I just stood there and gawked at the doorway.

"Kay? Hello, Kay, are you in there?"

Simone was waving her hand in front of my face.

"Can you believe her!?" I asked incredulously.

Simone bit her lip thoughtfully, "Well..."

"She gets a little spot on her shirt and she freaks out!"

"Maybe she really liked that shirt?"

"Not only that, but Miguel... UGH! He's like a little lap dog, she calls and he comes a runnin!"

"Kay, we should get the kitchen cleaned up," Simone said softly, obviously unsure of what else to say.

Sighing, I started to clean up the mess.