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Welcome to Fanfiction! This is a site that hosts any and every kind of fan fiction imaginable.

I hope to get a large collection of all different fics, for your reading pleasure, and to give the authors more publicity.
If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.

23/03/02- Got two submissions, in the Books section. That's right, I'm still here at this site, I just haven't had anything to update about. Thinking of making a new layout soon.
10/18/01- I finally got submission. Added in the Books section.
10/16/01- I decided to go with a Buffy layout, I know it's not the greatest, but I have to say I'm proud of myself *smiles*
10/15/01- There are now 3 fan fic awards you can apply for!
Go Here To Apply
10/14/01- I added my third BsB fic.
And I also added my Passions fic (Kaguel).
10/13/01- I added my two BsB fics.

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