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Sparky- hummmm… ::is walking down a street::

Sparky and The Man Who Wanted Zero



Sparky- hummmm… ::is walking down a street::

Black van- ::runs over Sparky, then a man jumps out of the van and pulls her in the scary black van::

Sparky- X.x

Black van- ::drives away::

Sparky- ::wakes up tied to a chair in a room with no lights on and it is so dark she can’t see::

Vrone- ::walks up to the girl tied to chair:: ((Foot note: he can see in the dark.))

Sparky- I have a lovely bunch of coconuts deedel lee daadel lee standing there a standing in the road big ones small o- ::is hit over the head:: Hey!

Vrone- shut up do you even know how annoying that is?

Sparky- No! do you??

Vrone- Shut the hell up.

Sparky- Fine be that way I wont talk to you at all.

Vrone- ::sweat drops, then pulls gun from holster and puts it to the girls head:: where is he?

Sparky- Oh, your so tuff using a gun on an unarmed person.. A girl non the less. You should be ashamed.

Vrone-Tell me where he is or I will kill you…

Sparky- Fine you win I hid the monkey under my bed.

Vrone-::narrows eyes and smacks the girl over the head with the back of his left hand::

Sparky- Hey I told you where he is you didn’t even tell me what he you where looking for!

Vrone- ::puts gun away:: Fine I will talk to you later. Maybe then you will tell me what I want to know..

Sparky- Okaly dolkaly.

Vrone- ::roles his eyes::

Sparky- ::hears a door open and light for a sec then she hears a door close and the light disappears, she calls her power to her and creates an energy dagger and cuts through what ever was holding her to the chair:: that was easy.. ::Walks to the door and pulls a sword from the gem on her hand, and waits a while then opens the door:: …hummm.. ::No one is out side of the door the walls are painted white and the floor is concrete and lights dangle from the ceiling:: …. ::She walks down the halls she starts to hear talking the voices get closer she pulls her magic together and casts a spelled blanket of magic over her self to make her self invisible::

Vrone- Dr. Blight I think this girl knows where he is we have been looking for him for years and we have very convincing evidence that she has been talking to him.

Dr. Blight- yes but I really don’t think its right to keep the girl tied up like she was going to kill us or some thing and I really don’t approve of you putting a gun to the girls head..

Vrone- well the girl is Impossible and how else are we going to get her to tell us where he is.

Dr. Blight- why don’t we just ask her nicely, you never know it might work. ::Funny old man grin::

Vrone- ::rolls his eyes::

Sparky- ::watches as they walk down the hall and grins, takes the blanket off her self and runs down the hall::

I wonder where I go to get out of this place… ::runs into some guy who wasn’t looking the right way, falls to the ground::

Person- ::falls as well, looks at the girl then pulls his sword out and puts it to her neck:: if you don’t mind I need to take you back where you belong..

Sparky- ::grins:: oh really… ::knocks his sword away from her neck with her own sword then back flips up and sends her sword flying his gut::

Person- ::is stabbed, falls over bleeding::

Sparky- ::runs down the hall, stops at an elevator presses down button. The doors open she walks in and presses the button for the bottom floor. Doors open to reveal at least 5 people dressed like that other person she stabbed:: oh so you want to play too.

Person1- I’m sorry miss but if you don’t come with us we are going to have to kill you. ::Evil grin::

Sparky- oh really.. So I guess you do want to fight. ::Runs at the first person swings her sword at his side. A trail of blood fallows her sword as she swings it at the next victim slicing his arm off. She spins around and takes the next mans head clear off his shoulders::

The two unharmed men- O.O ::they run away down the hall::

Person2- ::lies on the ground looking straight into the eyes of his friend severed head, and is bleeding badly from where his arm had been cut off::

Person 1- ::groans in pain his side bleeding badly::

Sparky- that wouldn’t have happened if you had let me go.. ::Shakes head, pulls a cloth out of nowhere and whips the blood off her sword then throws the cloth on the ground and the sword turns into a red light and goes into the gem on her hand::

Vrone- :: going down the elevator trying to catch up with the girl who had hurt the man up stairs:: oh my… ::steps out of the elevator to find a man on the ground bleeding another with his arm cut off and another with his head cut clear off::

Sparky- ::wonders why those people wanted her::

Vrone- ::run out of the building and sees the girl:: Hey you!

Sparky- ::turns to look at the person yelling at her:: Who me?

Vrone- yeah you! You murder! Who the hell do you think you are?

Sparky- well I say I’m a girl who got kidnapped and had to get her self out of the hands of the enemy.

Vrone- you will pay for what you have done.. ::Pulls a sword about 3ft long with a unicorn on the handle with red stones for eyes from sheath::

Sparky- why dose every one want to fight me today?? Oh well. ::Pulls her sword from the gem on her hand the sword had two dragons one the handle one gold and one silver the sword was about 3’2ft long:: Well make your move..

Vrone- lady’s first. ::Grins::

Sparky- As you wish. ::She runs at him and brings her sword over her head and sends it down aiming at the top of the mans head::

Vrone- ::brings his sword up to block the attack then tilts his sword sending his aponents sword sliding off his::

Sparky- ::her sword slides off his and almost hits the ground when she pulls it back up and sends it flying at his gut::

Vrone-:: dodges easily:: Heh, is that the best you can do? You disappoint me. ::He swings his sword at the girl’s side::

Sparky- ::pulls back getting a long cut on her side that starts to gush out blood, she holds on to her side::

Vrone- I might as well just bring you back get the information I need then kill you. ::Sneers::

Sparky- well don’t think its over yet… ::the wound heals almost all the way, she runs at him once more except this time another sword appears in her had. This one is the same size as the other one and it has a rose on it that grows around her hand griping her hand into place. She runs at the man sending one sword at his side and the other coming at him from above::

Vrone-::blocks the sword from over head but is hit in the side by the other side but the one from the side is stopped by a magic shield of some sort::

Sparky- ::jumps back runs fire and lightning through the swords. The swords start spiting flames and sparks::

Vrone- ::pulls a gun from the inside of his jacket and start to shoot at the girl::

Sparky-::Sends a blast of fire at the man that melts the bullets as they fly at her::

Vrone- ::jumps out of the way of the blast::

Sparky- ::runs at the man and sends both her swords above her and brings them down hard upon the man::

Vrone- ::moves out of the way of the sword but had almost got hit by about 3in but he was burned badly by the flames & sparks the sword emitted::

Sparky-::takes a few steps back:: ::the sword with the rose disappears::

Vrone- ::falls to knees embarrassed to be beaten by a girl and also in pain from the burns all over his body. His hair is cinged along with his clothes::

Sparky- ::gasp, yawn:: I’m sorry but I have to go I’m already late as it is.. ::walks down the street and walks all the way to a mall at least 4-5 miles away. Walks up to some guy who is sitting on a bench:: hello I’m sorry I’m late. ^-^

Zero- Its ok so what do you want to do?

Sparky- I don’t know lets just see what we can find on the way.