Sparky: :: is walking down the street:: Fa la la la la la la la!
Cow: mooooooo…. :: eats grass is black and white::
Sparky: :: looks at mooing cow:: O.o ::runs over to the cow and pets it:: ^-^
Cow: Moo! ^-^
Black cow: hey Sparky.. pssst.
Sparky: ::looks at the talking cow:: what?
Black cow: don’t mix with that kind they are part white and part black its not normal to
talk to there kind…
Sparky: ::blinks stare::
Black cow: fallow me I will show you my herd.
Sparky: okay… ^-^ ::fallows the cow::
Black cow: ::leads Sparky to an oversized field filled with black cows::
Sparky: wow! They’re all… BLACK!! ::Bounces around happily::
Black Cow: :: sweatdrops:: Uh..Yeah. <.<
Sparky: Let me paint you all white! Look! The chalk works on the cow!
Other cow: Moo!
Cows: ::run away::
Sparky: Come back to me! I want to doodle on you!
Black cow: ::sweatdrops again:: You are a disgrace! You have been outcast!
Sparky: You cannot do that! I shall fight you with the power of… The nail file! dun
dun DUN! And the stinky cheese man!
Stinky cheese man: ::runs through screen real quick, shoots peace sign, runs away::
Black cow: ::gasp:: You cannot use the power of the nail file!
Sparky: Watch me! ::flings random nail files at cows::
Black cow: ::is hit in tail:: ::falls:: The pain, the PAIN!!!
Sparky: Now I shall fight you with ancient technique! A technique only used by the
most skilled of fighters! It is… it is… ::gulp:: BOOT TO THE HEAD!! ::random boots
fly at random cows heads as she screams these words::
Teddy grams: Buy teddygrams! Falalalala! ::dance across screen::
Forest Man: No! Do not eat teddygrams! They are made of whale fat and stuff and I am
lying but OH WELL! And the consumption of black mages ISN’T GOOD FOR YOU!!
Instead, read Have you ever just been totally knocked out of the loop? By Nosgetuka!
Ken: ::chases after Forest man:: Oh, you tease! Come back to me! I wasn’t ready for
you to leave yet!
Forest Man: ::runs:: No not now baby! I’m in the middle of free advertisement for our
story! I’ll take off my pants later! You must understand, I killed the reputation of those
cute little bears so loved by children for this! You must let me finish!
Ken: ::blinks, then gropes forest man:: I’ll be waiting with bells on…
Sparky: ::flies out of nowhere:: ::tackles the two:: ::starts to smack Forest Man with
frying pan:: You cheated on me! You nasty lecher! ::flies back to where ever she was
Commercial- Over
Black cow: ohhhhh!! That pain! For the love of fluff ball noodles let me live!!!!! ::dies::
Sparky: Muhahahahahaha!
::start to skip around all the cows that died because they where hit in the tail by the
random flying boots::
White cow: ::trots up to sparky:: hey good job you killed them all…. Why don’t you
come and join my herd the herd of holy cows that are holy and holy of holy-ness because
we are holy….
Sparky: O.o;
White cow: fallow me….
Sparky: ::fallows the white cow that is scarring her now because of the way it said
White cow: ::leads sparky to another over sized field:: this is my herd…
Sparky: ooooOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOooooooo…. ::blink, points to an over sized
white cow:: who’s that?
White cow: that’s the queen she is the most bu-
Sparky: she’s ugly… or that’s what I think and she looks mean…
White cow: you dare say that about the queen!! You must die you horrid girl! You will
Sparky: wow look at the flower oh… ::pets the flower::
Flower: Purrrrrr…
White cow: hey you! Stop petting the flower and let me show you some cowfuu you
wicked girl! ::dose cowfuu cow kick::
Sparky: ::skips away to tell the really fat cow that it is white::
White cow: ::misses Sparky and smacks into another cow killing it::
Sparky: ::skipping to the big fat white cow:: ^-^
White cow: ::jumps up and runs after Sparky in slow motion::
Sparky: ::is going faster than the cow seeing as how the cow is in slow motion:: Fa la al
la la!! ::stands in front of big fat white cow:: you know what you are freakishly fat! I just
thought you might like to know that! I must be going now!
Queen white cow: ::says in big fat weird voice:: how dare you, you what ever you are!
Kill it! Kill it! ::points at Sparky with fat finger of fat-ness::
::many many other cows: ::go after Sparky and try to kill her::
Sparky: ::::moves out of the way of the cows as the smash into each other killing them
Many many other cows: ::die::
Queen white cow: ::muches on grass and dies from grass poisoning::
*Its starts to rain little bell things*
Sparky: ::skips down the field:: oh singin’ in the bells just singin’ in the bells! ::skips into
a field of black and white cows:: ….
Black and white cow: mooooo…
Sparky: oooOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOooo….. ::hugs the cow:: Master! ::scary
swirly eyes::
Zero: ::walking by, stops seeing Sparky:: hummmmmm… Sparky?
Sparky: ::hugging cow as it roams around:: Master…
Zero: O.o;;;; ::walks over to Sparky and pries her off the cow::
Sparky: No master help me! ::reaches out to the cow::
Zero: ::shakes head:: you need help…
Sparky: ::looks at him, stupid grin:: I know I do! I love you! ^-^ ::hugs his leg, and has
stupid look on face::
Zero: … okay.. ::Walks on with Sparky attached to leg:: you really need help…