Sparky and The Satanic Bras!
Sparky: ::sits up in bed, Gasps for air. Looks around:: Its time! ::lightning flashes in the
back ground::
::every thing changes and now Sparky’s infront of a large house in her normal clothing,
walks up to the house and opens the door like she lives there. She runs down the long hall
up stairs down stairs and so on. Walks up to a door and busts it open and jumps in:: Its
time! ::lightning flashes in the back ground::
Zero: ::sits up in his bed:: What?
Sparky: ::runs over and tackles him out of bed so they both hit the ground::
TTIIIMMEEEE!! Its Time! You must take me to… The store…
Zero: ::twitches:: Okay just get off of me.
Sparky: ::blinks:: oh sorry. ::gets up and runs to door:: Okay I’ll be in the hall HURRY
and get ready I need some one to take me to… The store… ::slams door behind self then
runs up and down the hall till zero walks out::
*lightning flashes and every thing changes so that they are both now walking into
the store*
Sparky: ::looks around the store, then looks at zero:: okay you can go around and do..
stuff… but I’m going to go to the… place… If I scream your name really loud then come
save me!
Zero: Okay. ::walks off::
Sparky: ::runs to the BRA depart ment:: … ::walks into the place with all the bras, looks
around at the bras::
Wonder Bra: Sparky buy me!!!
Other Bar: but Sparky you have no need for a wonder bra, buy me!
Sparky: ::covers chest:: O.o;;;
Bra: No Sparky buy me pink frilly bra!!
Big scary padded bra: Sparky!
Sparky: ::spins in circles and screams:: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! ::falls to floor::
Bras: ::float over to Sparky who is twitching on the floor::
Zero: ::hears a scream from across the store:: … ::runs over that way, gets stopped by
some lady::
Lady: do you need any help? Hey buy this or this! Or or or hey buy this!!
Sparky: ::drags her self to the other aisle, looks around to see men’s under paints and
junk like that::
Boxers: hey what are you doing over here? Go away woman!
Sparky: ::gets up and walks to another aisle to think of a way to buy a good bra::
Zero: no I don’t want to buy any thing, please let me go.
Lady: but you have to buy this! ::clinging to zero:: you cant leave! I love you!
Zero: ahhhhhhhhhh!! Let go of me!! ::trying to get lady off::
Lady: No don’t leave!!
Sparky: ::looks over at the socks thinks to self:: hummmm.. ::gets a pack of socks and
opens them. Makes little sock bombs::
Zero: ::has gotten crazy lady off and is running away from her now::
Sparky: ::walks over to the Bra place, Bras start to fly at her. Hits them with the socks
and as she hits them they fall to the floor:: Muhahahahaha! Die evil BRAS!!! ::runs over
and grabs a bra and runs away:: hides in the sock aisle:: ahh I have you now bra! I won’t
have to go back there in a while. ^-^ ::looks at socks I guess I have to buy you too.. oh
well I need some more socks.. ::looks around:: where’s zero? ::starts to wander around::
Zero: ::hiding from crazy lady::
Lady: ::pops out of no place and jumps after zero:: but look at this price you have to buy!
Zero: ::moves out of the way and runs::
Lady ::runs after:: It’s a new low low low low price of $99.99!
Zero: ::turns corner then bumps into Sparky:: Ack! ::falls over bringing Sparky with
Sparky: Oh no they’ve found me!! HELLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!
Zero: ::sees that he ran into Sparky, jumps up and slings her over his shoulder:: were
getting out of this place right now!
Lady: you can’t lave! You have to buy this new… umm… blender!
Zero: Nooo! ::runs::
Sparky: Hurry she gaining on us!
Zero: I’m running as fast as I can!
Sparky: Man she can run fast!
Lady: don’t go you have to BUYYYYY!! Buy Teddy Grahams!
Teddy Grahams: ::Dance across the screen:: FA la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
la! ::then pop away::
Zero: ::makes it to the check out line::
Sparky: the lines to long your going to have to use the power of cutting!
Zero: your right!
Sparky: Hurry she’s almost here!
Zero: ::cuts infront of one person then another till they are infront of the line::
Sparky: ::puts her socks and her bra on the little check out thing::
Old woman: ::scans the socks, then checks the bra but it didn’t work so dose it over and
over cuz it isnt working::
Sparky: Hurry lady!! Use the Force!!
Old woman: ::checks it :: That will be 15.98.
Sparky: ::hands her the money and takes her stuff::
Lady: no you can’t leave buy a lava lamp!
Zero: ::runs for the door slow motion with the lady right behind him::
Lady:: reaches for him::
Lady: :trips on self then slams into trash can:: EEWWWWW!!
No more slow motion
Sparky: we made it!
Zero: I’m never coming back here again.
Sparky: Oh but we have to come back… Some Day.
Scary music plays
Zero: Next time I’ll wait out side then… and what’s up with the weird music?
Sparky: ::shrugs:: I don’t know.