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The Tower of Babel in New Yerti


Verse 1

Asako ter-tal golin-hi.


Paraphrase 1

Had all land language one.


Verse 2

Terado sonpet wet. Setano sonpet Shinar-dan.


Paraphrase 2

Traveled people east. Settled people in Shinar.


Verse 3

Hano sade “Sid wade suma”

Sido sade suma.


Paraphrase 3

Said they “Prepare us building materials”

Prepared they building materials.


Verse 4

Hano sade “Sid wade wangray und sid wade lapo”


Paraphrase 4

Said they “Make us large building and make us glory”


Verse 5

Rono Sidontok wangray.


Paraphrase 5

Saw God building


Verse 6

Hano Sidontok “Han sade golin-hi. Sid sade gos im.


Paraphrase 6

Said God, “Speak they one language. Do they much now.


Verse 7

Kad wade golin. Wakarmu sade sade.”


Paraphrase 7

Confuse I language. Understand not they them.”


Verse 8

Kado Sidontok sonpet. Sidomu sonpet wangray.


Paraphrase 8

Mixed up God people. Didn’t build they large building.


Verse 9

Det sade Babel. Kudo Siduntok golin atok.


Paraphrase 9

Is there Babel. Confused God language there.