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Zemmer Library's Search Engine and Link Collection

Updated Last: May 22, 2001

FastCounter by bCentral

This site is Under Construction

To make it easier to find material for research projects I collected a list of sites for Search Engines. We posted the URLs in notebooks and on the bulletin boards in the computer labs at school. We are now making our own web sites for posting helpful educational learning sites. These sites were collected from teachers, recommendations from parents and from various computer and educational literature. I am trying to keep the links current. Please report broke links. It you have any suggestions for other sites, please send me an e-mail.

(Warning to Parents: The school's computer network is protected by a firewall and Internet Security Software. These web links are NOT connected to the school's network, as they were created on my home computer. I have tried to include only safe sites. The only guarantee of site safety and appropriateness is the net guard software you have placed on your own home computer. Parental supervision is always advised, while your child is surfing the Internet.)

My Favorite Site for Home Pages

Michigan Electronic Library
Dog Pile Search Engine
Ask Jeeves
Ask Jeeves for Kids
Web Crawler
Lycos Search Engine
Lycos Zone for Kids
Excite Search
Google Search
CNet Search
InfoSeek at Go.Com
Alta Vista Search
Berkeley University's Kids Click !
DIRECT HIT Search Engine
Norther Lights Search Engine
Information Please Homework Link
Search A Lot, we search so you don't have to.........
MSN Search Engine
GO Network Search Engine
News on CBS
News on NBC
News on ABC

Topic Links ..... Under Construction.... New Subjects and Links added weekly

English: Grammer
Higher Math
History and Social Studies Links
Computer and Technology
Homework Help Sites
Central Michigan Educational Links
Go To Search Engine
Teacher Help Sites and Links

More Search Engines

Meta Crawler
ABOUT.COM home work and study tips
Beaucoup Search Engine
School Discovery Channel
Look Smart
Encarta on Line from Micro Soft
Big Chalk (formally HOMEWORK CENTRAL)
Momma Search Engine
Librarian Search Engine
Northern Lights Search Engine
***All Star Educational Links***
Guide to Writing a Paper
Homework Help Link Sites
Study Web by Light Span
Berkley University Kids Click !
Ace Kids Resource Links
Homework Center at Multnomah County Library
Our Page for Teachers