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David Nylund, presents to you an approach that helps ADHD and ADD kids thrive by harnessing their innate abilities, creativity and talents, in this month's ezine.
There are also details of an ADD conference with the keynote speaker discussing,"Moving Beyond Conventional Treatments for ADD: 21st Century Medicine".

David Nylund is a well respected staff psychotherapist at Kaiser Permanente in Stockton, California and teaches at the California State University in Sacramento. We contacted him just before the launch of his new book, 'Treating Huckleberry Finn' and he replied," I am very proud of it and I think it adds a missing piece in the ADHD discourse." We were delighted when he then agreed to write the following article, for you, so you could get an idea of his approach:

Treating Huckleberry Finn
A New Narrative Approach to Working with Kids
Diagnosed ADD/ADHD
What would happen if Huckleberry Finn were in school today?  In Mark Twain’s novel, Huck was a fidgety, restless, and ornery kid who would rather be exploring the Mississippi River and smoking his pipe to sitting in a classroom learning the multiplication tables.  Today he would most likely be labeled a troubled kid and diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADHD).  To calm him down and help him to“focus” Huck would most likely be prescribed Ritalin.

In my book, I discuss how ADHD is one of the most controversial social issues of our time.
It raises strong and passionate feelings among those who believe in it and those who don’t.  Many parents don’t know what to believe.  There is a widespread
belief that ADHD is a medically proven fact.  However within the scientific community, doctors, psychiatrists and medical researchers hold varied opinions. Some say this diagnosis depends entirely upon the beliefs of the doctor or therapist.

As a therapist for 15 years, I have come to the conclusion that consensus created ADHD, not science. In fact, no medical researcher or geneticist has ever claimed to prove ADHD has a biological cause. This is not to say that problems don’t exist. 

 Parents, teachers, siblings and caretakers can feel overwhelmed with problems such as hyperactivity, distractibility, aggression, and lack of control in the classroom.

However, to use the terms ADHD is to use a psychiatric label. Labeling may limit the range of possibilities
and options that people might otherwise have available. The diagnosis can get children to feel “sick” or “damaged.”  The label can inadvertently recruit parents and teachers to become deficit-focused.  Also, there are many people for whom medication has had a short-term effect or no effect at all.

Despite the above, many people, children and adults experience a diagnosis of ADHD as very positive influence or even a turning point in their lives. In addition, they find taking medication very beneficial.
In "Treating Huckleberry Finn", I respect the multiple views of ADHD and offer proven and practical strategies for parents, teachers and mental health professionals for how to deal with problematic behavior such as fidgeting, distractibility, hyperactivity, difficulty listening, paying attention and following directions.  My approach helps kids thrive by harnessing their innate abilities, creativity and talents.
My approach is called the SMART approach and consists of five basic steps: 
  • Step One: Separating the problem of ADHD from the child; 
  • Step Two: Mapping the influence of ADHD on the child and family;
  • Step Three:Attending to exceptions to the ADHD story;
  • Step Four: Reclaiming special abilities of ADHD children; 
  • Step Five: Telling and celebrating the new story.
In addition to outlining a strategy that is results oriented, Treating Huckleberry Finn offers
professionals and parents:
  • Assessments tools that highlight a child’s strengths rather than deficits
  • Creative teaching methods for engaging children with learning problems
  • Parenting strategies to empower ADHD children

My approach is respectful of the various perspectives on ADHD and offers the reader hopeful, and uplifting
resources to safeguard the well-being of our vital, courageous, imaginative and spirited Huck Finns.  You
can learn more about the book by logging on to my website:
David Nylund also very generously sponsored this month's ezine, so it remains free to all.
Treating Huckleberry Finn : 
A New Narrative Approach to Working With Kids Diagnosed ADD/ADHD 
by David Nylund
Available through in the USA, Americas, and the Pacific for US$39.95 click here
and in Europe, Africa and Asia through for £25.95 click here

October 14, 2000 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
George Mason University (Student Union II Ballroom)
Fairfax, Virginia
•  Keynote:
   “Moving Beyond Conventional Treatments for ADD: 21st Century Medicine”
•  Demonstrations on training the brain and balancing energy
•  Latest research on nourishing and restoring the body
•  Discussions and action plans
Sponsored by:  Co-sponsored by: Supported by:
Alternative Health Care Research, Inc. The George Mason University  National Integrative Health Congress
Advanced Educational Consulting Center for the Advancement of Public  Fresh Fields Whole Foods Markets
Health ImageWerks

 REGISTER NOW AND SAVE! Copy the form below:

Helping Kids with ADD
Make checks payable to Alternative Health Care Research, Inc. No credit cards. Cash or check accepted on site.
Mail (with payment) to: Martha Lappin, Ph.D., 10841 Split Oak Lane, Burke, VA, 22015
For information, call: (703) 250-4695, or (703) 360-7733

A map and confirmation notice will be mailed if received by September 25.
Name(s) (use additional sheet if necessary)_____________________________________________________
Number of people _______________________Total registration fee: $_______________________________
Fees: Please indicate your two concurrent sessions:
Pre-registration   Neurofeedback
(mail by September 25 for map and confi rmation notice)   Hemi-Sync™
  $45 (Individual)   Brain Gym™ 
  $35 (per person — 2 registrations)    Craniosacral and massage therapy
  $25 (per person — 3 or more registrations)    Neuronaturopathic genetics and virology
On-site registration   Homeopathy
  $65 (individual)   Emotional Freedom Technique
  $55 (per person — 2 registrations)

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