Christian Leadership Training Institute
1-1-6-Christian PerspectiveGoals:
Opening Prayer:Lord God, what a wondrous treasure you have given us in our Christianity! Forgive us for sometimes belittling its value and potential for our Leadership. Give us the grace in understanding and practice our own faith - orientation without stopping to the level of cutting down others. help us always be faithful to you in all our training interactions, in Jesus name. Amen. Lead-In:We desire to be caring Christians. Your participation demonstrates this. We want to lead effectively as possible. Drawing from the resources of Christianity is an important part of giving quality care. Also important is the use of Christian resources God has given us. The Christian Trainer, using both sets of resources under God is able to meet quite effectively the deepest needs that people have. In this session we will look at our need for both; the secular and the spiritual. We will see how God meets peoples deep needs. We will grow in our understanding of the ways in which God meets our own deep needs and gain a greater appreciation of how God meets needs through us. RisksIntroduction: In this Bible study, Simon Peter is invited to take the plunge. After sharing his experience, you've got some decisions to make. God My talents are SO FEW God I have CONCLUDED I sometimes get this feeling when... Read Mat. 14:22-33 HomeworkDiscussion Questions 1. Christianity claims that "Christian training has significant advantages over any other method; the primary advantage is that of depth." What do you understand this to mean? 2. If we are to understand our identity and be truly competent, we must be well versed in our Christian field, just as secular trainers are in theirs. What kind of "homework" do you think is necessary to be a competent Christian trainer? 3. What are some basic questions of life, death, spirituality, and meaning? Spend five minutes brainstorming and recording as many questions and concerns in these deep areas as you can." 4. Take 10 minutes to discuss how Christian faith and insights have provided answers to one or more of these questions for you. Share one issue and some possible answers. 5. "Christian trainers" - whether nonprofessional, semiprofessional, or professional - might be well-versed in their own area of expertise. Otherwise the potential may be there, but it will never be realized. Which leads to the following question: What is it you think you need to know more of to be a better trainer? Write down one area where you wish you had more knowledge, more information, more training - whatever it would require to make you a better Christian trainer. Take a couple of minutes or so to enter it down. Read James 4:13-17 It is good to have goals, but goals will disappoint us if we leave God out of them. There is no point in making plans as though God does not exist, because the future is in his hands. How will you react if God steps in and rearranges your plan. Put God's desires at the center of your planning he will never disappoint you. Don't be deceived into thinking that you have lots of remaining time to live for Christ, or to do what you know you should. Live for God today. Then, no matter when your life ends, you would have fulfilled God's plan for you. It is a sin of omission, to know the truth and not tell it. It is also a sin of omission to avoid him or her when you know he or she needs your friendship. We should be willing to help as the Holly Spirit guides us. If God has directed you to do a kind act, to render a service, or to restore a relationship, do it. You will experience a renewed and refreshed vitality to your Christian faith. 6. Ever omit God in Your planning? 7. How do you specifically involve him?
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