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Christian Leadership Training Institute


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If you are reading this; you have probably been "born again" (made Jesus Christ Lord of your life) and have defined and added God's plan for your life.  But now you are trying to live out this plan and are looking for an improvement in the "Quality of Life."  You are interested in having a "Life Worth Living." A Better Quality of Life.

Well let  us provide you with some additional assistance.  This assistance will target some key areas and point out some of what God would like us to know about these areas.

Aren't there some days when you wish you could go back to bed and start over?  At times, nothing is more appreciated than a new beginning.  You have a rare opportunity, for a fresh start. 

This would be a great time for a fresh start for you to renew healthy commitments and weed out those things that drain your joy and take your focus of Jesus as your Lord.

God's plan for your life is a positive and powerful guide concerning the ways in which He desires us to think, feel and behave.  The help provided in this workbook cover many aspects of our existence and help us to paint a mental portrait of what we want to become.  This web site was created for adults who want to live God's plan for them in a positive way, and thereby improve their Quality of Life.

We can change our life with positive guidance which can set us free into better and more peaceful experiences.  The God we choose to follow will ultimately rule our world.  If we choose the right God, we will have health, joy and love.  The choice is always ours.  God's plan for you is a way to wake you up - to make you fully conscious and aware of the daily choices you make.  And as you learn to direct your thoughts, your feelings and behavior will naturally follow.

To get real value out of this web site, you should read the pages and answer the questions.  It  is possible to feed the mind with different thoughts and create a new way of living.

New Life

It is my hope that this web-site will help you live out that plan you and God have developed and will help you bring joy and peace into your life.

You have chosen to turn the control of your Life to your God and make Him your Lord.  You have chosen to begin a new letting go of personal control, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that provided much frustration.

In a previous day you chose to seek a new control of your life, think new thoughts, to look at new values and to find new ways of living your God-given plan.

You have chosen to deepen your relationship between you and your God.  You will look at your relationships with family, friends and others in a new light.  You will develop vital, healthy interactions with others.

You will truly welcome this new you.  You will welcome the wonderful possibilities open to you.


The future that stretches before you holds promise of much good.  You have been given a plan by God which he has lovingly planed for you. 

You can expect the future to be one of renewal, a future of joy, a future of love and peace.

You can expect the future to be one of healing; You can expect to feel vibrant emotional health surging through you.

You can expect this future to be one of joy, a future in which you will feel free from anxiety.  You can expect this future to contain delightful surprises.

You can expect this future to be one of love.  Your personal relationships will be satisfying and fulfilling.  You will not have to work hard to get your control of others. 

You may expect your future to be filled with wonderful promise, and so it will be.


(Proverbs 16:1-3)
"We may make our plans, but God has  the last word.  You may think everything you do is right; but the Lord judges your motives.  Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out.

What role should feelings, circumstances, counsel, conscience, scripture, casting lots oracles, and law of the land each play in knowing and doing God's will?  Which one should be determinative?  Suggestive?  Confirming?  Suspect?

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(Proverbs 16:9-10)

"You may make your plans, but God directs your actions.  The King speaks with divine authority; his decisions are always right."

It has been said, "Don't let the good get in the way of the better."  What "good" and "better" opportunities and options do you see laid out here?  Have you chosen the "better" in each case?  Why or why not?  How would you like to be different?

In the above passages, Solomon tells us to commit to the Lord whatever we dol.  The word "commit" can be translated as "roll."  We are to literally roll all of our anxieties and all of our plans onto God.  We are to release our burdens to Him, to trust Him with our lives.  In Proverbs 3:5-6, Solomon urges, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not  on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

These principles should affect every area of our lives.  God knows our daily work, our life's direction, and if we will trust Him He has promised to guide us.  There are incredible benefits promised to a righteous man who puts his complete trust in God.

There will be times in each of our lives when we feel that we are having trouble coping.  We look around us at a world in moral decay.  Trouble threatens  from every side.  Spiritually we may feel as if the well of our souls run dry.  Our resources have been depleted.  But, as His children, we know that our Father God has the power and desire to help us.  This lesson's study focuses on the way God provides guidance on coping with our world.

We wait for God to intervene in our church or our lives in a dramatic, forceful, sensational way.  Sometimes, however, help or grace begins quietly - in a private meeting between God and you.

During the lesson, let's ask God to move in our lives in a remarkable way; so that we will not be devastated.  God can and will brings us into His peace.  And just when we may be tempted to give up, to succumb to the difficulties of life.  His Holy Spirit will guide us through what we will study here.  

We should consider ourselves as God's children having a human experience, rather than humans having an occasional religious experience, as our brother Christ Jesus.


  1. Work on memorizing some prayers that will turn your life over to his control.  This will get you thinking along the right lines. (See our prayer sections for some suggestions).  If prayer and Bible study are important for nurturing spiritual growth, then it makes sense to regularize them.  The core value in this perspective on life is submission to the will of God.

  2. Every morning as you start your day, express above covered prayers to your Father.  This will help you release your control to God, of your life.

  3. Plan to spend some time (preferably in the morning) every day reading the Bible.  This will give you a return conversation.

  4. As you read the Bible each day try to include reading from a "Bible Commentary" book.  This will bring the Bible alive to you.

  5. Include a contemporary religious book or periodical in your daily reading program.  This will help show you that the word of God is meaningful today.

  6. Make a point of utilizing religious Radio or T.V. where available.  This will give you additional guidance and training.

  7. When you attend church, try to arrive at least 15 minuets early and spend some personal time with your Father.  This will help improve your communication with him.

  8. As you Shop, try to suppress your desires and quiet your mind.  Then listen for guidance as to whether you need and should purchase any item.  This will help you to control your will; it will help downgrade items to things that satisfy earthly needs; and it will do a lot for your budget/diet too.   And most important it will help you to listen to your Fathers Guidance.
    (Luke 12:15)
    And he went on to say to them all, "Watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed; because a person's true life is not made up of the things he owns, no matter how rich he may be."
    How do you respond to the constant pressure to buy?

  9. As you deal with your family members develop a submissive attitude.  You will find as you succeed in this area; you will develop a more submissive attitude to your heavenly Father.  But an important CAUTION: This submission should not be areas that you should and are required to be a leader (i.e. parental responsibilities).  The submission should take place only in areas that this should occur (i.e. What T.V., program should be watched).  It helps with the earthly family also.  Jesus described leadership from a new persp0ective.  Instead of using people, we are to serve them!  Jesus' mission  was to serve others and to give his life away.  Aren't we to model him?
    (Matthew 20:26-28)
    "This however, is not the way it shall be among you.  If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest; and if one of you wants to be first, he must be your slave - like the Son of Man, who did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life to redeem many people."
    In what specific ways can you serve people, using Jesus as your model?

    (Romans 15:1-2)
    "We who are strong in the faith ought to help the weak to carry their burdens.  We should not please ourselves.  Instead, we should all please our brothers for their own good, in order to build them up in the faith."
    What is the deepest question or issue for which Christianity has provided you a solution or at least spoken significantly too?  Share the issue and the solution.

  10. In areas that you hold a leadership position, be sure to enforce a disciplined environment.  State reasonable rules, enforce these rules firmly, and penalize non-compliance with a loving but firm "hand."  never discipline an individual in anger.  It is better that you wait.  As a result of this you will appreciate better,  God your Father's actions, and the other individual will also have a better understanding.  Always remember you are God the Father's representative.
    What role does suffering play in the growth process?

  11. Work on developing a Trusting environment around you, with your various families (e.g. human, church).  This will help you to better trust God your Father.  The Pharisees considered their wealth to be a sign of God's approval.  God detested their wealth because it caused them to abandon true spirituality.  Prosperity must never substitute for devotion and service to God.
    (Luke 16:15)
    Jesus said to them, "You are the ones who make yourselves look right in other people's sight but God knows your hearts.  For the things that are considered of great value by man are worth nothing in God's sight."
    Who (or what) are some of the masters you've served in the past?

  12. If you are tempted to concern your self about areas of your life, spend some quiet time thinking about your concerns from God the Father's viewpoint.  Special emphasis should be given to the fact that he is God  of the whole world.  Jesus did not blame Martha for being concerned about household chores.  He was only asking her to set priorities.
    (Luke 10:41-42)
    The Lord answered her, "<Martha, Martha!  You are worried and troubled over so many things, but just one is needed.  Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will not be taken away from he."
    In your opinion what are the good points and the blind spots of both Mary and Martha?  Who are you most like?
    (Romans 1:25)
    "They exchange the truth about God for a lie; they worship and serve what God has created instead of the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever!  Amen."

  13. We must work faithfully at the tasks God has given us.  Don't let life's anxieties overburden you, so that you will be ready to move at God's command.
    (Luke 21:34-35)
    "Be careful not to let yourselves become occupied with too much feasting and drinking and with the worries of this life, or that Day may suddenly catch you like a trap."
    How does this affect the way you live your life.?

  14. Put your heart into your daily work.  Develop a love for the people around you.  Spend extra effort to love the unlovable.  This will enhance your love of your God.  Because if you can not love the people you can see and touch; how can you love a God who you can not see directly.  But by loving the people around you; you will be loving your God through them.  Because they are his children also.  And he surly will appreciate that extra effort, because then you are imparting God's love to those individuals who most needs his love;.  And through your action of passing on his love, it may help them to rejoin him in heaven.  What love do you think he will share w9ith you, for helping one of his lost sheep to return to the fold.

  15. Stay with your job, until God moves you.  This will develop your Trust in Good.  You will know when it is time to move on, when; you have a new opportunity, you are uncomfortable in your heart with your present position, you have prayed about it and listened for a ansswer and their is no known conflict with God's guidance (e.g. Old and New Law, etc.).  This also means that you should do your best on the job.  This will help to improve your ability to cope and your endurance.
    Our lives as Christians might be described as a continui8ng process of growing in God.  How can understanding this help us to be oriented to our successful completion of our life?

    "Sometimes, a person yearns to move on, to travel, to change.  But his attempts are frustrated and he is tied down to one place.  'You must realize that this is God's will, (Psalm 23-He make's me lie down...He leads me) says David.  'You must feel as if this is the very  best place on earth for you!'  Conversely sometimes a person yearns to sink down roots in one place, to establish himself securely.  But circumstances force him to move on, to flee, and he never realizes his desire to rest.  ' This too is for the best!' says David.  'Accept it gladly!'  Thus, if 'He leads me', forcing me to move on, I must feel as if I am in calm repose 'beside still waters.'" (Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin)
    "Try, with God's help, to perceive the connection even physical and natural-which binds your labor with the building of the Kingdom of Heaven; try to realize that heaven itself smiles upon you and through your works, draws you to itself; then, as you leave the Church for the noisy streets, you will remain with only one feeling, that of continuing to immerse yourself in God...Never at any time, whether fasting or drinking; consent to do anything without first of all realizing its significance and constructive value in Christo Jesu and pursuing it with all your might" (Teilhard de Chardin).

  16. Don't let dark thoughts build up.
    Stop brooding, Get rid of self-pity.  Make a list of all the things you have to be thankfull for; and review it regularly.
    At Daybreak
    "Every morning lean thine arms awhile
    Upon the window sill of heaven
    And gaze upon thy Lord.
    Then, with the vision in thy heart
    Turn strong to meet thy day.

  17. Now that we have some "Helpful Hints."  Let us look at one of the Greatest Aids God the Father has provided us, HIS SON.
    Christ has become our "Principal" or "Coach" in the training plan our Father has provide us.  Christ along with our Father  in Heaven has provided us with the training plan.  We have also been provided a "Teacher" or "Trainer" in the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit will provide us the day to day, hour to hour guidance we need, to reach our goals.
    One of the ways that  Jesus Christ help us, is to become part of our lives.  Let us take a look at how one Theologian phased it:
    "We also talk of ransom, and we talk of the redeemer.  'Someone paid the price of your redemption.' writes St. Paul (1 Corinthians 6:20).  But the most decisive text is Mark 10:45; 'The Son of Man came to...give his life a ransom for many..'  The words 'for many' reappear in Matthew 26:28  and Mark 14:24 in connection with the blood of the covenant of which our 
    Eucharist is the memorial or sacramental realization."
    "What does Jesus give us as a ransom?  His life.  And to who does he give it?  To the multitude, to us.  So  he is our goel (a kinsmen, is the goel of a family member, when he restores his or her rights by paying a debt, as Boaz did for Ruth in the Old Testament), he establishes us as members of the family of God; his blood is that of the covenant (new, eternal).  And how does he achieve that?  By his death and his resurrection  through which, in taking their sins upon himself, he restores all men and women to be members of the family of God, in him, the one who is the Son and heir, the salvation thus acquired is applied to many people who know niter Christ nor God, by ways that God knows.  For those of us who have received the gospel, if we welcome it in faith,   ...We make his life ours, given for us, to us." (Father Yves Ckongar, O.P.-Roman Catholic Theologian)

  18. Now that we have a better understanding of how Jesus Christ is important to us; let us take a look at the "Spirit" which also will provide support to us.  As we live our life, we can trust the Holy spirit to plant the truth in our mind, and convince us of God's will, and remind us when we stray from it.
    (John 14:25-26)
    "I  have told you this while I am still with you.  The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you."
    Where can you find hope in this passage?

  19. Another aid we have is the Church we are a member of.  Baptism is part of the process of initiation into the church.  In the New Testament the process includes; Hearing the gospel, conversion or the decision of submission, training, reception of the Spirit involvement with the Eucharist and the Christian community life (Acts 2:37-47; 9:1-19; 10:44-48).  St Augustine baptism's took place after instruction and conversion.
    The purpose of this process is to make known God more fully to the person, moving the person to acceptance  of the complete love, submission and obedience required and into communion with God and the Christian community.  This process can be equated to the process of engagement, learning about each other, preparation, acceptance of Love and submission required, and then the Wedding ceremony.
    St Paul relates to us that baptism includes the gift of the Spirit and initiates an individual into the church (1 Cor. 12:13).  John also reflects this (Jn. 3:5, Titus 3:5).  The process of baptism (Acts 2:38) and its gift of the spirit involved the laying  on of hands (Acts 8:14-17, 19:6).
    "Thus baptism is essentially a public declaration of what has happened, continues to happen, and will happen between God and the recipient in the community of faith.  Such a declaration is very important in the Christian life.  As is the case in the declaration of human love, so the declaration of the divine love in baptism confirms it, enhances it, and more fully elicits the response of the recipient" (Theological Questions-Owen C Thomas, 18:113).

  20. With this in mind, you should become an active member of a Christian Church.  As part of this membership you should participate in the Holy Eucharist.
    The New Testament reflects the assumption that the coming together for worship of God and fellowship is a natural part of being a follower of Christ (Acts 2:42; 46; 20:7; 1 Cor. 1:16-17; 11:17-20; 33; Eph. 5:18-20; Heb. 10:25).  Paul discussed the importance of the church as the body of Christ in (1 Cor. 12:12-31, Rom. 12:4-8).  The importance of the Eucharist is proclaimed in (1 Cor. 12:12; 11:16-17).
    This becomes more vital to your growth when you realize the the Holy Eucharist is provided as the leading way we relate to God with love between us.  Just as a family meal brings a close relationship between the participants, we are privileged to share a meal with our God and His Son..  At this meal we can show our respect (Glory) to our God.  We can show this respect, through reflecting our love in prayer, praise, celebration, adoration, sonship, and most importantly opening yourself, to his love and involvement in your life.
    The Holy Eucharist is God's way of sharing his love with you.  It's His physical means for sharing His Love.  We on earth have many ways of sharing our Love with other humans (e.g. kissing, praise,, etc.).  God's way is to take a part of himself; his Son and allow him to enter our Body in a physical way.  The Holy Spirit enters our body and guides us in a spiritual, mental and emotional way.  But the Holy Eucharist provides God a way to provide us earth and physical based humans; that way which we can receive a physical touch, sharing, and love from our Father.  He has sent His most important reflection of his Love, His Son, to enter His children's body's.  The Holy Eucharist is the Highest way God has, of reflecting his physical love to his children, short of having them join Him within Heaven when He is ready for Us and we have accepted his invitation.
    He has chosen, a media, Means, that is acceptable and available to all humans, Bread and Liquid.  Since Christ is God and God is Christ, and we His Children, as humans, can not see His Spirit base!  He must send this "kiss" as some other media.  The Bible has many incidents where God communicated His existence through many earthly physical means (e.g. wind, fire, etc.).
    Can we as His Children refuse to accept His "Hug and Kiss," a Meal with our Father, celebration of His Love and Glory, and a way to return our Love and Respect and Glory to Him.
    Bread and "Wine" are non-threatening, and are available to humans, so God the Father sends His Son, body and blood, bread and "wine" to each of His Children who desire it and are ready to accept it.  Since it comes to us through a church (earthly manifestation of His family); each church will designate the conditions of the reception.

  21. 8 ways to Enrich Your Life.
    a.  What would Jesus Do?
    b.  Give Someone a Pat on the Back.
    c.  Be Sensitive to Another's Need.
    d.  Let Someone Lean on You.
    e.  Be Patient with People.
    f.  Speak in Love, Not Anger.
    g.  Be Generous with your Time.
    h.  Let Understanding bring you to Forgiveness.
    It becomes quite clear that we must act out our faith.  True wisdom can be measured by the depth of a person's character.  You can evaluate you wisdom by the way you act.  Wisdom leads to peace and goodness.
    (James 3:13-18)
    "Is there any6one among you who is wise and understanding?  He is to prove it by his good life, by his good deeds performed with humility and wisdom.  But if in your heart you are jealous, bitter, and selfish, don't sin against the truth by boasting of your wisdom.  Such wisdom does not come down from heaven; it belongs to the world, it is unspiritual and demonic.  
    Where there is jealousy and selfishness, there is also disorder and there is jealousy and selfishness, there is also disorder and every kind of evil.  But the wisdom from above is pure first of all; it is also peaceful, gentle, and friendly; it is full of compassion and produces a harvest of good deeds; it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy.  And goodness is the harvest that is produced from the seeds the peacemakers plant in peace." 
    Have you ever known anyone who claimed to be wise but who acted foolishly?

  22. Living each day in faith
    The person in whom God delights is  one who follows God, trusts him, and tries to do hi will.  God watches over and makes firm every step that person takes.  If you would like to have God direct your way, then seeks his advice before you step out.
    (Psalm 37:23)
    "If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm."
    Our culture talks and sings about living one day at a time, but most people live as it that's the last thing they want!
    Living each day by placing our faith in God is the mind set we are to have as God's children.  The issue concerns what we are placing our trust in.  God makes us only one promise for the future - His abiding presence (Heb. 13:5).
    How can we learn to be content? 
    Strive to live with less rather than desiring more; give away out of your abundance rather than accumulating more; relish, what you have rather than resent what your missing.  See God's love expressed in what HE has provided, and remember that money and possessions will all pass away.
    On what are you pinning your hopes for tomorrow?
    If the answer is unsettling, spend time talking to the Lord about it.

  23. Comfort, Encouragement, Protection and Praise of God
    "When I said 'My foot is slipping,' your love, O Lord, supported me." (Psalm 94:18)
    All of us need the comfort and encouragement of the presence, protection and praise of God.  This verse is a powerful lesson for us as we face the challenges, and sometimes the fears, of daily life.
    Does waiting on God drive you up a wall - or to your knees?  If your life seems to be a a standstill, it's possible that God may have something in store for you that you can't see.  Take a closer look at the situation today, and ask God to help you see it in a fresh light.
    Ultimately, whether or not you see the benefit of your trial, you can be confident God is using it for your good.  As you pray, be sure to thank God even though you can't see the end from the beginning as He can.  With that in mind, ask Him to help you trust Him.

  24. True Value
    We all wonder at times how we would respond if something of great value were taken from us - perhaps our sight or a loved one.
    Take that thought a step further.  Make a list of your most valuable possessions, as many as come to mind.  Now ask yourself what might happen if you lost any of them.  Could you sustain the loss of your entire list and still have the foundation of your life remain intact?
    Peace begins when our devotion to God is greater than anything else in life.

  25. Bad Activities
    (Psalm 8:1)
    "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"
    In light of this passage, ask yourself, "Are there activities that I'm practicing which comprise my relationship with God?"  Perhaps too much window shopping has promoted materialistic values.  Or you find yourself more willing to watch a TV show than to do daily devotions.
    If you'll deal with compromise areas in your life and devote yourself to God, He'll do a great work in you and through you.

  26. Covenant with God
    (John 14:15)
    "If you love me, you will obey what I command."
    God's word deals with people's personal lives - their families, their material possessions and their attitudes toward God and His  worship.  Do you have a desire for God to do a special work in your life?  Covenant with Him today that you will make this issue a priority in prayer until you see His answer.
    AS you pray, ask the Lord to transform you so that every facet of your life is changed.  Be prepared for God to work in your life in radical ways!
    It's easy to be consumed with the things  of the world.  It's rewards are visible.  They're immediate.  And all of us struggle with a desire to sacrifice spiritual things for worldly things.

  27. Willing Spirit
    An old adage says that a good way to develop character is to do a job you don't want to do when you don't want to do it.
    Doing what's right isn't always convenient, but little is gained by postponing the task.  The same is true of obedience.  As much as we want to obey the Lord with a willing spirit, sometimes obedience comes down to just that - simply obeying.
    Is there an area of obedience you're struggling with today.  Even if you've already "booked passage" to Tarshish, there's still hope.  Tell the Lord you will obey Him - even if the feeling of willingness isn't there right now.

  28. 28.  Waiting on God
    (2 Peter 3:9)
    "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise."
    Many people try to help God with His plans - and God's people have been "Helping" Him in His Kingdom.
    Impatience seems to be part of our human makeup, and sometimes waiting on God seems like the hardest thing in the world to do.  Are you feeling tempted to help God along by manipulating circumstances or people to achieve your desired results?  If so, take a big step back from the situation today and take another look at it.  Ask God  to give you His perspective as you seek His will in the matter.
    And remember, small compromises today can lead to severe consequences in the future.  The best way to avoid such compromises is to wait patiently on the Lord to accomplish His purposes.
    God is not slow, he just is not on our time table.  Be ready to meet Christ any time, even today; yet plan your course of service as though he may not return for many years.

  29. Strength in God
    (Psalm 18:6)
    "I cried to my God for help.  From his temple he heard my voice."
    This reminds us that the God who answers prayer also gives the strength needed to carry on.  Today, ask Him for strength to serve Him well wherever you are.  If you know of a friend or loved on in a stressful situation, share this word of encouragement.

  30. Good thoughts
    You can only keep one thought in your mind at a time, so make it a good one. (Norman Vincent Peale).

  31. Sending Good Ahead
    All that we send into the lives of others come back into our own. (Edwin Markham)

  32. Feelings
    You have emotions - but you are more than your emotions.  You have thoughts, but you are more than your thoughts.  You need not cling to negative feelings or thoughts.  You need not cling to negative feelings or thoughts.  If you are feeling low in spirit for any reason, you must remember that the clouds will life, the moods will pass, and you will see God's plan in it.  Your God will sustain you and you know your heart will again sing a joyous song.

  33. Acceptance
    (Matt. 19:30)
    "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first."
    We  need to learn the importance of subduing one's ego and cheerfully accepting where God places us.  It's good for the soul.  Don't forfeit eternal rewards for temporary benefits.  Be willing to make sacrifices now for greater rewards later.  Be willing to accept human disapproval.

  34. Patience is love at rest. (Anonymous)

  35. Live in the future
    I was regretting the past and fearing the future.  Suddenly God was speaking: "My name is I AM."  I waited God continued: "when you live in the past, with its mistakes and regrets it is hard.  I am not here.  My name is not 'I WAS.'  When you live in the future, with its problems and fears, it is hard, I am not there.  My Name is not 'I will be.'    "When you live in this moment, it is not hard.  I am here.  'My Name is I AM." (St Benedict's Monastery).

  36. Today
    each day is a gift from God.  That's why it's called the present. (Anonymous)

  37. Enduring
    Nothing great was ever done without much enduring.  (Catherine of Siena)

  38. Lord
    Wherever I go - only you Lord!
    Wherever I stand - only you Lord!
    When things are good - only you Lord!
    When things are bad - Lord!  Friend!  Comforter!



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Last modified: June 13, 2000