Lord Jesus Christ, during your life you were surrounded by
suffering and you eliminated it whenever you could. Look down on this
suffering world and alleviate its suffering. Help the sick in body,
especially those terminally ill, and the sick at heart who are weary of
life. Come to the aid of those victimized by war or by their
uncaring neighbors. Encourage those who suffer discrimination because of
race, creed or color, because of their poverty, ignorance or different
lifestyle. Free those who are oppressed and feed those who are
hungry. Inspire in me a firm desire to cooperate with you in this
liberation of the downtrodden. Let me be open to others, to love them in
you and to share with them what I am and have. Amen.
(Fr. Francis Evans, editor Prayers For All Occasions)
Lord God, who though you were rich yet for our sakes became poor and have promised in your holy Gospel that whatsoever is done to the least of your brothers and sisters you will count it as done to you, give us grace, we humbly ass you, to be ever willing and ready to minister, as you give us the power, to the needs of others, and to extend the blessings of your kingdom over all the world. Amen. (St. Augustine from The New Book of Christian Prayer)
I am amazed at Your goodness, Lord. You give me so much to be thankful for even though I deserve nothing. I cannot list all the things You have done for me, so please accept my gratitude for everything-especially for Your generous and forgiving heart! Keep me grateful even when times are troubling, for I know that You are blessing me then, too. This I ask in the name of Your greatest gift to me, Jesus Christ, in whose righteousness I dare to come before You. Amen.
Dear God, I offer this prayer to you today for the faith of the world. Through the works and actions of people just like me, may people everywhere come to have faith in you. Give Christians everywhere the ability to show their faith to the world--not by flash words and emotional pleas--but by living each day for you alone. Let others see a difference in us, a difference that announces to the world that Jesus lives in us and has changed our lives. Amen. (Steve Givens)
Lord, it has been said, "if your knees knock, kneel on them." Here I kneel, O Lord, with all my fears, misery and anxiety. Please come into my life just as you came into the disciples boat on the storm-tossed Sea of Galilee. I trust that just as your presence brought peace and calm to them, so too will the light of your peace calm by troubled soul. No matter what happens to me, I pray that you give me the faith to trust in your will as I struggle along the road of life. Amen. (Sr. Peter Dupree)
Dear God in heaven, I thank you that you have not required that we must understand Christianity; for if that were required, I would be the most miserable of all Christians. The more I seek to understand it, the more incomprehensible it seems, So I thank you that you only require faith--and I ask you to increase it in me more and more. Amen. (Soren Kierkegaard from The New Book of Christian Prayer)
Lord, You have promised us a peace that passes all understanding -- a peace the world cannot give, but one that comes only from You. It rests on the reconciling work of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. It is a peace that endures in the midst of trials and tribulations. Lord, help us to communicate this peace to others as we speak of Your love and grace. Help us to remember the promise of Your presence with us at all times. May Your peace surround us as we come and go, rest and work, and worship in church and at home. Let Christ, the Prince of Peace, dwell in our hearts richly. Amen.
Lord, I want to be quiet inside and hear your words for me, I know that your voice can give true peace to my heart. Give me the strength to quiet myself each day that your voice may truly be the guide in my life. Fill me with the courage to trust and obey the messages you give to me. Let me feel through your words your deep love for me, that I may know the real peace you have promised. Thank you, Lord, for continually speaking words of love to me, even when I block them out with my noise. Be patient with me as I slowly create quiet spaces in my life for you. You are so good to me, and I love you. Amen. (Fr. Paul A. Feider The Journey to Inner Peace)
Jesus, we live in a world that is constantly threatening our peace. We are surrounded by distractions and fears--temptations that are capable of destroying our peace. You are the only security we have in our defense, for our protection. Give us your peace. Fill us with that trust in your proven love for us, that we won't be afraid, that we can face any danger. We know that our own strength, our own confidence, is not enough. We rely only on you, and we trust completely in you, so that we always possess your peace deep in our hearts. Amen. (Fr. Killian Speckner, O.F.M., Conv. The Prayers of Farther Killian)
O God, whose grace is sufficient for our need, lift us above our doubts and anxieties into the calm of your presence so that, guarded by your peace, we may serve you fearlessly. Amen. (A Companion of Prayer for Daily Living)
Lord God, Your are full of grace and mercy toward Your people on earth. You always hear our prayers in Jesus' name. Thus we dare boldly to approach Your throne of grace today on behalf of all who are disabled in body or spirit. Your almighty power can heal them. O God of mercy, bless the medical procedures and guide those who apply them. Let us be helpful by assisting the handicapped in every way possible. Grant that all who are afflicted may trust in You as one who loves us, forgives our sins, and promises complete healing of body and soul in the resurrection. Hear us for Your own sake. Amen.
O God, Father in heaven, You have been my help in days past. Turn not from me now as I search diligently to find honest employment. Surely you do care for me and those who depend on me. Lead and direct me as I try to find work in keeping with my ability. Forgive me all my past failings and let me find peace in You. Keep me hopeful, cheerful, courageous, patient, and confident. Teach me to face each day with hope. Let me not doubt Your promise to supply me with daily bread, as I pray in my Lord's Prayer. Hear the cry of my distressed heart and restless mind. Have mercy on me for the sake of Jesus, who gave His life for me.
Please, I beg you for the opportunity to serve you in some area of life that will assist in my support and that of others.
I do not ask for work that flatters my pride. I am willing to do your will in humble ways, if only you will hear me, O Lord. I promise to work conscientiously and share your blessings with others, if only, dear Lord, you will answer me. I place my trust in you, dear Lord. Amen.
Almighty and eternal God, ruler of the universe, ever present around, beneath, above and within me, behold, I come to do your will, O God. I know not what to do. My mind is darkened. My will is weak. I am weary and lonely and I ask again, "Lord, what will you have me to do?"
I find the circumstances of my life hard, at times, O God. I do not understand why things happen the way they do. Then, I remember your divine Soon,, Jesus Christ, as his soul was sorrowful unto death. In the garden he sweat his precious blood in agony and found the divine will of his heavenly Father difficult. And he prayed -- Lord Jesus, you prayed! - "Not my will, but yours be done."
On the cross, O Jesus, you prayed, asking why your heavenly Father had forsaken you. You knew that he had not, but in your human nature you felt desolation. You became a man in all things but sin - and so you knew what it was to be forsaken. You prayed: "Into your hands, I commend my spirit."
Not understanding perfectly, not knowing the reasons why for many things, I come before you, almighty God, to be strengthened, to accept your will as Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, accepted the will of his heavenly Father. I am all yours, almighty God, and all that I have is yours. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, You withstood the temptations of Satan by using the Scriptures and trusting in Your heavenly Father. Temptations are present everywhere around us and from within us. We need Your help in overcoming them. Teach us to recognize temptation to evil so that we are not caught unaware. Help us then to rely completely on Your Word and promises for strength to resist. By the strength You give, grant us courage to flee temptations regardless of personal loss or persecution that may result. In joy, may we be aware of Your holy angels around us that the wicked foe may have no power over us. Amen.
Dear Lord, we are sorely tried in these days of want and need. We have not always loved You with all our heart nor served You. We confess that we have not always given You the offerings due You in the days when You have blessed us. Forgive us, O Lord, all our sins, our neglect, our indifference, our coldness. In Your mercy, O Lord, turn Your face again toward us. Help us, we pray, and give us today what we need to support ourselves and our dependents. Fill also our souls with peace. To You belongs the glory both now and forever, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Lord God, sometimes I feel so frightened by all the challenges and uncertainties of this life. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, fill me with courage to face each day in Your strength. I thank You for Your promise to love me, forgive me, walk with me, and be by ever present help in time of danger. Help me to call on Your name, pray, praise, and give You thanks. As Your Soon called on You in His hour of trial, I ask for courage to surrender all things to Your hands and gracious will. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Lord, it is so easy to blend in and to be like every one else. I know I am to let my light shine, but hiding it takes less effort. Lord, help me to realize that You have not given me a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control. Help me to make the good confession as Jesus did before Pilate. Strengthen me through my Baptism and Your Holy Supper that I may speak Your Word with boldness. Help me to be watchful, to stand firm in the faith, to be courageous and strong, and to do all that I do in love, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
O Lord, You know that I am sick,, and You do not need for me to give You a report on my condition. Keep me from the sin of blaming You for my adversity. Give me the might of Your Holy Spirit to place myself completely into Your good and gracious care. Give me patience to accept Your will, which is always good. Never let me doubt Your love, which You have shown in Jesus and His death for me. Watch over my loved ones and help them to deal with my illness in a way that honors You. Replace fear with the confidence that You will never leave us nor forsake us; for Jesus' sake. Amen.
Spirit of God, in the lives of Christians You bear the fruits of love, peace patience, faithfulness, and self-control. Come with Your power to those whose calling demands a special measure of these qualities. Keep love alive when fear and hate would overwhelm them. Work for peace amid the forces of war. Instill patience in the hearts of those who suffer. Keep our men and women faithful when their tasks seem futile. As tensions multiply, help them to exercise self-control, that with dignity and loyalty they may serve You and their country in their varied responsibilities. Hasten the day when they will return home safely. Amen.
Lord Jesus, You have commissioned us to bring Your saving Gospel to all nations. When our work has been only halfhearted, forgive us. Stir the hearts of Your people to a deeper concern for those still in spiritual darkness and without hope,. Let the joy of our salvation move us, as individuals and as congregations, to send and support missionaries to places far and near. Sustain and bless them and their families as they live and work to spread the Good News of Your death and resurrection, which is the only hope for sinners. Enable us to be faithful witnesses for You and so draw others to You for eternal life. Amen.
Father, You have always called faithful people to proclaim Christ's salvation to the world. We thank You that Your Spirit works through those who preach and teach. Open our hearts and minds so that we may hear their message with joy. Help their ministry. Strengthen them so they may always be models of the new life in Christ. Continue to call faithful Christians into the preaching and teaching ministry, so that every soul may hear the salvation which You have won for us in Your loved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, You promised to send Your Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. We pray with a sense of urgency that You pour out Your Holy Spirit in rich measure upon all those in Your church. Move people everywhere who believe in Your name to respond to the power and influence of Your Spirit, remembering that we have been baptized into Christ's death and resurrection. We pray for a revival of faith and love. Give to Your people a deeper faith and a greater zeal for Your mission. Fill us with true love for Your Word and a hopeful expectation for Your return in glory. In these last days energize us as never before with Your Spirit to carry Your Gospel to everyone. Amen.
O God, I need Your presence and Your strength each day. I sometimes find myself filled with hostility toward others. In spite of my good intentions, I am impatient both with strangers and those I love . Strengthen me to bear with others in their indecisions, callousness, and rage--the very things of which I am guilty! By the grace You have given me in my Baptism in which You nourish through Your Word and Holy Spirit you forgive my daily sin of impatience and touch me with Your Holy Spirit's power in order that even in my weakness I may glorify You and in spite of my failures You may be praised. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we are bombarded by advertising that encourages us to buy, buy, buy! These invitations are before us on television, radio, billboards, and in newspapers. We are tempted t o feel dissatisfied, disadvantaged, and lacking in necessary things for life. You have said, O Lord, that we should be content if we have food and clothing (1 Timothy 6:8). Help us to find this satisfaction, Lord. Teach us that true contentment is found only in You, that the blessings You give truly satisfy. Instill in us the understanding that the things of this world will pass away, but the blessings that You give in Christ will last forever. Give us strength to help others also to find this true peace in You. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Dear Lord,, you become human, suffered and died to win salvation for all. Look graciously on my child, who has drifted away from the faith--and from you as well. Grant him (her) your grace to see the error of his (her) ways and return to the fold in your care. Teach me to stay close to him (her) during this trying time, and strive to influence him (her) by action and prayers more than by words that may antagonize. Amen.
Our heavenly Father, look with compassion upon all who are ill. Set Your healing powers to work in them. We thank You for medical science. Bless the hands of those who minister to our loved ones who are ill.. Strengthen the hands of those who minister with tenderness and love, and guide the skillful hands of doctors and nurses. Give patience to those who carry the cross of affliction, who bear the burden of illness. Fill their hearts with the joy of forgiveness and the hope of the resurrection of the body in heaven. Assure them of Your abiding presence. We commend them to Your gracious care in Jesus' name. Amen.
Lord, I have an important decision to make. (Name it....) I seek your wisdom in making the right choice that will be for my good and that of others in both time and in eternity. You have said in your Son, Jesus Christ, "Ask and you shall receive." I ask for the grace and the wisdom to choose that which is according to your will.
Too often what seems best to man, is not best for his salvation according to the mind of God. God's ways and thoughts are so elevated above our own. If I cannot always see clearly your way, O God, or understand the wisdom of the events you permit and cause to come into my life, permit me at least to trust in you. Help me to pray as though all depended on You, dear Lord, and to work as though all depended upon myself. In this way I will use the talents you have given me and give credit to the outcome as in harmony with your divine will. Teach me always to seek your will before my own.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your spirit and they shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth.
O God, who does instruct the hearts of the faithful, by the light of the Holy Spirit, instruct me. Amen.
Lord, we come before You with penitent hearts, pleading for Your forgiveness through Jesus Christ, Your Son. At this moment we confess those sins by which we have brought injury to Your church--by our silence when we should have spoken and by our loveless words when we should have kept silent. May we pursue peace and harmony in the church and with all people. Lead us into the paths of truth. You have entrusted to us the precious Gospel. Now empower us to share it with others that through the power of the Holy Spirit Your church may grow. We ask for Your mercy and grace for the sake of Your Son, our Lord. Amen.
Lord Jesus, we live in an anxious world. We move so fast and are torn by so many needs. Our lives are out of balance. I pray on behalf of all families--breathe into us Your breath of life, the abundant life that comes only through You. A life that is filled with joy, oneness, and hope. Let Your presence fill each heart so that the home is a grace place, where Your blood brings reconciliation. May the home be a place where the light of the Holy Spirit offers hope for those in despair. To this end, I ask that each home be a hill on which Your light can shine to the world. Amen.
We have trouble, heavenly Father, in maintaining a right understanding of life. Help us always remember that we are to love You more than anyone or anything else. Our world is an impersonal one of "Bottom Lines" and "latest models." Our lives go by, and we spend time and energy chasing that which has no lasting value. Help us, Lord, so that we do not destroy what is most important of all--our relationship with You. Enable us to bring order out of the chaos around us and to see that in You alone there is forgiveness, hope and salvation, and that next to You our loved ones are the greatest gifts You have given us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Lord, we thank You for those people who take care of others. It is not an easy job, and many people are tired at the end of the day. We ask that You be with them so they can be loving as they jtake care of those entrusted to them. Let them know that You are present when they are tired and that You will lift their spirits. Help them when they feel challenged by their charges. Give them an extra measure of Your love when they are feeling down. Help them to realize that the work they do is important to many people and that they are loved. Because You first loved us in giving Your Son to be our Savior, help us to love all humankind. In Jesus' name. Amen.
With each new day that dawns I am growing up, O Lord. It's not too soon to start thinking of what I want to be. It's very hard, I think, to make the right decision but I pray that you will help and guide me. Show me what to do, let me share, someday, my talents where they're needed. And when you show me, give me courage to be generous enough to do what you want.
Heavenly Father, in my present need, help me to believe that you are aware of my anxiety and will do what is best for me. Give me the strength to trust you and put the present and future in your hands. Grant this through Christ, our Lord.