The path winds down between overgrown trees and you find yourself having to repeated stop to pick leaves and twigs out of your hair. As if to mock you and your situtation, the tree branches hang lower the farther you walk."I probably should trim them," a voice muses behind you, "But I hate to cut back nature."
Jaejoria smiles at you and waves a paw. "'Sides, it doesn't bother me; I can use my wings to block them." She giggles slightly. "Gods I'm full of myself." The gryph winks at you and motions for you to follow her. "If you walk behind me, I'll be able to shelter you. Now, come with me, I want to show you something." Jae leades you to a large tree with long branches that stretch high into the sky. She cups her paws around her beak and calls out, "Shepi! There's a visitor here!" Almost immediately, you hear of flutter of feathers, and from the leaves, a pink snake-thing fies down. "This is my Featherdrake!" Jae tells you with a proud smile as he lands on her shoulder. "Isn't he amazing? Have you ever seen a Featherdrake before? He's beautiful, isn't he? His name is Shepi, and he's a Spring." The gryph smiles again and strokes the featherdrake. "As a Spring, he is very in tune with people's feelings. He's very helpful in calmig nervous and or injured animals." Jae smiles again, and Shepi coos into her fur. "Well, he's the only one living here right now, but hopefully I'll be able to adopt another Featherdrake in the future." Jae pats Shepi again and the Featherdrake takes off, flying back into the tree. "We're off, bye for now!"
The gryph climbs up the tree as well and spreads her wings. You catch a glimpse of her flying high above you as you continue down the path.