Plants of all sizes, shapes and colors decorate the garden, and small fountains with little fish in them cool the summer-like air.You turn around a flowering tree, parting it's hanging branchs so you can contine on the path. There, standing in a small flower bed in a slender, graceful looking equine. The noise of your approach frightens it, and it bounces backwards, watching you warily.
"It's okay..." You say softly, "I won't hurt you."
"Don't mind her," a voice says behind you, "Ciroken frightens easily." Jae, holding a basket of plants smiles at you, moving toward the quivering equine.
"Her name is Ciroken, she's a Swiflet that I won at a Winter Festival at Sha Haven. I brought her here... it's an interesting story -how I got here that is- would you like to here it?"
You nod.
The gryph sits next to Ciroken, who still watches you, and smiles again. "The Winter Festival was in full bloom. All sort of events and contests had started, and the crowd came in masses to be there. Jaysen -the man running it- decided that four Swiftlets were to be given away to whomever named them. I was honored to be chosen. I came up with a name that Jaysen felt fit her. Ciroken. As a reward, she was given to me as a gift." Jaejoria smiles dreamily, caught up in her memories. "So, I recieved Ciroken. She prefers to stay here in the gardens. I can't blame her myself." You nod again, eyeing the Swiftlet. The gryph stands, stretching her wings. "Well, I was in the middle of planting these flowers when I saw you, so if you don't mind, I have to finish my chore."
"No, I'm sorry for interupting you." You say, moving out of her way.
"Nice talking to you!" She waves as she turns a bend in the path.
Ciroken narrows her eyes at you before dipping into a short bow. Then she trots off, following the gryph.
You wave a farewell to the two as you return to investigating the gardens.
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