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This story doesn't exactly involve a haunting, but something I feel is paranormal and very strange and interesting. It happened to my mother's friend a few years back.

Nina was a very happy, healthy eight-month pregnant woman. Her delivery was expected to be normal. One morning, about four weeks before her due date, Nina woke up feeling a very heavy depression around her. She was normally happy and cheerful, but she felt sad and depressed and couldn't quite figure out why. She shrugged it off as pregnancy hormones and went about her day.

At around five-o'clock in the evening, Nina's husband received a phone call at work that he had better get home quickly, the baby was coming soon. Nina's water had broken and she was having contractions; the pain was terrible.

He rushed home and drove her straight to the hospital. Even though the baby had been healthy so far, it was still coming very early. This was their first child and they didn't want to mess anything up.

When they arrived at the hospital the nurse set Nina up in a room and immediately gave her some medication to help the pain. As I said, this was her first child and the pain was terrible. The baby was fine so far and the doctors expected it to come out perfectly healthy, albeit a little small.

The labor took hours, but Nina held on. Finally, the baby came, perfect and healthy, and Nina fell into an exhausted, drug-induced sleep. During this time, Nina had the strangest dream.

She dreamt that she was in heaven, at least she thought so by her surroundings. She was invisible to the people in her dream; a group of angels. The angels were all very good friends, until one did something very wrong (Nina doesn't remember what) and was outcast from the group. She (the angel) started keeping to herself, and the others ignored her but whispered about her behind her back. She was so upset and sad that she decided to take her own life (don't ask me how an angel can kill themself, she just did). She took a pair of long, sharp scissors and stuck them deep into the hollow of her throat and bled to death.

Nina woke up in her hospital bed and just shrugged it off as some strange dream. She was feeling a lot better but was still groggy from the medication. Soon, the nurse brought her her newborn baby girl wrapped snugly in a little pink blanket. Nina opened the blanket to inspect her little fingers and toes. The blanket fell off a little bit more and showed her little throat. Right in the hollow of her neck, Nina noticed a nickel sized, splotchy birthmark, the color of copper.

Nina remembered the dream, and although a bit freaked out, decided to name her daughter Angel. Angel grew up healthy, but she's often a very quiet and sad girl, and the mark on her neck continues to grow with her to this very day.