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Cooking up a good story?

1. All stories must be written with a beginning, middle, and end. It's best to re-read it before you send it so you can be sure it makes sense.

2. I will need to have your e-mail address when you submit your story. However, if you do not want your name and e-mail posted, specify that when you send in your story and I will not post them.

3. I'm not a bear about censorship, but I don't want racism, sexism, or any other "ism" in my site. I will not post your story if I find the preceding. Please don't make your stories too gory (now don't get me wrong, I want some gore) and keep your sex scenes down to a minimum, k? This isn't a porno site or anything.....

4. Please, please check your spelling! I could (and will, if the story is good enough) edit it myself, but I don't need the extra headache, and if it is so bad I can't understand it, I won't post it.

5. Have fun. I would prefer scary stories, but it can be sad, funny, scary, whatever, as long as it has to do with the paranormal or "dark side" and it's good.

Please understand:
I have no way of telling if a story belongs to the person who sent it to me. If you see your story listed on my site under another person's name, or if it is a story that has a copyright to another site, kindly let me know and I will either give you credit for the story or remove it at your will.

Think someone's going to steal your work?
Hope I didn't scare you. This rarely happens, and I do all I can to prevent it. Besides, copyright protection is automatic upon creation of a work. If that doesn't soothe you and you'd like more assurance, you should pay a visit and look under "forms" at the U.S. Copyright Office.

The Boring Stuff:

Remember, all stories belong to the author(s) who wrote them (I've learned my lesson and I'm staying out of this one). You may not use these stories on any other site without permission of the authors themselves. I will not use your story on any other site or submit them anywhere else without your permission, and you always have the right to have me remove your story from my site with no questions asked.
