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I did not write any of these urban legends myself, but I do realize that some may be used in movies, etc.
Because these are urban legends and are widely told everywhere with no known source, there are no laws about them being reproduced.
If you would like to submit an urban legend, please check below to make sure I do not already have a version of it posted and send it to the e-mail address below.
Thank you.

Author: Anonymous
In Arizona, near the Superstition Mountains, there is a ghost who I like to call The Hitchhiking Ghost. This ghost sometimes appears in the middle of the night in areas around the mountains where there is nothing in sight. You will usually be driving alone or with one other person when you see it. It is said that if you stop for this ghost, you will never been seen or heard from again. At other times, you will look back in your rearview mirror and see a "person" waiving their hands for help. If you turn around to help this person, you will be nabbed by this ghost and never be heard from again. So, when you think that you see someone at the side of a road in the middle of the night, be careful......if you help them you may vanish without a trace.

My mom's friend told her about a little boy around 7 years old. It seems that the boy and his mother were shopping in the "Toys R Us" store and the boy wandered a little bit away from his mother to go look at something. A few minutes later, this mother started looking for the boy. She couldn't find him. Crying, she rushed up and told a clerk, who immediately locked the doors. Everyone searched. They found the boy, with two men. Only his hair was cut and his shirt was changed so he would look different.

A young woman returns to her car from a day's shopping. She had parked her car in the town's multi-story car park.
As she approaches the car she notices someone sitting in the back seat. She cautiously checks the registration plate to see if it is indeed her car, as it is a popular model and colour. The car is indeed hers, and as she gets closer she sees that it's an old woman sitting in the back seat.
She asks the woman how and why she is sitting in her car. The old woman replies that she had been shopping with her son and family but felt unwell and returned to the car to rest. She obviously had mistaken the young woman's car for her son's, as it was the same model and colour. The old woman then asks to be driven to a hospital, as she is still feeling unwell. The young woman agrees.
As she gets into the driver's seat something makes her very nervous about the stiuation and she asks the old woman if she is feeling well enough to direct her as she reverses the car out of the parking place. The old woman agrees, gets out of the car and proceeds to direct the reversing manoeuvre.
As soon as the young woman has the car out of the parking space she speeds out of the car park, leaving the old woman stranded. She then drives straight to the nearest police station and reports the incident.
A police officer then searched the car and found an axe concealed under the driver's seat.
The young woman had had a lucky escape!

Author: Anonymous
A very stylish teen-aged girl tired of spending hours carefully "ratting" (teasing) and spraying her hair to attain an extreme beehive do. She washed her hair in sugar-water, allowing it to harden in the style she wanted. At night, she carefully wrapped a towel around it and slept on a special half-pillow designed to not disturb the hair.
One morning, she failed to come down for breakfast. Her mother went to her room only to find her dead in bed. When the towel was removed from her head, it was discovered that she had been gnawed to death by rats

Dr. Eckersall, a local physician, was driving home from a country-club dance late one Saturday night. He slowed down a bit while driving past the lake so he could admire the glistening of the full moon against the water. Out of the corner of his eye appeared a lovely young girl, dressed in the sheerest of evening gowns, beckoning him for a lift. He jammed on his brakes, and motioned her to climb into the back seat of his sedan. "All cluttered up with golf clubs and bags up here in front," he explained. "But what on earth is a youngster like you doing out here all alone at this time of night?"
"It's too long a story to tell you now," said the girl. Her voice was sweet and somewhat shrill -- like the tinkling of sleigh bells. "Please, please take me home. My car broke down a few miles back and I have been trying to get help for the longest time. I live up the road about 5 miles. I do hope it's not too far out of your way."
The doctor mumbled under his breath and set the car in motion. He drove rapidly to her destination, and as he pulled up before the shuttered house, he exclaimed, "Here we are." Then he turned around. The back seat was empty, except for a small puddle of lake water dripping down onto the floorboard.
"What the devil?" the doctor muttered to himself. The girl couldn't possibly have fallen from the car. Nor could she simply have vanished. He rang insistently on the house bell, confused as he had never been before. At long last the door opened. A gray-haired, very tired-looking man peered out at him.
"I can't tell you what an amazing thing has happened," began the doctor. "A young girl gave me this address a while back. I drove her here and . . ."
"Yes, yes, I know," said the man wearily. "This has happened several other Saturday evenings in the past month. That young girl, sir, was my daughter. She was killed in a boating accident on White Rock Lake almost two years ago . . ."

Recently, some incredible news has been learned regarding the last few minutes of Alaska Airlines flight 261, before it crashed, the end of January. A man related last week that he talked with an Alaska Airlines pilot who is involved in the investigation of the crash of Alaska Flight 261.
The pilot has listened to the cockpit voice recorder from the downed plane and reported that for the last 9 minutes of the flight, the wife of the pastor from Monroe, Washington can be heard sharing the Gospel with the passengers over the airplane's intercom system.(The pastor and his wife were returning from Mexico mission trip.) Just before the final dive into the Pacific Ocean, she can be heard leading the sinners prayer for salvation!
The pilot also told John that the flight data recorder from the plane indicates that there is no good explanation for the plane remaining in the air for those final 9 minutes. But it did remain in the air until the pastor's wife finished sharing the Gospel and presumably lead many to Christ in those final moments.


In life, Tom was a good-looking guy who liked the ladies. Once he'd dated all the available girls in the area, he started seeing a girl in the next town--not knowing she was married. Eventually her husband got wind of what was going on and vowed revenge on the two of them. He told his wife he was going out of town for the weekend, then hid in the woods behind their house. As he'd guessed, that evening Tom showed up to take the lady out. The husband followed them to the nearby Lovers' Lane.
Things were getting pretty hot and heavy (if you know what I mean) when all of a sudden the car door was jerked open and Tom came face-to-face with one very huge, very angry-looking dude wielding a hunting knife.
"Oh no!" screamed the girl who had started all the trouble in the first place. "It's my husband!"
"That's right, you cheating @#%&*!" yelled her husband. "And I'm about to teach you a lesson you'll never forget!" He pulled her off Tom, rammed the knife into her stomach once, and tossed her aside. Then he turned back to Tom, grinning maniacally.
"Don't hurt me!" Tom begged. "I swear to God I didn't know she was married!" But the wronged husband didn't listen. He dragged Tom out of the car and skinned him alive with the hunting knife. Then he went to town and turned himself in to the police.
When the police arrived at the crime scene, they found the woman, who was miraculously still alive. But Tom was nowhere to be found.
They say he's still hanging around Lovers' Lane, waiting to catch a couple and "teach" them the same lesson his girlfriend's husband taught him. He's described as a bloody skeleton in '20s clothes, carrying the knife he himself was skinned with. All the teenagers around here grow up hearing "Don't go to Lovers' Lane if you don't want to be Skinned Tom's next victim!"

As many of you know, "Bloody Mary" is supposed to be a way of calling forth a demon from the mirror in your bathroom. You close the door, turn off the light, face the mirror, close your eyes, and
s-l-o-w-l-y chant "Bloody Mary" three times while turning in circles. As the story goes, supposedly you open your eyes after you've finished chanting, and if you see "Bloody Mary" dissapear (and more than likely this is where you will be screaming and running out of the bathroom), it means a close friend or family member of yours will die soon. But, if she gets to you before you can open your eyes, you will die, or at least come into harm's way soon. I heard you can reverse this somehow, but this was the part of it I never cared much about. Unfortunately so, because I doubted this could possible be real.
I waited until it was night and my family was sleeping. I chose to include six black votive candles I had purchased at a dollar store with my allowance money earlier. Setting them up neatly in a circle around the sink, I drew and imaginary pentagram with my finger, and each candle represented a point. I turned on the sink slightly, making it drip to create a "scarier" atmosphere. On top of it all, I undressed so I would be completely "natural" as a symbol of welcoming and acceptance.
(Author's Note: Don't ask, I sure can't explain why I did it.)
Then I lit the candles and turned off the light. I faced the mirror and instantly had a gut feeling that I shouldn't mess around like this for recreation; somehow, I had taken it too far. I ignored my instinct and closed my eyes. I started to turn slowy, whispering,
"blooooodeeeeeyy.... maaaaaarriieeeeee"

I felt the urge to open my eyes instantly as I felt the words echoing in my mind. I thought,
"Am I out of my mind? Why am I even doing this?"
Then I felt foolish for being frightend and I did not open my eyes. Instead, I continued to turn again and whispered the words for the second time.
"blooooooodiieeeeeee.. maaaaaaarrieeeeeeee..."

I stopped turning because all of the sudden I was extremely frightened, my entire body was shaking. My eyes were still closed, but I was seeing horrible images in my mind of what she might look like when I opened them.
What if this was real and I came face to face with a gruesome blood-soaked corpse staring right back at me? Would she reach for me? Would I scream? Wake up my family? And if I did, what would they say if they came running and found their kid naked in the bathroom burning black candles in the middle of the night?
Then I started to hear things. The noise in the kitchen from the fridge, my sister snoring, the cat knocking something over somewhere downstairs, even the delicate sounds of the house settling.
I was shaking violently, and every noise made me twitch. Then I sensed something in front of me move, and I opened my eyes and gasped:
all the candles I had lit were out, and I was standing in complete darkness.
Normally I would have screamed and flicked on the light, but I was just too morbidly curious. What could possibly happen? I mean, it was just a few crappy candles and a stupid myth...
I turned off the sink (it was starting to annoy me) and quietly locked the door in case I screamed (I didn't want somebody walking in on me).
I was feeling dizzy, so I sat down on the matt in front of the mirror and thought about saying it the third time. I closed my eyes again and rocked back and forth, and before I could think, I muttered it the last time:
Bloody Mary...
I opened my eyes immediately and looked around to make sure nothing was coming for me, then started to stand up, slowly, none too eager to face my reflection. I rose to my feet and glared into the glass bravely...
I stared harder, and still there was nothing...nothing in the glass, all I could see was black. Gradually, my eyes became accustumed to the dim light from under the door. I could barely make out my reflection, but I could see clearly. It was indeed my face staring back at me, my eyes hadn't turned red, nothing.
"What a crock!" I muttered quietly and stared at my normal self.
"And people are scared...why?"
I chuckled quietly, but then something caught my eye. I moved closer to the mirror and watched myself.
Something wasn't right.
Mesmerized by the mirror, I watched carefully and then began to shake again.
"Is this just my imagination??"

It was my hair, my hair in the reflection, my hairline was... bleeding? I rubbed my head and looked at my hand, no blood. I looked back into the glass, and my reflection showed it had spread; now there was blood on my face too. Blood I had spread when I rubbed my forehead.
My face was turning a sick-looking gray, and the pupils of my eyes seemed to grow until the whites just weren't there. They weren't red, they were black and sunken, and skin was falling off my face revealing large patches of brown bloody tissue and muscle just beneath the skin.
I whimpered
"Stop.. please.."
I reached for the light switch, but I couldn't break my stare with this gruesome demon.
Flesh continued to melt of my face as I continued to slap the wall desperately in search of the switch, accidently knocking over two of the candles. The monster behind the glass stared back at me with a horrific grin. I flipped on the switch the moment my hand came in contact with it, and I gaped into the mirror.
It was gone.
The thing had disappeared the moment the light came on, and the mirror only reflected myself looking pale and with tears running down my face.
I held my breath and thought to myself,
'Just because I can't see it doesn't mean it's gone.'

Bang Bang
I jumped, "Yes?!"
"What on earth are you doing??? Are you tearing apart the bathroom?"
"No..." "Well hurry up, I need the bathroom, and don't stink it up!"
I sighed; it was just my sister. I stuffed my candles in a drawer, threw my clothes on quickly, and was relieved as heck to get out of there.
I suggest none of you try it. It's terribly creepy, and do not ask her to reveal herself, because she just might. That night, needless to say, I had trouble sleeping. At the time there was a mirror in my room that faced my bed, and even after I covered it, I felt she was watching me, every night. Never again would I try something like that again. To this day, nine years later, I still have trouble looking in a mirror, because I know, on top of it all...
I never learned how to reverse it.

Author: CJ (
A long time a go there was a really bad train wreck with no suvivers. There used to be a dirt road that went across the railrood crossing, which is where the train had been when it wrecked (now it is a paved road).
If you go down that road at night, there is a light that will chase you down the road, off the road entirely, or just across the railroad tracks; then it goes out.
When it first comes up, it looks like a motorcycle tail light, then it will go out, and then something that looks like a head light comes up. It dims then brightens, dims then brightens again. Then it will be come really bright and hover over your car until you get off the road;
the light is so bright that it lights up the front floor board.

There is this house over near the woods that some people say is haunted; they say that every night a bloody head falls down the chimney.
One day a rich man said he would give $500,000 to anyone who would stay in the house over night.
A boy told him he would do it, but only if he could have his dog with him. The man agreed and it was settled, that night the boy would stay in the house and the next morning he would collect his money.
The boy went to the house and did a little exploring around and felt that the most comfortable room in the house was the living room, the room with the fireplace. He made a fire and laid down on the old broken couch with his dog next to him and fell asleep. Sometime after he had fallen asleep, he awoke and heard someone singing softly and sadly off in the woods.
It sounded something like this:
"It's just somebody singing," he thought to himself, but then the dog perked up and sang softly back,
This really had the boy scared, but he still tried to sleep. About an hour later he heard the singing again only this time it was a little closer...
and the dog sang back again,
He was still scared but again he tried to sleep, but just as he began to drift off, the singing started again, only this time it was in the backyard.
The boy tried to keep the dog quiet because he was afraid whoever or whatever was singing would hear him and come after them, but he sang right back again!
The singing was now coming down the chimney, and a bloody head came rolling down! Missing the fire, it landed right in front of the dog. The dog took one look and fell over dead from fright, then the head rolled to the boy. The next morning when the man went to check on the boy, he found him on the couch muttering about the head. The man went and got the police, but no one found any trace of blood in the house or the head any where around the house.

I moved to Brooklun, Connecticut from the Bronx in New York last summer and live a few blocks from an ugly and very dirty old church. Behind the churh is nothing but endless woods and a couple of dirty old tombstones. I have family that has lived here thier entire lives,and they told me a very disturbing story about that church.
One Halloween, some decades ago, a man led four little girls into the church at night, claiming that he had candy waiting for them inside. After tricking the little girls inside, he killed them one by one, chopping them into seperate pieces and stacking them neatly.
Afterwards, he killed himself, but not before he wrote the words
"i love pretty girls"
on the wall with thier blood. The next day, Sunday, the priest walked in and saw the horrible sight of what had happened the night before.
To this day noone knows why he did it. The girls were buried behind the church in the woods, and people say that if you go into the church or walk through the small cemetery in the back at night you can see the little girls ghosts walking about. Others say that you can also here their screams.
I myself didn't dare go into the church or the little cemetery that night.

Sam's parents went to Mexico for their summer vacation while Sam stayed at home with his grandmother. While his parents were in Mexico they walked aroung from shop to shop, searching for the perfect present to bring back to Sam. Nothing was quite good enough for him, and one day while they were walking outside they came upon a little dog. They didn't know what kind it was, but it was the strangest and ugliest thing they'd ever seen before. They figured it was one of those Mexican Hairless kinds, and decided to bring it back home to Sam.
It was hard to keep the dog quiet in their bag on the plane, but they managed to do it. When they got home and gave the dog to Sam; he was really surprised, but of course he loved it!
He was rough-housing with it that night, and the dog bit him. His parents gave him some Tylenol for the pain, but thought he'd otherwise be fine. When his parents woke up in the morning, they found Sam in his bed: dead.
They took the dog to the vet, thinking that maybe the dog was sick and got Sam sick.
The vet examined the dog very closely while the parents waited. The vet came out and said
"Please hurry and come in the room, I need to talk to you immediately."
They went into the room and saw that the dog was lying on the examining table, dead.
"Where did you get this animal?"
They told him they smuggled it in from Mexico and when they asked the vet why the dog was dead. He said,
"I'm sorry but this animal is not a Mexican Hairless dog. It's not a dog at all. What you brought back from Mexico is a rat infested with the deadliest form of rabies. I'm afraid I had to kill it before it killed more than your son."

Author: Anonymous
I live in military housing and a fence surrounds our property. In the back of housing is a baseball field, and to the right of that is a big hill. On top of that hill was an old house which has been turned into a morgue.
About 51 years ago, it used to be an old farm house, and a little boy named Kevin used to live there with his parents. They ran a good-hearted farm and went to church every Sunday and Wednesday. One day, Kevin's parents left him home alone so they could go get the mail and go shopping. When they returned, they couldn't find him anywhere. They figured he went to a friend's house as he often did. Eight o'clock rolled around and then nine and then ten and they finally started to get worried.
The next morning at nine sharp, they went to the police and reported him missing.
Awhile later, his parents finally decided he was gone for good and started packing up so they could move to Texas.
When his mother began putting dishes into an old trunk, she discovered his body curled up inside, slashed from head to toe. They report it to the police, and he was buried in the backyard. Most people figured it was an old crazy neighbor named Mr. Lavinia.
He was trialed, but proved innocent because a lack of evidence. Thirty years later, the development I live in was made and Mr. Lavinia moved into a cabin in the woods.
One night, some neighbors heard an unearthly screaming, and they reported it to the police, saying that it came from Mr. Lavinia's cabin.
The police investigated, and sure enough they found him dead on the floor with a look of horror on his face.
Most people guess that it was Kevin's ghost getting revenge, and he still haunts the area at night. There's this old bunny trail that runs by where his house used to be, and every so often, some stupid kid will go there and he'll be confronted by the ghost.
Kevin will ask them to be his friend. If you say yes, he'll kill you right then and there. But, if you say no, you had better high tail it out of there.
Because he'll follow you and give you the same fate he got.

Note: I heard this same legend when I was working as a telemarketer. Scared me to death.
Mary worked as an operator for a small computer company and was having a bad day. The phones were ringing off the hook, and every half hour or so she was getting prank phone calls.
Halfway into her shift, she got a customer whose question she was not able to answer, and he got very upset. He became very hostile towards her, and so she was eventually forced to hang up on him. Even though he was very threatening, Mary soon forgot about the call; if you've ever been a telemarketer, you know that they deal with angry customers all the time.
The next day an anonymous, beautiful bouquet of roses was delivered for Mary at work. She couldn't think of who might have sent her such a gift; perhaps a co-worker or a grateful customer. She only wished that they had signed their name.
That night she walked out of work smiling, still wondering who had sent the flowers and hurrying to get home and get them into a vase. On her way to her car, someone grabbed Mary from behind, and her body was found a few days later, complete with the bouquet of roses.
The customer on the telephone had been a little angrier and a little less stable than Mary had believed. He knew where the phone center was located, but he only knew Mary's name, not what she looked like. But not many women walk out of work with a huge smile and a dozen roses.
He sent the flowers to identify her.
A young woman on her way to town broke her journey by staying with friends at an old manor house. Her bedroom looked out to the carriage sweep at the front door. It was a moonlit night, and she found it difficult to sleep. As the clock outside her bedroom door struck 12, she heard the noise of horses' hooves on the gravel outside, and the sound of wheels. She got up and went over to the window to see who could be arriving at that time of night. The moonlight was very bright, and she saw a hearse drive up to the door. It hadn't a coffin in it; instead it was crowded with people. The coachman sat high up on the box: as he came opposite the window he drew up and turned his head. His face terrified her, and he said in a distinct voice, "There's room for one more."
She drew the curtain, ran back to bed, and covered her head with the bedclothes. In the morning she was not quite sure whether it had been a dream, or whether she had really got out of bed and seen the hearse, but she was glad to go up to town and leave the old house behind her.
She was shopping in a big store which had an elevator in it -- an up-to-date thing at that time. She was on the top floor, and went to the elevator to go down. It was rather crowded, but as she came up to it, the elevator operator turned his head and said, "There's room for one more."
It was the face of the coachman of the hearse. "No, thank you," said the girl. "I'll walk down." She turned away, the elevator doors clanged, there was a terrible rush and screaming and shouting, and then a great clatter and thud. The elevator had fallen and every soul in it was killed.

One day a girl named Lisa was licking envolopes for the tax company when she cut her tongue. A few days later a bump appeared on her tongue, so she went to the doctor, but he assured her that it was only a blister and that everything was fine. Everyday the bump would get bigger, so Lisa went back to the doctor's office, and he cut open the bump in her tongue.
After searching around inside, he finally said,
"I was wrong. There is something wrong:
cockroach eggs have been developing in your tongue."

Once there was a man named Sam Burk. He had a wife. But now he was dying in his bed. The doctor didn't want Mrs. Burk to see him die so the doctor sent her to her room. Mrs. Burk looked out the window and cried. Then she heard a car coming up on the road. Mrs. Burk looked more closely and saw that it was a hearse. A man with glowing yellow eyes got out and went into her house. Then he came out, carrying something heavy and drove away. Just then the doctor came in and told Mrs. Burk that Mr. Burk had died.

(Note from webmistress: It's a two-story combo!)
There had been a lot of murders happening in a small town. Victims were mostly of the female gender and were brutally killed.
One day a woman went for groceries. She went in the store and came back out, and on her way home she stopped for gas. The person working at the gas station told her that her credit card was not working.
(This story splits into two that I have heard)
First Ending:
The woman got out of ther car and asked,
"What do you mean?"
The man working at the gas station said,
"There was a guy in the back of your car," in a whisper.
She told him,
"You're crazy!"
and got back in her car.
The person working at the gas station saw a report the next day about a strange man carrying a woman's head down the highway.
Second ending:
The woman said to the man at the gas station,
"Call the cops!"
The gas station guy called the cops, but the back of the car was empty. A couple weeks later she went back for groceries and then began her trip home. On the way there was a car following her, and he kept turning his brights on. She got scared and drove her car home, and then she called the cops on the car that was now on her front lawn.
The cops got there and saw the man in the car. The man told the cops that he was at the grocery store when he saw a guy get into the woman's car with an ax. He followed her home, and every time he saw the guy raise up his axe, he would turn on his brights, and that would scare the killer back down.
The police checked the car but found only an ax.........
Just freshly sharpened.

An elderly lady had decided to take her little doggie out for a walk. The sun was shining and skies were blue. The dog did its business and followed all the commands the old lady gave him.
On the way home, clouds rolled in and a light rain pattered against the pavement. The old lady rushed back to her house to take shelter, her dog strolling behind her the whole way.
By the time she got home she was soaked! Her little dog was soaked also, and she was very afraid he would get sick if he did not dry off. All her towels were in the laundry bin all the way downstairs and she was too old to just go around moving things.
Then, she got an idea! Mabye if she stuck that little doggie in the microwave for a few minutes he would be all nice and dry!!!
She put the timer on for thirty seconds then sat down on the couch until time was up. Before the clock had struck twenty eight seconds she smelled smoke and a vile odor. When she went to open the microwave she saw her dog....
Well, what was left of it.
It had exploded and blood was splattered on every corner of it.

In Halifax there is a very tall tower with lots of stairs and two statues of lions. It is called the dingo. anyway legends say hundreds of years ago a girl was at the top of the tower and mysteriously she fell off. and if you lay on the backs of the lions (doesn't matter which one) you can see the image of her falling from the tower.

It happend on a full moon night in 1967 by the Lakeland Regional Airport. But in 1967, it was an orange grove. People were told never to go in there because people were dying.
One night there were two highschoolers who went in the grove to make out. All of the sudden, they heard a
thump thump thump
on the top of the car. The boy went to check out the noise and told the girl he would be back in five minutes, and the girl waited for twenty minutes, but he never came back.
Scared, she locked all the doors and fell asleep. At around one o'clock in the morning, she heard a scraping noise on the car. But she did her best to ignore it, and she fell back asleep.
The next morning the cops found her and got her to unlock the doors.
Then they told her not to look back.
But she looked back anyway, and she saw the head of her boyfriend on the back of the car, and the hook was on the side of her door. They say the Hook Man is still alive in Lakeland, Florida;
he's still loking for his next victim.

Back in the 1960's or 70's there was a normal school bus route that went over some railroad tracks on the southside of San Antonio, Texas. Everyday this bus would go over the tracks at the same time, Monday through Friday. One day the bus stalled out on the tracks and was stuck there, and all of the sudden the bus driver noticed there was train about 200 feet in front of them.
Well, you can tell what happens next.
Ever since then, anytime someone's car stalls out over those railroad tracks, it rolls over the tracks. But here's the weird part: the tracks go uphill, and yet if you turn off your car and put it in neutral it somehow rolls up the hill and over the tracks quickly. Even more interesting, if you put baby powder on your trunk, you can see the little hand prints of children, the children that were killed in that terrible accident.

Once a traveler named Mike was walking down the road and was very tired and hungry. Soon he came upon a little cottage. Mike knocked on the door and a woman answered. Mike asked if he could have some dinner and possibly spend the night. The woman said yes to both of his requests. Mike saw a girl, a boy and a man inside. They all looked friendly and happy to see him. The man got an extra chair and put it by the table, the woman started cooking some kind of meat, the girl started setting the table, and the boy fixed up a bed for Mike. Mike was not scared to be staying with strangers, especially because this family looked so nice. Then, everybody sat down for supper. The supper was a delicious meat. Mike asked what kind of meat this was, and the woman said it was her specialty.
After dinner, the boy told Mike to lay on the mattress and see if he liked it. The girl went to the drawer and took out the largest butcher knife you had ever seen. When Mike said the mattress felt okay, the woman motioned to the girl. She went over to Mike, raised the butcher knife, and stabbed it into his heart. Then the father started to take out Mikes insides, and he gave the meaty part to the woman. She cleaned it off, seasoned it so it would taste good, and waited for another traveler to come.

Author: Anonymous
There was a couple who moved to a new town and didn't know anyone. They had two children, a boy and a girl, who were very rowdy. When they had to go out on last minute notice, they got the first baby-sitter they could find.
When she got there, they told her this,
"If anything happens, you just call us on the phone. In the morning you need to get Danny (the son) to take his medication. He'll try to hide, but he always goes under his sister's bed."
So with that they left. In the dead of night, the baby-sitter got a phonecall.
"Hello, check on the children," the voice said. Thinking it was a prank call, she hung up the phone. About an hour later, the phone rang again, the same man.
"Check on the children."
Again, she hung up the phone. This time she called the parents,
no answer.
In the morning she went upstairs to take Danny his medication, but he wasn't in his room. When she went into his sister's room, he wasn't there. But then she saw his hand sticking out from under the bed.
"Don't think you can hide from me."
She went over and grabbed his hand, but it was cold. Danny was dead. Then the closet door opened, there was his sister, also dead. The baby-sitter went over to Danny's body and saw a note in his hand. She opened it and read,
You should have checked on the children.
Now she sits in jail for the murder for Danny and his sister.

A marble gravestone in an old deserted cemetery in West Virginia was the legend trip site for a particular group of young adults in the vicinity. The marble statue was of a seated lady, her hands outstretched to all that pass by the resting place. The legend stated that the woman in the grave had died of a broken heart when jilted by her fiancé. The legend trip was an initiation rite: new members had to spend the night sitting in the statue's lap. But the last time anyone tried this, the young woman who sat in the statue's lap met with a tragedy. The difference, you see, was that the young woman was a direct descendant of the fiancé!
The next morning the young girl was discovered, still sitting in the statue's lap. She was dead. On her body were found marks as though she had been held in a superhuman clutch. Perhaps the seated lady had gained revenge.

The air hostess, as she passed along the aisle of the plane on the transatlantic flight from Amsterdam to New York noticed that the baby, nestled between the couple who were asleep, didn't look very well -- in fact it looked extremely ill. Not wanting to disturb anyone she gently lifted up the baby and otok it back to her station.
Feeling the baby's forehead, she found it was cold and with a sudden panic she realized that the infant was dead.
Calling upon a doctor she knew to be on board, he examined the baby and confirmed that, not only was it dead, but it was embalmed. The child's body had been hollowed out and it was full of the drugs that the couple were trying to smuggle into the States.

When the family moved to North America, they kept in constant touch with their European relatives. Letters and parcels regularly made their way from one shore to another.
After a long period of silence, a small box arrived from the U.S. Inside, carefully wrapped in tissue paper, was a jar of grey powder. There was no note, but since many of the previous parcels had contained ready-to-make packaged mixes, the European family members thought that this powder, too, was a mix that would be prepared by simply adding water. The sauce was made and served, but it wasn't the best they had eaten!
Several days later, a letter arrived from the U.S. explaining that the father had died, and because he had always been homesick, he wished his ashes to be spread over his home town. Grandma hoped that the rest of the family would not be inconvenienced and that the letter would get to them before the ashes, which were being sent separately in a jar and were securely wrapped in tissue paper.
Note: There is a longer variation of this with graphics in the Stories Archive.
Author wishes to remain anonymous.
There was once a young woman who was married to a man against her will. She and this man had two children together, a girl and a boy. The man became so depressed that he killed himself. The woman was very sad and did not want her children to experience this pain, so she took them to the river that was in front of her home where she drowned her children. When she found what she had done, she went back into her home and cried. For years she wondered around the river trying to find her children, until eventually she died. But some people say that in the dead of night you can still hear La Llorona crying for her children in Spanish.
Author: Maria was driving home one night when she saw a sign that read "Road Work Ahead", and instead of taking the detour she decided to take a back road because she knew this road would cut off about twenty minutes from her drive. When she neared about half way home, still on the dark scary road, she ran out of gas. She remembered seeing a gas station about mile back, but she really did not want to get out of the car because she remembered this old ghost story that here grandpa would tell her about. It said that the area she was in had an evil little goblin who would take people away, and they would never be seen again. That's what her grandpa told her anyway. Besides, about a week ago they had found the body of a girl (if you want to call it a body); it was torn to shreads and the organs where missing. Maria decided to turn on the radio and go to sleep and wait until morning. She woke up at around two o'clock in the morning to a strange scratching noise on top of her car. She just thought it was a branch from a tree, so she went back to sleep. She woke back up at four o'clock to the same noise, and again she decided to go back to sleep. At around 4:30, she woke up to the sound of a car. She tried to honk the horn but because she had left the radio playing, the battery had gone dead. The passing car kept on driving. She went back to sleep for the third time. At about seven in the morning she woke up to police sirens. She got out of the car and yelled to one of the officers in his car eating donuts (what else would he be eating). The officer came towards her, and then a sickened expression came over his face. He ran back to another cop and they both came to her. One of them put handcuffs on maria, and she did not know what she had handcuffs on for. When she turned around, she saw a bloody axe and noticed the blood in her car and all over herself. She was, of course arrested, but she knew she did not commit the murder. She knew the Cupicabra did it.

Submitted by: He-Thinks-He's-Cute John Gray (
Back when Vietnam was raging, Mr. and Mrs. Horren had their only son, Jimmy, taken away from them. He was drafted by the US army, and was all too proud to serve the country. His father, however, had served in the Army during WWII, and knew that war could be hell.
Jimmy wrote his family once every two weeks for four months. Then, suddenly, the letters stopped coming. Two months went by, and not a single letter came. The Horrens were petrified, afraid something might have happened to their boy.
Just when they were about to give up hope, a letter came to them, sent from somewhere in North Vietnam. It read as follows:
Mom and Dad,
It's Jimmy. I've been taken prisoner and am being held in a POW camp in Vietnam. They are treating me very well here, so please don't worry. I love all of you. Please make sure little Billy gets the stamp for his collection. I'll write again as soon as I can.
Love, Jimmy
"Billy? Who's Billy?" Mrs. Horren wondered.
"It's a clue," said Mr. Horren. "He wants you to take off the stamp."
Mrs. Horren boiled a pot of water, and held the envelope over the steam. Slowly, the stamp peeled off. Mrs. Horren looked at the underside, and screamed. Written there, scrawled in red in Jimmy's handwriting, was.....
They've cut off my legs

(My thanks to Dion:
A girl named Sarah was baby sitting twins over night. When she got to the house the two year old twins were running all over, so they all sat down to play Candyland The twins did not now how to play very well, so they sat down and wathced a movie until it was time for bed. Sarah tucked them in and went downstairs to watch some T.V. Then she heard a sound: drip, drip, drip. She walked upstairs to see what it was, and it was only the shower head dripping. She turned it all the way off and Went to bed.
Drip, drip, drip.
She heard it again so she tied a towel to the shower head and that worked. In the bedroom, Fido, the family dog, was sleeping in the bed that Sarah was going to sleep in. She tossed him off and soon fell asleep. She got a little scared that night, being in a new place and all, so she stuck her hand out and let Fido lick it from the floor. She kept letting Fido lick her until she fell asleep. She kept hearing the water dripping and figured the towel had fallen off, but she was too tired to go fix it. Instead she would stick her hand under the bed until Fido licked it and comforted her. The next morning she went to use the restroom and fix the shower head. When she walked to the bathroom, the door was shut, and she could not remember shutting the door the night before. Maybe the twins were up already. When she went into the bathroom the towel was still hanging on the shower head, but the twins were hanging next to there golden retriever, dead. A pool of blood dripped out of their slit throats, causing a steady drip, drip, drip. Horrified, she turned away from the shower and on the wall, written in blood was the message:
Dogs aren't the only things that can lick you, Sarah.

A new girl named Sarah arrived in the neighborhood and was rejected by everything and everyone, except her next-door neighbor. She was a sweet and loving woman who had two very sweet children at the ages of 8 & 6. Ryan, the oldest, was very playful and outgoing; Cindy, the youngest, loved to cry but was very gentle and sweet! The woman also had a little weiner-dog named "Eddy".
One night the woman got sick and had to go to the hospital and Sarah was the only of the neighborhood kids left to baby-sit Ryan and Cindy. So the lady called at about 8:00pm and said she would be out at the hospital for the night and would not be home for a long while, about a day and a half. So Sarah, a sweet girl, said that she would be happy to baby-sit for the two children.
About fifteen minutes after the lady had called Sarah was over at their house ready to baby-sit. Before the lady left for the hospital she told Sarah 3 important things she would need to know for the night.
"First you will probably hear creeks during the night because the house is so old. If this happens just stick your hand over the side of the bed were Eddy sleeps and if he licks your hand then everything is all right. If Eddy does not lick but barks then there is something wrong.
Second, there is some left over turkey, ribs, and macaroni just let the kids pick what they want to eat.
Third, the kids have to take their baths before they go to bed every night. Also, make sure they brush their teeth! They need to get in a good habit of it so just make sure they do that."
So the old lady left in her light blue and white Cadilac for the hospital.
The kids ate their ribs and macaroni and then went to bed.
After they were completely asleep, Sarah remembered that the kids needed to take a bath but decided they could do that in the morning because they were already asleep. So she drifted off to sleep with the dog laying next to her on the floor.
At about 12:00 she heard a noise that sounded like a door open so she stuck her hand over the side of the bed and Eddy licked her so she assumed everything was fine. So she went back to sleep.
At about 2:00 she heard another noise and popped up but remembered to stick her hand over the side of the bed so the dog could lick her and Eddy did. So she went back to sleep.
She heard another noise at about 4:00 and popped up again. She stuck her hand over the side if the bed and Eddy licked her so she thought everything was fine.
In the morning she woke up refreshed and went to wake up the children. She first went into the boys room but he was not there. Then she went into the girls room and she was not there. So she went into the bathroom thinking she would find the little boy and girl in there brushing there teeth.
She did find them, but not how she would have wanted to in a million years. There lay the Cindy and Ryan dead in a pool of blood in the bathtub and hung up like some dirty clothes was the dog "Eddy" over the shower bar.
Sarah screamed and the dog fell off the shower bar into the pool of blood, splashing it all over her. She turned around to get away from the sight and there on the mirror written in blood was the phrase
Sarah screamed and ran into the kitchen where she saw a note on the door that said
Dear Sarah,
You forgot to give Cindy and Ryan a bath so I did it for you!
The Killer

Note: This story bears an awfully close resemblance to "One Reason Not to Babysit" but with some much more modern twists. Interesting how these things get around and change, no?
Amanda was going to be baby-sat by her sister while her parents were at a parent-teacher conference, but instead her sister went out and figured her Amanda would be fine by herself. That night Amanda was chatting with one of her online friends, Terry. Amanda told Terry that she was going to be all alone that night and Terry asked,
"Aren't you scared?"
"No," said Amanda, "I'll be fine."
Later that night, after Amanda had done her homework and taken a shower, she was ready for bed. She was lying in her bed when she heard a noise. Amanda checked under her bed to see if her dog Oddy was there; he wasn't. Amanda still figured Oddy had made the noise, so she went to the basement to check and see if it was him. Oddy wasn't there, and it was dark and cold in the basement, so she went back upstairs to her room. When she got there she saw Oddy's paw sticking out from under the bed and felt safe. Amanda went back to bed, and she felt Oddy licking her hand and said, "I already told you flattery will get you nowhere."
Amanda then looked up and screamed. Written in blood on the wall was the message, "People lick too" Then she saw the man's leg sticking out from under her bed. Amanda ran out of her room just as her sister got home, screaming, "There's a man under my bed!!!!"
Amanda's sister did not believe her, so they went in her room and looked under her bed. Her sister saw Oddy hiding in the back, and she reached under to pull him out.
She wondered about how light he was until she looked down at her hand and realized she was holding Oddy's head.
It turns out that Terry, Amanda's online friend wasn't really a twelve-year-old girl like Amanda but a much older man. He was never apprehended, and to this day they search for Terry on the net.

A man was walking down the train tracks one night and was hit by a train. The engineer had not seen the man because it was so dark outside. The police found the body under the train, but they could not find his head. They believed it had rolled into the nearby lake, but his head was never recovered. They say that if you go to the lake at midnight, you will see a lantern rise out of the lake and float up to your face.
This is the man searching for his head.

It was a dark and foggy night. A college coed was having trouble staying awake while driving at night. Her anxiety level was not helped by the fact that she was running low on gas and was lost in a strange area. Finally, a gas station appeared. She pulled in. The attendant made his way around the car and seemed to be very distracted as she asked him to fill it up, and even seemed to be making faces at her. He finally agreed to get the gas, but then asked her to pop the hood of the car because it "smelled like trouble." She felt uneasy because she was alone with this strange guy in a creepy gas station. He then asked her to come inside the office area to show her something. Not knowing what else to do, she did as he asked. He grabbed her arm and said "This car needs a tow, you'll have to come with me into the office." Then he put his hand over her mouth and forced her into the office. She began to bite his hand once they were inside and he let her go. She ran from the attendant as fast as she could to the car and drove off. As she was driving away the gas station attend was shouting something but she couldn't hear what it was. The next morning her body was found with her head hacked off. It seems that the gas station attendant was trying to warn her that there was someone crouched behind her seat in the car.

Submitted by: Alexandra51489
Once, on a college campus, two girls named Brooke and Jacque shared a room. Brooke was a party animal, she loved to party all the time! Jacque was pretty much a nerd who loved to study. A week before a big test, there was a huge bash off campus.
You can guess what the roomates planned for the night; Brooke was going and Jacque was staying home and studying. But Brooke didn't know how to get there, so she had one of her friends photo-copy her some directions.
Finally the big night came, when Brooke left, Jacque was still studying. Brooke had gotten no further thatn two blocks when she discovered that she had forgotten the directions! She turned around and when she got there, the lights were off and there was a strange noise. Brooke figured that Jacque had gone to bed and the noise was just her snoring; she didn't want to wake Jacque up so she kept the lights off, found the directions and hurried out of there.
The next morning Brooke got back, totally fried. She plopped down on the couch and let out a scream...
Jacque's head was lying on the floor, a bloody axe next to it. Brooke looked up and on the wall, written in blood letters, were the words,
"Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights Brooke?"

A young couple living in a large isolated house had gone out to a dinner party one evening and left the baby-sitter in charge of their two children. The children had been put to bed and the baby-sitter was watching the television when the phone rang. She answered but all she heard was a man laughing hysterically and then a voice saying, "I'm upstairs with the children, you'd better come up." Thinking it was "one of those phone calls" or a practical joke she slammed down the receiver and turned the television sound up. A short time later the phone rang again and, as she picked it up, the unmistakable hysterical laughter came down the line and the voice once again said "I'm upstairs with the children, you'd better come up." Getting rather frightened she called the operator and was advised they would notify the police and, should he phone again, could she keep him talking in order to give them time to trace the call and have him arrested. Minutes after she replaced the receiver the phone rang again and, when the voice said, "I'm upstairs with the children, you'd better come up," she tried to keep him talking. However, he must have guessed what she was trying to do and he put the phone down. Only seconds later the phone rang again, this time it was the operator who said, "Get out of the house straight away, the man is on the extension." The baby-sitter put down the phone and just then heard someone coming down the stairs. She fled from the house and ran straight into the arms of the police. They burst into the house and found a man brandishing a large butcher's knife. He had entered the house through an upstairs window, murdered both the children and was just about to do the same to the poor baby-sitter.

The legend begins when a business traveler goes to a lounge for a drink at the end of the work day. A person in the bar walks up as they sit alone and offers to buy them a drink. The last thing the traveler remembers until they wake up in a hotel room bath tub, their body submerged to their neck in ice, is sipping that drink. There is a note taped to the wall instructing them not to move and to call 911. A phone is on a small table next to the bathtub for them to call. The business traveler calls 911 who have become quite familiar with this crime. The business traveler is instructed by the 911 operator to very slowly and carefully reach behind them and feel if there is a tube protruding from their lower back. The business traveler finds the tube and answers, "Yes." The 911 operator tells them to remain still, having already sent paramedics to help. The operator knows that both of the business traveler's kidneys have been harvested.

(another version of kidney harvest)
One day a man goes into a bar to get a drink and something to eat after work. No one is in there, only the young bartender.
She offers him the newest drink they have for half off. He thinks it is an awesome deal so he agrees to buy it. He drinks it and thinks it is quite the drink. That's the last thing he remembers.
He wakes in the morning in a bathtub full of ice. He finds a note next to him:
"You shouldn't have been drinking my drink; not only is it the perfect insomnia remedy, but I got a little something out of it."
He was puzzled, and he turned over the paper; on the back it said, "I got your kidney!" He uncovered the ice from where his kidney would be located and there was a huge hole, and his kidney was gone.

Submitted by:
Note from author: Keep in mind this is a true story.
The year was 1975. My uncle Zach Fuller, his brothers his sisters, and my grandma and grampa were in the hills of south Ohio. There was a legend that a women was turned into a cat for doing bad deeds.
One night, my uncle his brothers and sisters were sitting by a fire roasting marshmellows. My grandma was sitting on the porch. She had a dog. Let me tell you something: this dog was not scared of anything. It was a beagal that thought it was a pit bull.
On that particular night, that dog was scared sh*tless. It ran under the trailer and started to whimper and cry. My grandma told my grampa to get the youngens in the house and lock the door. So he told everyone to get in the house and lock the door behind them.
My other uncle, Terrie, went to put the fire out. I have never seen him run as fast as he did that night. We all started to hear these screams, almost like a woman's scream and a cat's scream, except put together. Now my uncle was seventeen at the time, and he was really scared.
So my uncle and grandpa went after it and he told my uncle, "You grab your damn shotgun!" They left about ten o'clock with the dog. When they got back it was about seven in the morning.
They told us that whatever it was lead them around every single hill for about six miles. They could never lose it because if they got too far behind, it would stop and wait for them. My grandpa thought it was big foot, but the rest of my family and I knew it was none other than the Demon Cat.
The beast was never found.....but if you go to the hills of Ohio on dark nights, you can always hear the screams of the Deamon Cat.

Submitted by:
One night, after a long night of partying, a young couple, Jenny and Scott, decided to go into a murky supposed "haunted street". It was raining outside and really creepy. Scott turned on the radio.
"NEWS ALERT! There has been a masked murderer on the loose near Sarah Jane Road. If you are in that vicinity, lock your doors."
"Scott! This is freaking me out." Jenny said as she hugged Scott's arm. Scott turned the car around and started for their home. But suddenly, the car stopped.
They had run out of gas.
"Jenny. Stay here. I'm going to go get help down the road," Scott said, and he walked off. The only thing Jenny could do was sleep.
She awakened awhile later to a loud, heavy
against the car hood. "Its only rain" she told herself, then went back to sleep. She was awakened again by bright lights; lights of cops. A cop got her out of the car to escort her to the police car. "Its going to be all right," He said. "Just don't look up." Jenny couldn't help but look up at the trees above her.
Dangling by the neck with his body severed, was Scott. The thump against the car was the dripping of his blood.

Please write me if you sent in this story! (You wrote me back AGAIN without including the e-mail! ;)
A young girl was home alone watching television on a cold winter night. The television was right beside a glass door, and the blinds were open. She looked over and saw an old man staring at her through the glass! She screamed and then grabbed the phone and pulled a blanket over her head so the man couldn't see her dialing 911. She was so scared that she kept the blanket over her until the police arrived.
Well, it had snowed a lot that day so the police looked for foot prints first, but there were no footprints to be found. Puzzled, the police went back inside the house.
That's when they discovered wet footprints on the floor leading up to the couch where the girl was still sitting. The officers looked at each other nervously.
"Miss, you are very lucky," one of them finally said to her.
"Why?" she asked.
"Because," he said "the man wasn't outside at all. He was in here, standing right behind the coach! What you saw in the window was his reflection!!!!"

Once again, no author!
Back in the 1700s, the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner met and fell in love with a slave. They had a torrid love affair, and after this went on for about a year, she found herself pregnant.
Not knowing what to do, she hid her pregnancy as well as she could, but one night an old maid, who had often watched her change out of her nightclothes and wondered who had put the girl in such a compromising position, follwed the young girl to the spot where she often met her lover. The next day she brought the information to the girl's father, and within an hour the slave was executed.
Upon hearing about her lover's death, the young woman ran out of her house and kept running until she reached a long bridge, where she squatted in pain. She was in labor. She sat on the bridge in the cold and delivered the baby herself. She stood up and held the baby up to wipe it off, but it was still covered in blood and birthing fluids, and it slipped out of her hands and fell down to the bottom of the river bed, never to be seen again. The woman, in such anguish and fear, threw herself over the bridge, whether to try and find the baby or commit suicide, I don't know.
Nowadays, if you walk across the bridge once, nothing happens. It is said that if you walk across the bridge three times, it will fall down and kill you with it. No one has ever crossed that bridge three times in a row, though, because as soon as you begin walking across the second time, you begin to hear the wailing of a small child, and often see the mother taking her fatal plunge off of the bridge.

Submitted by: Note from phantasma: SweetGoddess, I hope you enjoyed the update. ;)
Once there was this house which was all blue and kind of freaky. Legend is that three kids went in there one night when the owners were gone and explored the house top to bottom, every nook and cranny.
When they got to the basement, they saw the walls were all uneaven and unfinished.
They started to get a little scared, but they stayed down there.
They heard the phone ring and ran upstairs to see who would leave a message on the answering machine.
The voice said,
"I'm in the basement; better hurry up!"
One of the kids went down first because the other was too scared. The other finally worked up the courage to go down there and saw something sitting in the dark corner.
He flashed his flash light at it and realized it was the other kid sitting there.
with his legs and arms cut off and placed all the way across the room. He looked up at the wall and saw something writen on it. It said
"See what happens when you listen to a man on the phone!"
He began to back up when he saw something written on the other wall.
It said,
"You're next!"
They later found him dead and cut up in the same fashion as his friend.
The strange thing is,
the owners claimed they hadn't left the house that night.
