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Reptilian Spaceman or Demonic Power?

By Christopher Montgomery


The Pamela Stonebrook Case

Art Bell's introduction to the Pamella Stonebrook case begins with "Here is Pamela and the reptile alien she claims to have had intimate relationships with as part of her alien encounter." He continues with a link to her submission to Art Bell; "Here is an Open Letter from Pamela Stonebrooke. (snip) An article has been written about Pamela in the LA Weekly." (Reference #1)

Could this have actually been a fallen angel, spoken of in Genesis and again in Revelations in the Holy Bible?

In REVELATIONS of the New Testament, Chapter 12 Verse 7, it describes the serpent, or "dragon" that fell from heaven, following a great battle in space.

And war occurred in Heaven, Michael and his angels making war against the dragon (serpent) -man and his angels (who) made war; but they did not have strength, nor was any place yet found for them in Heaven. For this great dragon was cast out (of Heaven) - that old serpent being called Satan, and the Devil, he deceiving the entire habitable world; he was cast down onto the earth, and his angels were cast out onto the earth with him." -HOLY BIBLE

ONE POPULAR THEORY holds that reptilian creatures masquerade as UFO aliens, in attempts to usurp the authority and deity of Christ. They seem to possess amazing powers of mind control, enabling them to hide their identity. They can reportedly change their appearance at will, furthering their goals of deceipt and deception. The Holy Bible describes Satan as "a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." This suggests that he has the ability to change into multiple forms and assume different identities for the sole purpose of the deceipt and destruction of mankind. Saying that reptilian creatures have the same capabilities of UFO occupants contradicts Biblical teachings, for these creatures, it is said, "no longer have any place in the Heavenly realms" (God's Kingdom).

It is this hatred for God that makes Satan dislike humankind. It says in the first book of Genesis "Let us make man in our image," suggesting that man is an heir or inheritor of God's heavenly kingdom. Man, being made in His image, puts a face on God's creation and draws fire from this evil prince of darkness. From a theological viewpoint, he is determined to deceive, or seperate mankind from God's protection, to bring humankind to its demise. Reference #2

The evidence suggests that there is indeed a race of reptile creatures associated with the UFO phenomenon. I have read a number of reports from around the world. The question that everyone is asking;

-Are UFOs and their occupants real, and if so;
-Are they from outer space, or,
-Are they of the Devil, or God or both?

"And I heard a great voice in Heaven, 'Now has come the salvation and power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of Jesus Christ, because the accuser of the bretheren is thrown down (cast down) the one accusing them before our God (Creator) both day and night'" - REVELATIONS, 12:10

This disharmony in the ranks of UFO researchers has divided many who attempt to understand the connection between UFOs and the supernatural events that often surround those types of encounters.

Although those claims are impossible to verify, we post it here in the interest of free speech and equal time for all opinions, regardless of their content or level of reliability. The opinions expressed here are not the only ones to the material that we have examined.

The UFO Enigma

"But why restrict our interest to the traditional view of angels? An equally impressive parallel could be made between UFO occupants and the popular conception of demons, and indeed sociologists have pointed out that 'the same elements are involved in diabolic contacts as in the divine encounters of increasing intimacy with what is defined as a supernatural consciousness.' There are even some religious thinkers who see the sinister hand of Satan in the more bizarre UFO cases." (Reference #3)-JACQUES VALLEE

Reference #1:

Reference #2: THE HOLY BIBLE; King James Version;
THE INTERLINEAR BIBLE, Hebrew and Greek Edition.

Reference #3: Vallee, Jacques MESSENGERS OF DECEPTION; 1980 Bantam Books; page 14 "Prologue."

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