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UPDATES: Washington UFO Hot Spot

UFO Magazine; A Letter To My Editor

Dear Ms. Ecker;
I am hoping that you have already received the bulk of the images files that were sent to you, which is to accompany this article for UFO Magazine. Yes?

I am glad to report to you that the article entitled "Washington UFO Hot-Spot" is in the final editing phase. I would estimate it could take another two-three hours before I send the final copy to you. It is now 12:15 PST and everything is going as planned. This is an exciting time in UFO investigation, and it is my hope that this article will present new information that shall fascinate and entertain our readers. This is fresh UFO evidence, full of eyewitness testimony, a historical perspective on UFO activity as well as current research into the UFO/TST paradigm. We shall be sending this off to you as soon as it is completed. I had hoped to complete this article by noon today, 12.8.99, but circumstance's being what they are, I hope to have the article on its way later this afternoon, hopefully within the next few hours or so. I apologize for the delay. Thank you for your patience. Christopher Montgomery (UFORCE) Author "Washington UFO Hot-Spot"


I am happy to announce that the article made the deadline. Along with this provocative article, we sent some startling UFO evidence that we had collected during our investigating at Mt. Adams, Washington (USA). Be looking for my article in UFO Magazine (US) due out on March8, 2000!

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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