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China Plagued By UFO Sightings

By UFORCE Correspondent C. Montgomery

In an article by Charles Hutzler of the Associated Press, he details the latest in a string of UFO sightings that have plagued China in recent months.

This latest sighting took place on December 11, 1999. In this report from ABC, Hutzler said that this particular event was witnessed some 30 miles from Beijing by people from the village of Pusalu, China

The object was described as being the size of a person "shimmering" with a "golden" or "yellow" light, reports said. The unknown object rose from the nearby mountains into the heavens.

In this area heavily influenced by Buddhist beliefs, many were quick to attach this UFO sighting to a religious event. Some even believed it to be the ray of Buddha himself. Others weren't quite so sure.

The China UFO Resource Center offered some other, more rational explanation. Chinese military would respond to any unknown aircraft operating within their air space, and have been known to do so in the past. There haven't been any reports of this type of response to this particular event that they were aware of.

Other possible explanations suggested by Hutzler in this report include earthlights and secret Chinese military aircraft.

Of the 500 or so UFO reports that the China UFO Research Resource Center has received thus far in 1999, they believe that the actual number of confirmed unknowns, or UFOs would number somewhere in the range of 200. Reports include alien abductions.



The UFO Resource Center thanks...
ABC News.Com; "UFOs and Other Sightings; Chinese Say They’ve Seen Mysterious Objects," By Charles Hutzler of The Associated Press(AP)

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