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The CIA and black helicopters

UFORCE Investigator Christopher Montgomery

The appearance of black helicopters have long been associated with UFO sightings. Their appearance in and around areas where UFOs have been sighted is well documented. In an interview interview with former CIA Director James Woolsey, APB News asked him what his thoughts were regarding terrorism in the United States.

While answering the reporter's questions, Woolsey came forth with this unexpected comment, regarding the matter of the black helicopters.

With some notable exceptions, most of the groups that law enforcement considers prone to domestic terrorism are extremely suspicious of the U.S. government and its military, intelligence, and law enforcement organizations, but they are mostly in a defensive posture.

A lot of these people complain about flights of "black helicopters" and alliances with a United Nations-type of world government, and are mostly hunkering down, waiting to be attacked. Domestic groups have not shown themselves to be in an offensive mode

Although he does not come forth and directly say that black helicopters are in anyway linked to our secret government or UFOs, his candid remarks regarding same caught everyone here at the UFO Resource Center by complete surprise.

As I mentioned in the "Introduction" to my most recent book UFOs: A Scientific Inquiry, I touched on this controversial subject briefly. During one afternoon, I counted no less that 20 confirmed sightings of the black helicopter flying over my home.

On another occassion, I had a close encounter with one of those menacing military aircraft.

While working at the computer at U.F.O.R.C. HQ in Auburn, Washington, I heard the drone of a military aircraft. This was during the summer of 1999. From my military training and background, I immediately recognized the sound of a model UH-1E aircraft. More commonly known as a Huey chopper, I ran outside to catch a glimpse of this aircraft.

Flying low and coming from the south, I spotted this black, unmarked helicopter while gazing out the window. It was flying over the treetops, until it came to approximately 40 feet from over the top of our offices at the UFO Resource Center. It stopped there and hovered. It was definately black, and there were absolutely no markings on it whatsoever. This was easy to ascertain, as it was in plain view and hovering right outside the trailer.

It then moved about 20 feet to the south and grazed the tops of the evergreens skirting the field outside of my office. It turned left and turned right, as if the pilot and crew were looking for something in the dense woods. I noted that there was some pretty sophisticated hardware on the belly of this Huey, including appeared to be a pito tube and sensitive radar equipment.

I watched this black helicopter for no less than 5 minutes, what seemed like an eternity. After it resumed its travel to the south, I quickly ran to the telephone. Knowing that FAA regulations require markings on all aircraft operating in US airspace, I called the FAA's Auburn regional headquarters.

The flight control technician answered the phone. I identified myself as a writer for a major US magazine publication. I then stated that I would like to report a black, unmarked helicopter. It was apparently in violation of FAA regulations. I had observed this UH-1E hovering outside my home, below radar level.

The man stupidly asked me "What did it look like." My reply was "It was a black helicopter." After a brief, but insidious pause, the man came back with "Maybe it's an experimental aircraft." He then asked for my telephone number and said that he had to do something, and that he would call me right back. He never called back. I never got a return phone call and I did not bother calling him, either. Why waste my time? I thought. It seemed rather obvious that he was hiding something. The fact that he was not surprised to hear of this report tells me that he knew that it was out there.

Incidentally, Peter Davenport is in close contact with the people at the FAA offices in Auburn. Funny, I have never heard him breath a word about black helicopters to anyone, althought the FAA occassionally refers UFO sightings his way.

In a related incident, a black helicopter of an identical design and model type flew directly over the UFO Resource Center during a sighting of a triangular object seen on the evening of September 8, 1999. It flew straight over the compound, making a bee-line for the UFO. (See references)

One thing Woolsey did not point out, was that these "black helicopters" are involved in secret military dark projects. I have witnessed those type of UH-IE aircraft flying into and out of BOEING AEROSPACE, a facility in Kent, Washington. Any local can tell you that this is a government "black hole," a place where secret military projects are conducted.

You wont find this plant on the map. It is not shown on any map that I know of. That's how secret this place is. But you can drive by it any time you'd like.



See UFO Resource Center Buzzed by UFO This incident report was filed on 9/9/99.

SIGHTINGS web site ran this story, ( as did

UFO Updates, Toronto, Canada

UFOs: A Scientific Inquiry; Christopher Montgomery 1999;

APB On-Line"Former CIA Chief: Expect Y2K Terrorism Woolsey Says, Despite Precautions, Odds of Attack Are Good; Dec. 29, 1999,

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