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UFOs now a Political Campaign?

Coverage by UFORCE affiliates

Hi Y'all!

Interesting if Heather Harder - who has been a previous Art Bell guest makes any breakthroughs in this area that organizations such as CAUS, Stephen Basset - UFO Lobbyist and CSETI have been working on in getting the government to reveal and recognize the existance of UFOs.

The Seattle Art Bell Chat Club tentatively expects Heather Harder in Seattle February. Although we don't endorse any particular political candidates we are looking forward to hearing her experiences on the campaign trail.

Charlette LeFevre Seattle Art Bell Chat Club


Filer's Files #02--2000, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern January 13, 2000 -- (609) 654-0020 Web Site at Chuck Warren Webmaster.


On Tuesday, I was called by Heather Anne Harder, Ph.D., who is running as a candidate for the President of the United States. She was a genuinely nice person, but most important to Ufologists she feels that research and openness in government is needed concerning UFOs. She says, "She knows UFO's exist." She had her own personal sighting of strange lights that were observed by 24 people. This was followed by an unexplained experience of missing time. She is well aware that former Governor Jimmy Carter also had a UFO sighting and made election promises to find out what was going on, but after his election no answers were given. Even today, former President Carter refuses to answer MUFON queries about his own personal sighting. She vows to get some answers if she is elected. Although, MUFON does not endorse any candidates for public office, Dr. Heather Anne Harder is refreshing in that she understands the UFO phenomenon. It is delightful to talk to a person who comprehends and acknowledges the American citizen's frustration with the situation. She promises that if she is elected, she will demand some tough answers. She will not accept the usual sly remarks about UFOs from government employees that work for us. Dr. Harder feels we are being visited and contacted on a regular basis by an alien presence and further research is desperately needed.

Dr. Harder indicated that if the UFO community wants to be heard, the presidential primaries provide the ideal forum. Each candidate is fighting hard to get a small percentage of the votes. In states like New Hampshire and Iowa, one voice is worth thousands perhaps tens of thousands of votes. Once one of these candidates is elected, we would have little chance of ever talking to the new the President. But each individual voter in the primary takes on unique importance since so few participate in the primaries. Dr. Harder suggested that people interested in UFOs, should show up at a caucus and the various meetings and ask questions about UFOs from each candidate. Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell stated, research into UFOs might be the most important endeavor of mankind. Yet most candidates appear to know little about the subject. Ufology needs a presidential candidate who will demand answers, and get the government interested. Most of you reading these files know that UFOs are in our skies, and in some cases creating a safety hazard. NASA has spent some 20 billion dollars searching for life on Mars, but refuses to admit the failure of 23 out of 31 probes could have anything to do with UFOs. They tell me they are not interested in looking at the Soviet Phobus 2 film that shows a UFO intercepting the probe near Mars. I suggest we want some answers, not condescending we know what is best for the millions of UFO enthusiasts. It seems most of the candidates say the same thing. Perhaps its time to listen to someone like Dr. Harder who will support our cares and needs. These files are sent to all the presidential candidates and she is the first one to contact me. So naturally I'm flattered. She feels the campaign needs citizen participation rather than lobbyists deciding what's best for you. Dr. Harder wants to have honest and healthy mechanisms for citizen participation to reclaim the government and reestablish it as being for the People. She wants to empower the American people to become the ultimate stabilizing force as the fourth branch of democratic government. Although, MUFON does not support any candidate for public office, Dr. Heather Harder is interested in UFOs and how this relates to the average citizen.


The UFO Resource Center thanks Charlotee LeFevre; Art Bell Chat Club member. She occassionally sends UFORCE updates on the latest news tips coming from Bell and other news networks.

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