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The Devine Plan for 2000

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles*

The Divine Plan for 2000
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Welcome to the dawn of the Permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom and Enlightenment. Throughout history, Golden Ages have come and Golden Ages hav e gone, but for the very first time in the evolution of our Planet, this Golde n Age is being called PERMANENT by the Company of Heaven. In past Golden Ages, illumined souls would come into physical embodiment, an d through the radiance of their Light, they were able to lift into a higher octave of consciousness all of the people who were within their spheres of influence. Unfortunately, when it was time for the illumined souls to leave the physical plane, their Light was withdrawn. The people they left behind could not sustain the higher consciousness because they had not developed th e ability to maintain that level of Enlightenment on their own. Without the support of the Light of the illumined Beings, the people faltered and fell t o their previous states of awareness. That situation tragically resulted in th e end of the existing Golden Age.

We witnessed a very brief but graphic demonstration of that phenomenon durin g the Christian Dispensation. After Beloved Jesus was resurrected, He was able to lift up the disciples into a state of Christ Consciousness through the radiance of His Light. During the forty days Jesus remained on Earth, the disciples were able to teach, heal and perform the same miracles He did. Onc e Jesus Ascended into the Heavenly Realms, however, everything changed. The disciples could not sustain the level of Christ Consciousness they had reached when they were in Jesus' presence, and they became afraid and bega n to falter and fail. It became obvious to Jesus and the Company of Heaven tha t the disciples were not going to be able to fulfill their mission of bringing the teachings of the Christian Dispensation to the rest of the World without

Divine Intervention.

Just ten days after Jesus' Ascension, the disciples were called into the "upper room" where they experienced a miraculous Baptism of the Holy Spi rit.

That incredible influx of Divine Love awakened their Spiritual Brain Centers and lifted them into Christ Consciousness. We have all seen pictures of the disciples after the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the Flame of Enlightenment blazing from their Crown Chakras. They were also given the "gift of tongues" which allowed them to travel to the far reaches of the globe and communicate the teachings of the Christian Dispensation in the language of the people they were speaking to. This Golden Age is going to be different. In this dawning Age, there is not going to be one illumined soul or Avatar who comes into the physical plane t o bring the next level of Truth to Humanity. This time it is different because Humanity is awakening to the reality of who we are. We are beginning to remember that we are Sons and Daughters of God. We are beginning to remember that the Enlightened State of Christ Consciousness is our Divine Birthright and is destined to be our natural state of Being.

It is important for us not to get turned off or hung up on semantics. If you cannot identify with the term Christ Consciousness, then call it your Higher Self or Enlightenment or Divine Consciousness or whatever term resonates wit h you for your true God Self.

As the Truth of Christ Consciousness awakens within our hearts and resonates in the very core of our Beings, we are beginning to see our lower human egos for what they really are. They are fragmented, limited, fear-based mutations of ourselves, and their main motivation is to compel us to gratify our physical senses. Once we acknowledge that Truth, we will be able to take ou r power back and transform our human egos into the Light. We will then be able to easily lift up in consciousness and become One with our true God Selves.

This moment is being heralded as the dawn of the Permanent Golden Age becaus e in this Age every man, woman and child is going to awaken to the Truth of wh o they are and reclaim their Divine Heritage as Sons and Daughters of God. Every single person is going to develop the ability to lift up in energy, vibration and consciousness effectively enough to sustain Christ Consciousness through their own efforts, independently of another person's outside influence.

This time there is not going to be one person who will leave the physical plane and withdraw his or her Light, thus causing those left behind to fall.

This time, no matter who leaves the Earth, the Golden Age will survive because those remaining on Earth will have developed the ability to sustain Christ Consciousness on their own. That, in fact, is the true meaning of what Jesus was talking about when he referred to the Second Coming of the Christ.

Contrary to our misinterpretations, Jesus did not say that he would ride in on a white cloud and do it all for us. He said, "These things I do, you shall also do, and greater things than these shall you do." The only way we are going to restore the glory of Heaven on Earth and create a Permanent Golden Age is for each and every one of us to learn to live the Path of Divine Love that Jesus taught us to live. In order to do that fully, we must each put forth the effort to become One with our Christ Presence which is blazing in our hearts.

Jesus came to Earth 2000 years ago at the beginning of the Piscean Age. During that 2000-year cycle, the Planet was bathed in the Sixth Solar Aspect of Deity. That Aspect of Deity pulsates with the Divine Qualities of Peace, Ministering Grace, Devotional Worship, Healing, Service and the Christ made manifest.

Jesus' mission was to model for Humanity the Path of Divine Love that will return us to Christ Consciousness.

His symbol was the fish because that is the symbol of Pisces. He was known as the fisher of men and women. He was also known as the Prince of Peace because that is a quality of the Sixth Solar Aspect of Deity that He used to fulfill his Divine Plan.

During Jesus' lifetime, a New Archetype/Matrix for Humanity's return to Christ Consciousness was anchored on Earth. Jesus' mission was God-Victoriously accomplished, but He knew that Humanity would not be able to get our heads above the mud puddle of our human miscreations in order to fully connect with our Christ Presences for centuries to come.

In St. John's Revelation, it is stated that in the day of the Seventh Angel, when he begins to sound, the mystery of God will be fulfilled and time will be no more. That will be at the time of the Second Coming of the Christ.

On December 31, 1999, as each consecutive time zone struck the sacred moment of midnight, unprecedented Light from the Heart of our Father-Mother God poured through the cup of Humanity's focused attention and bathed the Earth. During that Cosmic Moment, the Age of Pisces was officially sealed, and the Earth and ALL Her life moved forward into the full embrace of the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius will now bathe the Earth in the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity for the next 2000-year cycle. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE SEVENTH ANGEL, AND HE IS BEGINNING TO SOUND! The Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity pulsates with the Divine Qualities of Limitless Transmutation, Forgiveness, Mercy, Compassion, Freedom, Divine Justice, Liberty and Victory. It is also a reflection of the perfect balance of our Father-Mother God.

The Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity is comprised of the Sapphire Blue Ray of Divine Will and Power of our Father God and the Crystalline Pink Ray of Divine Love and Adoration of our Mother God/Holy Spirit. When these two Polarities of God are in perfect balance, they merge and form the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame is the perfect Forcefield of Light for the birthing of our Christ Presences.

Now, all of the Celestial Forces involving both Heaven and Earth are in place, and we are ready to embark on the next phase of the Divine Plan.

Incredible Activities of Light occurred throughout 1999 to pave the way for the wondrous events that will now take place in 2000. I have documented those activities and posted articles both on our Web site and in our newsletter Take Charge of Your Life. Please read this amazing information. It will assist you in seeing the bigger picture, and it will fill your heart with hope and elation. Our Web site address is: Scroll down the home page to the Latest Updates section for the article, "Victory is Ours!" The other very significant article is posted in the Important Information section and is titled, "The Awesome Summer of 1999."

In spite of all of the gloom and doom soothsayers, Humanity proved, once again, that when we join together in an attitude of cooperation and one-pointed consciousness, we can change the course of history. The potential for serious Y2K problems was real. But instead of just succumbing to that potential, people all over the World joined together and developed viable solutions that averted a Global catastrophe.

Instead of allowing our fear-based human egos to focus on the potential negative results of the Y2K bug, legions of Lightworkers around the Planet joined forces to co-create an alternative reality. Daily and hourly Lightworkers invoked the God Presences of every person on the Planet who could make a positive difference. We asked that the Light of God Illumination, Truth, Understanding, Wisdom and Enlightenment flow into each person's conscious mind and feelings, activating within them the knowing necessary to solve the problems.

The results of Humanity's unified efforts confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that THE LIGHT OF GOD IS ALWAYS VICTORIOUS, AND WE ARE THAT LIGHT!!!

It is imperative that we grasp the magnitude of that outer world demonstration. What this means, both literally and tangibly, is that when we are willing to pool our efforts and our resources for the highest good of all concerned, we can solve the maladies of the World. This is true, regardless of what we are talking about. At this very moment we have all of the technology, knowledge, skill, wisdom, resources and ability to solve the problems of the World. That may sound like a monumental task, but I promise you, it will just take a slight adjustment in our consciousness.

The moment we shift from a consciousness of separation to a consciousness of Oneness, we will know and understand that we have no choice but to assist each other and learn to live together in Peace and Harmony. The Family of Humanity is totally and completely interdependent, interconnected and interrelated. What affects one person affects us all. We cannot harm another

Human Being or another part of life without harming ourselves. When that Truth sinks into our awareness, then the concept of war, hatred, prejudice, crime, corruption, violence, selfishness, greed, poverty, dominance, aggression, abuse of power and every other destructive human behavior becomes ludicrous, self-destructive and obviously insane.

The Divine Plan for 2000

The Divine Plan that has now been catapulted onto the screen of life for the year 2000, through the God-Victorious accomplishments of Humanity and the entire Company of Heaven, is glorious to behold. Through the unified efforts of both Heaven and Earth, the Divine Plan for the year 2000 has been specifically created to accelerate the awakening of ALL Humanity. This will be accomplished through various Activities of Light and the Divine Intervention of our God Selves and the Company of Heaven. Together they will assist in:

1. Bringing our right- and left-brain hemispheres more into balance, thus enhancing our creativity. This will increase our ability to reach in consciousness into the Divine Heart and Mind of God to tap the viable solutions for the maladies of the World.

2. Stimulating the activation of our Spiritual Brain Centers: the pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brains, which will have a dramatic affect on the opening of our Crown Chakras of Enlightenment.

3. Preparing our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies at an atomic, cellular level to withstand the integration of the Fifth Dimensional frequencies of our Solar Light Bodies of Limitless Physical Perfection.

4. Assisting in the manifestation of the Second Coming of the Christ by helping us to lift up in energy and vibration into Christ Consciousness.

5. Stirring within the recesses of our hearts, the memory of the Reverence and Love we once had for ALL Life by knowing and understanding the Truth of our Oneness.

The level of Divine Intervention that we will receive in the year 2000 is unprecedented in the history of time. Because of the incredible strides made by the Lightworkers over the last few decades and especially since the first Harmonic Convergence in August 1987, Humanity is vibrating at a collective frequency of Divine Love that will allow us to endure a greater influx of God's Light than has ever been experienced on Earth. This Light began flowing into the Planet on December 31, 1999, during the birth of the New Millennium and will build in momentum daily and hourly throughout the new year. As we progress through this momentous year, the Lightworkers around the World will conduct various Activities of Light that will be key triggers to activate various aspects of the Divine Plan.

We have each been preparing for thousands of years to participate in our particular facet of this wondrous event. Listen to your heart, and pay very close attention to the opportunities that are presented to you this year.

Sometimes you will have the Heart Call to travel to an event to participate physically. Sometimes you will know that you are to support the event by tuning in consciously from wherever you are on the Planet. Sometimes you will feel that a particular event is not part of your Divine Plan, and you will just send your love to the participants as you release them into the Light.

The important thing for each of us to know is that if we are feeling the Heart Call to participate in a particular Activity of Light, it is because we have been preparing at both inner and outer levels to assist with that phase of the Divine Plan. When that is the case, our God Selves will guide us and provide the way. We must not allow our limited, fear-based human egos to prevent us from responding to the Inner Prompting of our God Selves. It is critical that we lift into a space of trust and know that we are co-creating our reality with the help of our Father-Mother God. Any block or resistance that is preventing us from responding to our Heart's Call to participate in a Divine Service is a mutated thoughtform of the human ego that is not based in Truth.

For three years the Spiritual Hierarchy in the Realms of Illumined Truth have been asking me and the wonderful Lightworkers who work with me to organize an Alaskan Cruise during the Fourteenth Annual World Congress on Illumination and the Fourteenth Harmonic Convergence in August 2000. We were not given the reason why, at the time, but we were told that if everything went as planned, it would be an event unparalleled in the whole of Creation.

It is not unusual for the Spiritual Hierarchy to make such requests, because even though the unmanifest Divine Potential for a particular event exists, that potential is always dependent on the success of the preceding events in the unfolding Divine Plan. Consequently, not even the Spiritual Hierarchy knows for sure, in advance, if we are going to be able to do what is necessary in order for the next phase of the Divine Plan to be fulfilled.

Finally, we have reached the moment, and the results are in. According to the Spiritual Hierarchy, the LIGHTWORKERS HAVE SUCCEEDED BEYOND THE GREATEST EXPECTATIONS OF HEAVEN. The victories that were accomplished by the Lightworkers during the past three years have moved this sweet Earth and all Her life higher up the Spiral of Evolution than even the Company of Heaven had dared to hope. The Light has greatly increased on the Planet, and Humanity is now awakening at warp speed. We are vibrating at frequencies that periodically reach the Fifth Dimension, and Humanity can now withstand a unique form of Divine Intervention that has never been attempted in any System of Worlds.

The next phase of the unfolding Divine Plan involves releasing the good of Humanity's Causal Bodies. To comprehend the magnitude of this event, we first need to clearly understand what our Causal Bodies are and what their service is.

When we were first breathed forth from the Heart of God into physical manifestation, we were given a Causal Body as part of our Higher Vehicles of

Light. That vehicle reflected all of the patterns of perfection contained in the Causal Body of God. The original Divine Intent was for our Christ Selves to observe the various patterns of perfection in our Causal Bodies and then through the creative faculties of our thoughts and feelings and our gift of Free Will, project those wondrous patterns onto the physical plane. Through that activity we would expand the borders of our Father-Mother God's Kingdom on Earth, and the Universal Law of "As above, so below" would be maintained as the order of the day in this Earthly school of learning.

Once we fell into the paralyzing grip of our human egos and our thoughts, words, actions and feelings were being used to distort our gift of life into the horrendous mutations of war, poverty, disease, aging, death, violence, corruption and all of the other expressions of our human frailties, a Divine

Edict was issued to withdraw the good of our Causal Bodies. In a merciful act of Divine Grace, God withdrew our ability to distort the patterns of perfection from our Causal Bodies into the gross miscreations of our human egos. Instead, a Cosmic Dispensation was issued in which every thought, word, action or feeling we expressed that was qualified with 51% or more of Light would rise up into our Causal Bodies and be stored there until we again attained Christ Consciousness and returned to the Path of Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. That Cosmic Dispensation was issued literally aeons ago, and the good of our Causal Bodies has been building in momentum for thousands of years.

Due to the incredible Activities of Light over the last three years, at longlast the collective Christ Presence of Humanity has reached a critical mass of vibration that will sustain Christ Consciousness on Earth.

This year, during the Grand Alignment of Planets that will take place in May 2000, the Solar Christ Presence of every man, woman and child will be birthed through our Heart Flames, and our Solar Light Bodies will begin to expand through our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Once that occurs we will once again be in a position to have the good of our Causal Bodies released to us.

This means, both literally and tangibly, that the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God that have been denied to Humanity for millennia will now flood the Earth. These are the patterns that contain all of the perfection of Heaven on Earth. They contain the frequencies of Limitless Abundance, Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, Peace, Happiness, Divine Love, Illumination, Freedom, Enlightenment, Truth, Harmony, Balance, Divine Music, Sound and Movement, Joy, Laughter, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, Awe and all of the other patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God.

A Divine Plan has been set into motion to implement the release of the good of Humanity's Causal Bodies. A Clarion Call is being sent forth from the Heart of our Father-Mother God invoking our assistance.

This information will be magnetized into the awareness of everyone who is prepared to assist. The Lightworkers will participate in myriad different ways. One of the ways is that "God needs a body." We are being asked to gather Lightworkers within the Portal of the Causal Body of God, which pulsates in the waters off the coast of Alaska. This will be accomplished on an Alaskan Cruise during the Fourteenth Annual World Congress On Illumination which will take place during the fourteenth celebration of Harmonic Convergence, August 14-21, 2000.

The Spiritual Hierarchy has revealed to us that during that Cosmic Moment, through the collective cup of the consciousness of the Lightworkers gathered on the Alaskan Cruise, our Father-Mother God will open the Portal of the Causal Body of God to full breadth for the first time since the Divine Edict to close it was issued aeons ago.

The patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God will then flood into Humanity's Causal Bodies and trigger the release of the good that has been accumulating there for thousands of years. Those patterns of perfection will then flow through the Planet and project themselves onto the fluid field of Unmanifest Divine Potential for the Earth.

The Spiritual Hierarchy stated that this event will catapult the Earth and all life evolving here a quantum leap forward toward re-establishing the perfection of Heaven on Earth. This tremendous influx of Divinity will also greatly accelerate the Second Coming of the Christ. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth said that the full significance of this glorious Activity of Light is beyond the comprehension of our finite minds.

The Alaskan Cruise will be a Celestial experience for all those who feel the Heart Call to participate. If you would like the details of the Cruise please E-mail me as soon as possible and I will send the information to you.




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This article is copyrighted. You have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included. - Patricia Diane Cota-Robles 1999

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles is a UFORCE volunteer who offers counseling and healing througn our CHAPEL out-reach program. You can find "TheChapel" at this URL: OR click on The Chapel

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