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by Eric Lausch and C. Montgomery

Two different radio telescopes involved in the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence have supposedly discovered an intelligent signal coming from another star.If this is true I'm sure you'll hear more about it!

 Eric c. Lausch

The following article was found at the aforementioned web site. The article bears testimony concerning a confirmed "hit" at Arecibo. This SETI Fox program tracked on and off the source, which makes this a the real deal, folks.

The signal was picked up at another astral observatory, where an identical signal was picked up and confirmed. So I went to the sightings web site, and here's what we found there:

 C. Montgomery


New Intelligent Signals From Space

Arecibo Radio Telescope

ARECIBO, PUERTO RICO - Gannett News Service reports that on November 29, 1999, the world's largest radio telescope, picked up what appeared to be an intelligent signal coming from a small star named HD119850. What's more, a backup telescope at Jodrell Bank near Manchester, England was hearing the same beacon a clear sign the signal was not from Earth. Astronomer Jill Tarter, 55, is chief scientist with the SETI Institute of Mountain View. Jody Foster played Jill in the movie "Contact."

Other tests were conducted from the Arecibo control room to determine if the signal coming from 106 trillion miles away was real. The telescope was moved away from the target star. The signal vanished and only returned when it was aimed again at the target star.

Editor Filer's Note: The evidence is growing that there is intelligent life out there. Here's my scientific theory: "If intelligent life exists outside Earth it is reasonable to assume they could be visiting us?"

Arecibo Radio Telescope



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