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FILER'S FILES #34--2000

By George Filer, [mufon] Eastern

Filer's Files #33 -- 2000, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern August 21, 2000,, Sponsored by Electronic Arts
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ARE ALIENS CAUSING GOVERNMENTS PROBLEMS? These files provide warning of numerous problems in our world that might be created by our visitors. These visitors may even attempting to help. Investigator John Thompson writes, regardless of what one may believe about the UFO phenomenon, we have a serious problem that confronts humankind. We had better find out what this phenomenon is and how it is affecting humankind. It is my opinion that the nature of the UFO phenomenon is eloquently stated by Dr. Jacques Vallee in his book "Messengers of Deception" when he said: "Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception." ( p. 20) He also states, "The UFO phenomenon represents a manifestation of reality that transcends our current understanding of physics. The UFOs are physical manifestations that cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see in effect here is not an alien invasion. It is a control system which acts on humans and uses humans." - Dr. Jacques Vallee, "Messengers of Deception," p. 209.

Talking of the control system that aliens use to control us Vallee says, "The system I am speaking of, a system with mastery of space and time dimensions, may well be able to locate itself in outer space. Nonetheless, its manifestations cannot be spacecraft in the ordinary nuts-and-bolts sense. The UFOs are physical manifestations that simply cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see here is not an alien invasion. It is a spiritual system that acts on humans and uses humans." "Dimensions," Contemporary Books, Chicago-New York, 1988 p 284-285.) About his investigations in Brazil involving fatal contact Jacques Vallee said, "Many of them involve secondary physical and medical effects, including twelve cases of fatal injuries in which the victim typically survived less than twenty-four hours." (p. 20). "But my immediate conclusion is this: whatever else they may be, UFOs represents technology capable of harmful actions. This observation should send us back into the field with better esources and a renewed sense of urgency." "Confrontations", Ballantine Books, NY, 1990, p. 23). Thanks to John Thompson.

I don't know if our visitors had anything to do with recent events, but our information indicates they move through our oceans and atmosphere at tremendous speeds so on occasion accidents may occur. The Kursk, a Russian sub has been badly damaged and lying on the floor of the Barents Sea since August 12, 2000. Unfortunately, the equipment capable of rescuing the 118 sailors arrived too late. Norwegian divers were able to open an outside hatch on August 21. A few hours later, they were able to open the airlock's inner hatch, but found the sub full of water and assume all crew members are dead. Russia has asked Norway to help recover bodies from the wreck. The Russian government claims the sub rammed into an unknown submerged object. The identity of this object may never be known and the claim may be hiding mechanical failure in the sub. There is criticism of the Russian government for not responding quicker.

Naval personnel who operate sonar in the underwater domain often report high speed comparatively large objects. Ivan T. Sanderson wrote, "Many submarines have just plain vanished, and not only in wartime. Two of them disappeared at the same time in the Mediterranean Sea only a few weeks before the Scorpion--one Israeli, the other French. Also, we have lost other nuclear-powered subs such as the Thresher." "Invisible Residents." We can assume these craft have the capability of operating under the ocean or in the atmosphere with equal ease. Underwater bases provide an ideal locations for operating unseen. Throughout the Cold War years there were numerous chases of mystery subs. Many chases occurred in Scandinavian where it was thought the craft were Soviet. Naval forces would corner he mystery sub in a fjord, but inexplicably the underwater craft would vanish.

Several months ago fires started raging in the US Western states. Many of the 100 fires remain out of control burning millions of acres. Some 20,000 fire fighters are on the scene but 1500 homes are in danger of being destroyed in Montana alone. Many are questioning the limited government response to the fires and ask why more fire fighters from all over the US and more military are not rushing to the fires. News media shows men working with shovels instead of bulldozers and heavy equipment.

Thousands of people are complaining that there is spraying of toxins from the sky by large aircraft. I was not particularly interested in these claims until several MUFON investigators saw low flying aircraft spraying and making contrails. Then suddenly the aircraft disappeared. The mystery continues but interestingly the Air Force Times published an article claiming that maintenance crews have medical problems that may be caused by JP8 jet fuel. Ethylene dibromide is a key component of JP8. The 1991 Chemical Hazards of the Workplace warns that repeated exposure to low levels of ethylene dibromide results in "general weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pains, coughing and shortness of breath, upper respiratory tract irritation" and respiratory failure caused by swelling of the lymph glands. "Deterioration of the heart, liver and kidneys, and hemorrhages in the respiratory tract," can also result from prolonged contact with JP8. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's hazardous materials list: "Ethylene dibromide is a carcinogen and must be handled with extreme caution." This pesticide is extremely toxic, Exposure can irritate the lungs, may cause bronchitis, development of cough, and shortness of breath and damage the liver, kidneys and the reproductive system." Crew chiefs " seem to have more colds, more bronchitis, more chronic coughs than the people not exposed to jet fuel." EDB is 6.5-times heavier than air. It is possible the contrails of aircraft burning P8 are causing the complaints? Now we have to gain evidence on why the aircraft disappear.


PROVIDENCE - Peter Davenport played me the tape of a pilot's UFO encounter. I felt the pilot's testimony was forth right and concerned. The pilot saw an egg shaped object pass in close proximity to his aircraft on June 22, 2000, about at 8:30 PM, while flying on an IFR flight plan at 8000 feet msl. He states, "Due to thunderstorms in the interior of Massachusetts, I was unable to fly northbound to my destination, and I was tracking the RI/CT coastline to the west trying to get around the weather ." The Sun had already set below the horizon, but the western sky was still very bright orange and ground detail was still easily identifiable. At first, I saw what I thought was a bird directly in my flight path, it appeared to be writhing in effort to avoid my plane (this is not an uncommon sight). Very quickly, I determined that the bird (object) was not on a collision course, but it would pass very close to my position. As it drew closer I could see that it was not a bird, but rather an egg shaped object standing on end. The top and bottom of the "egg" was not rounded but spiked with three points each. Against the bright sky it was just a black silhouette and possessed no lights. It appeared to be moving in an eastbound direction and passed very close to and above he right wing of my aircraft. The first officer was looking for a fix on a navigational chart and did not observe the object. However, I immediately contacted ATC and inquired about any radar targets on his equipment in my vicinity. The initial response was no, but shortly thereafter he reported a primary target (no transponder or verifiable altitude info) behind me in trail about a mile. ATC then informed me that object appeared to be stationary and then began to drift slowly to the east. I had no further contact with the object. Shortly, before I was handed off to another co FAA ATC voice or radar controller. "On a separate frequency, I heard the object called as stationary traffic to an airliner."

((NUFORC Note: We have talked to the witness on several occasions, and we find him to be exceptionally credible. In addition, we have received from the FAA Boston Center both audio and radar tapes for the time period indicated. The Quality Assurance Office at Boston Center, which processed NUFORC's FOIA request indicates that the audio tape confirms that a pilot reported an anomalous object to the Center handling his flight. We will post more information, once the tapes are processed. Thanks to Peter Davenport


HILLSBOROUGH -- On August 8, 2000, I saw a round metallic object that had indentations. It was moving slowly across the sky at 5:30 PM. The object appeared to move under its own power. It was moving too fast and traveling in to deliberate fashion to have been a balloon. It was much shinier than a Mylar balloon, and also appeared much larger. There were both children and adults present at the sighting. We watched the object until it was obscured by the trees. NEWARK AIRPORT -- NUFORC reports that on August 17, 2000, at 10:24 AM two witnesses observed a fast moving silver ball shaped UFO. The witness reports, "I work for a moving company and was driving on the New Jersey Turnpike with a co-worker. As we passed Newark Airport, we watched the planes land and take off. I saw the sun glint off a plane that was traveling north toward us. It glinted again so I looked closer. It was round in front, but it didn't look right. As we got closer I asked myself, 'What the !@$%#! is that? It was just a big round silver ball about two miles away. It just kept traveling toward us and passed us on the left moving faster than any plane we have ever seen going to Newark Airport. It was silver and round about the size of a helicopter but without windows or lights, nothing on it at all. It moved in a perfect straight line as it traveled - no wobble- no up or down no side to side or spinning motions. It just went straight. There was no noise no smoke nothing. To us it looked to be made of a solid metal and glistened bright in the sun. We were listening to CBS 101.1 FM a strong station, but started picking up static. The object turned to go north following the Turnpike in a straight line at 2000 feet high. The sky was very clear. The UFO moved north six miles toward us in a straight line following the Turnpike. The event lasted about 30 seconds but we don't think it was a balloon since they can't travel so fast and in straight lines. Thanks to: Peter B. Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center (


NEWBURGH -- Bruce Cornet, Ph.D. writes that on October 4, 1992, he went to Stewart International Airport to photograph aircraft with navigation lights on at dusk. He witnessed and photographed a C-5 military transport aircraft disappear and then reappear as it landed at the airport. He photographed this extraordinary event just outside the perimeter of Stewart at the end of the main runway. Immediately after taking five pictures of the C-5 landing, red lights began to flash and a military police jeep sped down the runway access road to identify who had photographed the aircraft. After MPs saw Cornet, they returned to their base at the other end of the airfield. Soon thereafter a New York State trooper pulled up and stopped his car by Cornet's vehicle. He walked up the hill to where Cornet was standing, and asked him for his ID. He asked Cornet why he was taking pictures. He then told Cornet that taking pictures of aircraft at the airport was prohibited. He did not specify military aircraft. Stewart airport is a joint civilian and military facility.

Puzzled by this statement (Cornet had been to Stewart airport numerous times to photograph civilian and military aircraft without anyone objecting), he asked the trooper where he could go to get permission. The trooper told him to go to airport administration and security. Cornet drove over to the airport and asked an official in administration if he could take photographs of aircraft. He was told, "Yes," and that he could park alongside the perimeter fence and take as many pictures as he wanted. That series of events raised a number of questions in Cornet's mind, especially since he had observed and photographed the same C-5 circling above the area where he and two other witnesses had seen an AOP descend and disappear two days earlier. At Stewart after several aircraft landed, he heard the distant sound of a C-5 as it approached the airport. Because the Sun was low on the horizon to the right of the picture, he had to reduce the f-stop or aperture, which slowed the shutter speed down to about an eighth or a quarter of a second. Then he saw something large approaching from the south. As the C-5 came into range of his camera, he snapped a picture. But as soon as he had taken the picture, he could not see the C-5 anywhere. The photograph shows an enlargement. Only a blurred portion of the left wing and one navigation light can be seen. The entire fuselage, tail, and right wing are not visible in the photograph

Cornet's initial reaction when he saw the photograph was that he didn't have the aircraft inside the range of the camera. But he remembered seeing the aircraft disappear. Moments later the C-5 reappeared, but now much closer to the runway. Cornet rotated his camera and took another picture, this time capturing the C-5 well within the picture frame. When he examined this photograph, he was puzzled. The image did not show normal motion blur. In addition, the C-5 appeared as if it were a shadow. It was coal black in color. Based on the movement of navigation lights, it is clear that this photograph was taken as a slow speed. Blurring should have occurred only in back as the C-5 moved. But there is no blurring. Instead, a silhouette of the aircraft's shape is replicated in discrete steps, each becoming darker as it gets closer to the center of the image. In other words, the image of the aircraft is expanding in length and breadth in pulses, while absorbing any light that reaches the airframe. This is what one would expect for a contracting energy field around an object, if that energy field was capable of bending light or causing light to wrap around the airframe. Take a look at the negative and the sequence of images taken. In image #3 there is no aircraft. In image #4 the C-5 appears on the right side, but it is mostly invisible. In image #5 the C-5 is visible, but it does not appear normal. In image #6 the C-5 is clearly visible, but it still has blur both in front and in back. It is also lighter in color. Details of its engine pods and stabilizers can be made out now, whereas before they could not. In each of these images the amount of apparent blur decreases, as the color becomes lighter. In the last image showing the C-5 on the runway, the multicolored camouflage paint on the airframe can be seen clearly.

Soon after the C-5 landed and came to a stop, a military jeep containing MPs sped down the access road seen on the left, and stopped opposite Cornet, who was on the other side of a wire fence. As the C-5 landed, it slowed in speed rapidly, accounting for some of the decrease in motion blur. However, the fact that step-like blurring occurs both in front and in back of the fuselage, along with significant light absorption, implies that something else was happening. The fact that only a portion of the airframe is visible which should not have been the case (same camera, same shutter speed, same f-stop), implies that something else was happening. The fact that soon after the C-5 landed MPs attempted to identify who had taken pictures implies that something else was happening. A New York State trooper was called in to investigate and get Cornet's ID, and that he was told to tell Cornet that taking pictures of aircraft was prohibited, implies that something else was happening. What's the big deal taking pictures of C-5s, which can be seen parked on the tarmac? The fact that an airport official told Cornet later that same night that there was no ban on taking pictures of aircraft at the airport implies that something else was happening. Thanks to Bruce Cornet. The extraordinary photos are at:


FORT WORTH -- My name is Doug McGinnis. I have been photographing contrails beginning in July of 1999, in the (Westpoint) /Saginaw area and I have both seen and photographed sphere type, star type and an oval type objects. I would like to inform you of this most recent sighting. On August 3, 2000, at work in Saginaw at 6:15 PM, I noticed a contrail elongating within a cloud in the eastern sky, then saw a silver 747 type jet emerge going straight up in a westward direction emitting a staggered line contrail. I walked into our home for no more that two minutes, when I returned the jet had vanished! I than observed a small white ball in the sky hovering near where the jet had been. I pointed it out to another coworker who also witnessed the sphere. It moved very slow to the west, where after about 5 minutes it disappeared. A week later on August 11, while at work in Saginaw (Bana Box Inc.), and two co-workers and I noticed a white ball in the same place in the sky at around 6:00 PM It just hovered there with just a little westward movement! The sky was relatively clear and I don't think it was "just a balloon". It was the same height as before, maybe around 5000 feet. Thanks to Doug McGinnis and Debra Livingston. Living=Tracer Enterprises


Amy Hebert writes, "I began studying contrails and "chemtrail" claims in October, 1999. I also began video taping and photographing the contrails overhead at the same time. In addition to collecting photographic evidence, I conducted a correlative study and studied other information but have not found verifiable evidence to substantiate the claims that contrails (or "chemtrails" as they are automatically labeled by believers) cause illnesses in human populations. In reference to claims of photographic evidence of UFO's in contrails, I reviewed the images as posted on the internet and found almost all resembled the same images of birds, bugs, lens flare, debris and conventional aircraft I had captured with my own cameras. I wrote a letter to MUFON about the claims of a Mr. Avery who says he has captured images of UFO's in chemtrails and referred them to a web site where I had posted images of birds, bugs, lens flare, debris and conventional aircraft similar to Mr. Avery's images for comparison. A Mr. Jeff Sainio, MUFON staff photoanalyst, wrote me back saying he had analyzed some of the images presented to him by Mr. Avery and found Mr. Avery's images of "UFO's" to actually be insects. As for " disappearing aircraft" I have observed this optical illusion many times and video taped it. That high up, anything can seem to "disappear" due to the haze. We must use common sense and analyze phenomena with careful, scientific study to avoid reaching premature and baseless conclusions.


MUSKOGEE -- I read your article about aircraft disappearing after leaving chemtrails. I wanted to let you know about two separate incidents that occurred approximately a month ago. The first incident occurred when I left my office and saw what appeared to be a C-130 prop driven transport plane. It was flying north on following Highway 69 right through Muskogee. The plane was bigger than my fist and appeared to be less than one hundred yards away. I noticed the plane did not make any noise and when it reached Highway 62 it turned west. After turning west, I noticed a brown substance being sprayed from the tail section of the aircraft. It was very low in the sky and I was wondering if it was having problems and was trying to find a place to land. The second occurrence happened while driving down the Broken Arrow Expressway between Broken Arrow and Tulsa. I looked up and saw what appeared to be a stealth black aircraft. It was also flying at low altitude and was as large as my fist and appeared to be less than one hundred yards away. I kept trying to hear the aircraft but never did hear anything. Other drivers were also looking at it because we do not see such aircraft around this part of the country. Thanks to Mike.


RIGGINS -- While camping along the Salmon River at 10:10 PM in north central Idaho, I saw a fire ball moving slowly from south to north for a couple of seconds, then was gone over the horizon on July 21, 2000. The fireball was yellow-orange, but appeared to have a blue halo around the core. The fireball moved parallel to the Big Dipper and its length was consistent with its length. The fireball moved very slowly compared to a shooting star and had a very long and very bright tail. It is hard to judge its distance, but I heard no sound nor anything that would indicate impact. Since the event was of such short duration, its hard to describe further. Thanks to NUFORC


ASHLAND -- Myself and a female friend on July 30, 2000, looked out of the car window to observe a large saucer hovering about 100 feet off the right side of the car at 11:38 PM. It then took off after what seemed like an eternity. I don't know how long it had been since my watch stopped along with the car. I estimate it was only 30 seconds although it seemed much longer. Thanks to NUFORC (


Jon McIntyre writes, "Dear Major George, my name is Jonathan I'm 12 years old, I'm very interested in UFOs. The first time I saw on was in the year 1999, when I was in fifth grade. My brother s aw it first around noon. The UFO was shiny like tin foil and went behind the trees. We didn't get to see it again. When I was in sixth grade I was spending the night at my friend's house with my other friend. We were sleeping on a tarp and we saw two lights heading straight for each other. I think the little one crashed then the big one started to disappear and reappear. Thanks to:


LOS ANGELES - Media person Damian Barna called to say he observed a low flying UFO on Wednesday, August 16, 2000, around 6:00 PM. The witness was at work at the Democratic Convention Center and noticed a low flying C-130 type green aircraft circling the area. He assumed it was there for some kind of antiterrorist aerial protection for key government officials. Looking to the West he noticed a fast moving luminous contrail being formed moving east in the clear blue sky coming towards him. At arm's length the luminous jet trail was two inches long and a quarter inch high about 8 inches above the horizon. When the luminous object and the C-130 aircraft came in close proximity to each other the luminous object disappeared. Damian felt the object deliberately put on a show to be seen by those around the convention and the aircraft. Thanks to Damian Barna.


ORO-MEDONTE TOWNSHIP -- The Ottawa Citizen ran an article August 12, 2000, reporting a preliminary diagram of a cluster of three circles found two days earlier in a farmers field. Based on aerial photos in the newspaper and from investigator June Mewhort the farmer reports no tracks or pathways; the circles look quite good in the aerial. |They are clean, crisp swirls with sharp edges. Thanks to Paul Anderson, CPR-Canada Circles Phenomenon at,


QUETTA--The Nation Newspaper dated August 17, 2000, reports that the unidentified flying objects seen in the air Tuesday night in six different administrative districts of Balochistan remain unresolved. The government conducted a massive search for the culprits throughout day on Wednesday in two districts of Loralai and Barkhan. The witnesses say they saw seven flying objects, omitting lights and flames which were flying in echelon formation towards southeast coming from northwest. The provincial Home Secretary, Major Shehryar Khan Mahsod said, "Four helicopters were sent to the possible sites of landing of these objects in vein and that no one knew for sure what exactly flew in the air." Knowledgeable sources claim that these objects were even seen in Zabul province of neighboring Afghanistan while they traveled all along the seven districts, and then disappeared When contacted by The Nation, the Political Agent at Loralai, Shoib Mir Memon, told this scribe that it was strange that three flying objects were seen at the same time with the difference of few seconds of minutes in all districts right from Chaghi near the border of Afghanistan, to Loralai near the Punjab border and to another end. It is speculated they might be meteors because they disappeared. Thanks to Gerry at (gerry)


The following is from AIRWise News - Aug 14, 2000. The head of the Egyptian pilots' federation yesterday accused U.S. investigators of withholding key evidence in the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990 off the U.S. coast last October, according to Reuters. Walid Murad called for the release of radar images and the evidence of two pilots who said they saw missiles in the area where the plane went down, killing all 217 people on board. He told reporters that U.S. investigators said they were denying access to the radar images because they contained military secrets. "This is a weak excuse," he said. "This American stance is evidence of concealing facts, and we demand the release of these radar images and to hear the testimony of the two pilots, one German and one Jordanian, that they saw missiles where the Egyptian plane crashed," he said. Egypt Air Flight 990, headed for Cairo from New York, suddenly plunged into the Atlantic Ocean on October 31, 1999. Information from the flight data and cockpit voice recorders led to assertions by some U.S. investigators that relief copilot Gamil al-Batouti deliberately caused the crash. Egyptian officials have rejected that line of inquiry and worked on a theory that the plane's elevator panels on the tail, which control whether the nose points up or down, may have jammed. Murad said the Egyptian pilot's federation demanded the recovery of the remaining parts of the aircraft and the completion of an investigation to determine whether there were technical problems in the tail section. By concealing and leaking information, Murad said, the U.S. investigation risked losing credibility. "The National Transportation Safety Board did release 1,665 pages of data of its investigation into the crash of Egyptair Flight 990," August 11, 2000, "but drew no conclusion about the cause, a move that allows the political dispute between the United States and Egypt to continue." BLUE BOOK PHOTOS OF THE LUBBOCK TEXAS LIGHTS, 1951
Tim Cooper writes, According to Edward Ruppelt's account preserved in his book "THE REPORT ON UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS" published in 1956, there were sightings in August, September and October of 1951. At approximately 9:00 P.M. on August 25, 1951, an employee of the Sandia Corporation's AEC subsidiary division, and his wife observed a large, triangle-shaped craft pass slowly and silently over Albuquerque, New Mexico, at a very low
altitude. The object was described as a V-shaped wing with six-to-eight soft, glowing, bluish lights on the wing's leading edges. See, BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE MY FREE REPORT All real estate agents are not the same?  Some real estate agents or sales representatives are part timers and inexperienced.  Others are experts with an excellent experience and capabilities.  When you are selling or buying your home, you need to make sure you have the best real estate agent working for you before you make any important financial decisions on one your biggest investments!  Remember, the majority of people do not know the right questions to ask, and what pit falls can cause major problems.  Picking the right real estate agent can be a wonderful experience, and picking the wrong one can be a big mistake that can waste your time and cost you thousands!  Find out, " What you need to understand before hiring any real estate agent!"  These are the questions that many agents do not want you to ask.  Learn how you can obtain the best real estate agent for your needs.  To get a free copy of this report, just call (609) 654-0020 or e-mail us at We can also help you with your own or corporate Worldwide Relocation to Australia, Benelux, Canada, Cayman Islands, England, France, Guam, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Puerto Rico, and US. PHOTOGRAPH BOOKLET of some of the best UFO shots available and data on their propulsion systems by US Navy Commander Graham Bethune.. $10.00. Send check or money order to G. Filer 222 Jackson Road, Medford, New Jersey 08055        MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly investigative reports subscribe by contacting  Mention I recommended you for membership.  Filer's Files is copyrighted 2000 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved.  Readers may post items from the files on their Web Sites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared.  Send your letters to  Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name.  Please state if you wish to keep your name, address, or story confidential. 
UFORC thanks Major George Filer (retired)and MUFON Eastern for keeping us updated on the latest ufo news and information.


Subj: Filer's Files #33  Messengers of Deception
Date: 8/21/00 8:05:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Majorstar
BCC: Kx32i483


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