The Haunted Bar

have u ever heard of the bar in Morristown NJ, called Jimmies? its a bar and night club, but it is also haunted.....Long ago in the early 1800s there was a man, i dont know his name but he was a phyco.............he killed a young girl named phibie, in that same house, when it was a barn, he also killed the owner too.....he was convicted and hanged on the green in the center of town...but some stay u could still feel his precesence.........but the big thing was in the bar itself........ it is said to be haunted the little girl..... she is said to come out at night, and is a ghost who stares, walks, and runs along the house...many people felt her precence including me.....phibie is also buried outside the club..knowone knows where but she is.......also......the face of the man that killed her, or at least a replica of his at the bar.......... i once took a picture and i found an orb.........i definetly do not like going in there........

Submitted by: Alec