In Jersey City there is a church by Lincoln Park on West Side Ave, [I don't recall the name of the church, it may be St. Al's] and inside it is decorated with marble walls. By the alter they have the golden tabernacle and all, but it was always a joke with the people in my high school that Satan was in the wall there. Sure enough, I went in one day and in the marble above the tabernacle was a design that looked sort of like a horned beast, aka Satan. It was not man made, as it was built right into the natural design of the marble. A lot of people know it is there, and have seen it, but from the looks of it there has never been any attempt to cover it up. You can see it from the pews at least 10 rows from the alter, so it weirds me out that no one ever put a framed picture over it or anything. It's really weird.
Submitted by: Psycho E-mail