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We love reading your stories so send them in why don't you. The form is at the bottom, but, in case you're not sure how it works check out our EZ PZ guide 2 getting your fic listed. If you don't get an email back there's probably a problem with the form so don't be afraid 2 resubmit.

The EZ PZ guide to Fic's

By Evil Jennifer Thornton -Lint 4 Brains

Name - Who I should put as the writer(s) of this....or whoever stole this fic and calls it theirs.*

Email - So I can email U back, get one @ hotmail or

( is great 4 cool emails. I've got loads of L. J. ones like

Rating - I'll change it if necessary but I may get testy if I'm not given a good idea of it.

Categories - Is it a Forbidden Game Story (FG), Night World (NW), etc.

Summary - What's it about? Rough story guide.

Disclaimer - No, Julian doesn't belong 2 U. (No matter how much U want him 2)

Picture URL - This is 4 fan art. You can always send me pictures by email if U can't get them online.

* stealing fic's or Rashel'll get her bokken out! (She's not pretty when she's angry).


Well dearies...due to my vast stupidity the form isn't working…dunno why.

Please go to the main page and email the above details to me. If you have recently tried to submit a tale please email it to me!
