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The Healing Process after Death

Hi.... back for another session. Well, the topic we shall cover today is a very sensitive one. At my school and around my city. Teenagers have been in terrible car accidents resulting in serious injury or death. Actually, I very beloved guy at my school died on Monday, February the 18th. Whar I'm here to do is to give tips on how to cope.

Tips on Coping: Number One: Probably there is someone out there that is hurting much more than you... go and be strong for them. Number Two: Never be afraid to cry. That is your God given right and no one will think less of you. Number Three: Help out the family of the deceased. They will need you right now. Number Four: If someone is blaming themselves for the deaths than confort them as much as possible and NEVER think that it was their fault because that blackens your heart. Number Five: If you feel so strongly and can't get the thought of the victim out of your head, do something in loving memory of him... build a memorial... create a scrapebook... build a website where people can leave messages on the deceased... plant a tree.... do a project. Anything to show how much you love them and that you will always remember them.