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userID: jtgreen1

Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 19:12:14 -0800
From: Anonymous [Add to Address Book]
Subject: eBay deadbeat story

I like your site.

I sold a computer on eBay last September, and the high bidder, who goes by
"h8w8" (, took 6 days to contact me. His excuse was that
he is a fireman and was at World Trade Center "digging bodies out of the
rubble." Problem is, the guy lives in Redondo Beach, CA.

Anyway, he told me to send him a PayPal invoice. I did immediately, and a
week later, he still hadn't paid. I finally e-mailed him and told him the
computer was going to the second highest bidder. He responded by saying he
still wanted the computer, that it was for his son, and he used the "digging
bodies out of the rubble" excuse AGAIN.

So let's see if I have this straight, Mr. h8w8. You won the auction, then
someone from New York called and flew you out to WTC, where you proceeded to
dig up dead bodies, despite the fact that the only role out-of-town
firefighters played was to attend funerals, not to mention that very, very
few bodies were ever "dug out" anyway.

Then you flew back home to California, and answered my original e-mail six
days after the auction ended.

Then, son of a gun, they flew you out there AGAIN to dig EVEN MORE bodies
out of the rubble, keeping you from paying me via Paypal for at least
another week. You are really some kind of hero! It must have been damned
expensive for the City of New York to fly all those firefighters out there
from the west coast. You'd think it would be cheaper to bring in firemen
from New Jersey, but what do I know?

I know this: You've probably never been within 2000 miles of New York.
You're not a fireman. And you don't even have a son.

And you're going to hell.



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