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What better place is there to find news and information about online auctions than... online? The following links have either been submitted to me or have been discovered by yours truly while snooping around the internet for news that digs into the corrupt side of online auctions. As always I welcome submissions so if you have ANYTHING related to the grim side of online auctions do not hesitate to drop me an e-mail.

Sadder than Platoon
This person signed my guestbook and provided a URL to one of the most frustrating eBay nightmare stories I have ever read. It is a remarkable site and, even though he never got a refund, he still managed to create a site that beautifully illustrates the power of persistence and the routes one can take to try to rectify their eBay woes. Great work.

eBayers That Suck. A New Friend of Mine
Thanks to, this person found my site and contacted me. The person that runs the site is extremely kind and has a very great set-up. Check it out and bookmark it. It promises to be one of the best eBay deadbeats sites around.

I Finally Found a Soul Mate
Brilliance! Finally, a site that has the same motive I have. Great layout, quick and easy means of submitting your eBay nightmare stories, and a dignified, steadily growing community. Besides my site, this is one site you abolutely cannot miss if you are feeling let down by another eBay member.

Here Ye, Here Ye!
Thinking about using eBay? Well, there are people out there that will screw you. Guaranteed. Therefore, bid prepared. Have a look at this list of deadbeats and be warned.

Wow. Just WOW.
Finally, a site with solid credentials. It was listed in an issue of PC Magazine a while back and it was also listed on a TechNews website article. Currently listed 6th place when you do a search on Yahoo for "deadbeat bidders". The guy contacted me personally and could not have been nicer. A+

Win Any Item You Want and Pay as Little As Possible
So some of his links don't work and some of the items he discusses cannot be accessed anymore. Big deal. The fact is he uncovers one of the more pervasive swindling techniques on eBay.

Shillings: Not Just A Colonial Form Of Currency
This is a great article I found It is long, and may take a while to get through, but it is a highly elightening article. If you bid or sell, you must read this.

Selling A Cup of Coffee on eBay
A comprehensive look at one man's sale of a cup of coffee on eBay. Thanks Dave

Beanie Babies as Defective as the People Who Sold/Bought Them
This is actually a pretty amazing site. Although the design isn't as flawless as MY site (kidding), it is absolutely loaded with more information on deadbeat sellers/traders within the demented world of Beanie Babies. They have hundreds of rip-off sellers listed alphabetically by e-mail or username. Each person's ID is linked to an entire page detailing how exactly they ripped their customers off and what actions have been taken. Included are help contacts for customers who have been swindled, details of court proceedings, the names and aliases of the scam-artists, and much more. CHECK IT OUT!

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