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Although I'm NOT Affiliated With ...

I feel there should be someone whose goal is to uncover, report, and ridicule auction-goers who are nothing more than deadbeats or scam-artists. This site can live only through your contributions. It is a site for the people by the people and your input counts! There are many many ways in which a winning bidder can screw the seller. Proportionatly, there are many ways in which a seller can take advantage of a high bidder or prospective bidder. Some examples of these hard facts at work can include:
  • A Non-Paying, Non-Responsive Bidder
  • As A Joke, An Individual Bidding Until The Price is Extremely High
  • A Seller Taking Liberties With Shipping Costs As A Means To A Greater Profit
  • A Seller Fabricating Item Descriptions To The Point of Misrepresentation
  • A Seller Taking Your Money and Then Disappearing

A Quick Word Before Proceeding...

The internet is a medium full of more crap and garbage than Hollywood. A good friend and mentor had an epiphany; "Why Not Create a website dedicated to just that... Crap." And then there was

With a growing fan-base and a steadily increasing number of daily hits, Poop Report is quickly rising to the ranks of Consumption Junction , Rotten , and I Love Bacon . Like this site, Poopreport is a site that relies on viewer contribution so stop by!

If by the following treatise, you find you don't like what I am saying, or if you have a submission, I'd love to hear from you. Expect a response; perhaps in the form of a virus,


I Am The Wrath Of God

I am the great traitor. There can be none greater. Anyone considering desertion will be cut into 198 pieces. Those pieces will be stamped on until what is left can only be used to paint walls. Whoever takes 1 grain of corn or one drop of water too much will be imprisoned 155 years. If I want birds to drop dead from the trees, then the birds will drop dead from the trees. I am the Wrath of God. The earth I walk upon sees me and quakes.

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