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Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 20:55:33 EST
Subject: eBay User: "ricki8lake"


I've just been flicking through some of the comments people have made about
various users on eBay and thought i'd inform you of two losers i had the
misfortune to stumble across;

These two eBayers listed above ( "ricki8lake" and "bricomot" )are two fine
examples of the world's rejects;

The first one, although they may have a decent feedback rating, they are a
complete time and money waster - they used the buy it now feature on one of
my auctions when it had only been online for about 30 hours which i was quite pleased
about. However, my first email congratulated them on their purchase and asked them
where they lived, and how they wanted it posted. NO REPLY. The second was
sent with a postage quote from anywhere to anywhere in Great Britain along
with the total due. I sent my email address for Paypal payment and my
mailing address in case they wanted to send a cheque. NO REPLY. My third
email i sent through eBay with an invoice asking to pay within 7 days. The
user stopped the auction by using Buy It Now and cost me time and money. I
have left negative feedback for them, and also filed a complaint with eBay
in their "Non-Paying Bidders" section and the user is just about
to get their second warning from me which will give them a "caution" - if
they get three cautions their user id is suspended so it says on eBay. So
that's rickilake done and dealt with.

Now onto "bricomot" - an immature Canadian who thinks he know everything
about everything;

The second, "bricomot" i was the winning bidder for a dvd and upon the
auction closing emailed the user asking for p+p rates to England. NO REPLY.
After about a week i emailed them saying i hadn't heard anything, could they
please get in touch. Two minutes later i had 7 emails from the user, 6 of
them all saying the same thing. The seventh one saying "Well, you've heard
from us now." I replied saying "Isn't it a bit childish to be sending the
same thing 6 times" he gave an arrogant response and suggested i shouldn't
use Hotmail as they apparently lose 25% of all mail sent through it (Ain't
it funny how everyone i know has a Hotmail address and i use it everyday and
not one email has "gone missing"). I offered Paypal, personal cheque or moeny orded for
payment, neither of which he wanted so i have given up trying to reason with the silly bugger.
No doubt he will negative feedback for me saying I haven't paid etc but i am
not going to deal with an adult who has the mental age of a 7 year old.

Feel free to put this on your site as it will no doubt fend off another two
eBay timewasters.

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