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userID: jtgreen1

Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 00:10:11 -0400
From: Anonymous
Subject: Deadbeat like no other!!!

Sure I have had a couple of negative feedbacks myself, but in almost all
cases I have gone the extra mile to fix the problem. This guy takes the
cake. He won my auction, then sent this email...

From: Graham Haywood []
Subject: Sony MD

Hello, I am the winner of your auction number 1318908087. I have a few
questions before I buy this product off of you. First of all, does this
minidisc system have a record feature; by this I mean can record songs onto
a minidisc with the unit, or does it not have that feature? If it does not
have that feature, can you explain to me how I create minidiscs? Also, does
this minidisc system skip easily, and how old is the unit? Does it come
with headphones? Your response is greatly appreciated, thank you. Graham

I think these are questions this scum should have asked me before bidding and winning my
auction. What ever you want to do is fine with me, I have
included a link to this dick's feedback. Please feel free to add this to
your website and I think it would be really cool if you emailed him (and me)
to let him know it is on there!

Keep up the good work


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